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Black Pearl and QAR Progress

Also, Pieter, the walk file for the Pearl is messed up. they're walking in the air.
Exactly why I don't want to put her in my game yet. :facepalm

Idk how her walk file got re activated. I turned it off.
Maybe when I installed Patch 7. Seems that scrambled a couple of my textures too. Odd.

I thought you were using the old Pearl. I recognized the old Pearl's odd sail shapes.
So there's no way at all to give the ships lights like the lantern shown here?

[attachment=7601:moddingNGINE 2011-11-20 20-45-33-79.jpg]
So there's no way at all to give the ships lights like the lantern shown here?
I did a bit of an experiment with that, but you can forget about that one. I'd have to adapt the steamship style code,
but the problem is that I'd have to compensate for roll and pitch angle which really becomes too complicated for me. Too much trigonometry. :facepalm
How do you bump map?
You can read, can't you? So this shouldn't have been a problem for you to understand, surely:
It's just a thought, and you'll have to find out for yourself how it works in Photoshop.
I don't use Photoshop, so I don't know how the bump mapping works with it. Use this thing called the Internet and you might learn something. :slap

the walk file for the Pearl is messed up. they're walking in the air.
It's been like that ever since the new Pearl was introduced, and has been mentioned multiple times already. :rolleyes:
Speaking of the Pearl's walk file, I finally managed to put a new one together, by modifying the Revenge's walk file: http://www.pyratesah...ackPearl_walk.c :dance
Just install this to 'PROGRAM > SEA_AI > walk' and overwrite the old file. Should work straight away with Patch 7. New game required.

Now to sort out the skeleton crew texture. Those guys are still very low quality! :shock
So does that mean I can put the new Pearl in my game now? That sounds niiiice! Which ones are the files for the latest edition?

Better quality skeletons would be good. Did you finish the better quality crew already? I know you were working on that, but last thing I knew, you had 2 out of 4 done or so.
The latest Pearl will be the contents of Legendary_Spider's official release, plus any updates released since then in this thread.
There are more updates that Bonjourmonami has sent me via e-mail, but I have yet to merge them and export from Maya.

Anyway, here's the new skeleton texture: http://www.pyratesahoy.com/potc/Experienced%20Captain/Lo_skel.tga.7z
The old one was miniscule; only 64x64 pixels! This update, now 512x512, makes them look pretty spooky, seeing as you can actually see them clearly! xD:

The rest of the crew texture is still a WIP at the moment. That hardest part is finding full-size character textures which would look good as replacements for the crew. It's taking ages!
What's more difficult is, the body has to work as a symmetrical texture, too. Then there's the heads, which will need manipulating quite a bit.
If you or anyone else could have a look through the textures in TX Converter to see if you can find any candidates, that would be most helpful to me.
Ok I think I have bump mapping figured out. Like the alpha channel thing for the sails, it looks like I'll have to do this on GIMP. But I can't figure out where to apply it. What areas of the ship did you have in mind for bump mapping exactly?
So does that mean I can put the new Pearl in my game now? That sounds niiiice! Which ones are the files for the latest edition?

Better quality skeletons would be good. Did you finish the better quality crew already? I know you were working on that, but last thing I knew, you had 2 out of 4 done or so.

Yeah I'm all done with her except for any possible bump mapping. So I'm gonna wait to see what Armada suggests, because I'm not sure where I would apply it.
When you install her, don't forget to change the waterline to -0.7 on all 3 Pearls.

The Queen Anne's Revenge is nearly done. Stayed up all night working on her. Just have to re-texture those special surfaces Aramda made.
I've made a significant improvement on the stained glass window of the Captain's cabin.
I wish I could've found a pic of the window fully backlit, but I was unable to. Maybe in the future that shot will appear. As of now I can only find a small piece of it. But this front lit glass is more realistic anyway.

[attachment=7608:Fullscreen capture 11222011 44731 AM.jpg]
Yeah I'm all done with her except for any possible bump mapping. So I'm gonna wait to see what Armada suggests, because I'm not sure where I would apply it.
When you install her, don't forget to change the waterline to -0.7 on all 3 Pearls.
Cheers, mate! I was just wondering if I had to do anything with that. Other than that, I think I've got the new Pearl in my game,
I kept the old crew walk file for the Wicked Wench for now so that she doesn't get the wrong crew. So if we don't get a new Wicked Wench, at least we'll still have the old one working properly.
In fact, just for the sake of having some subtle differences, why don't we forget about the Wicked Wench altogether and just keep Kazeite's model for her?
Though ideally without the figurehead as per the book; not that that is going to make much of a difference to anyone, who even read that book and registered that the Wench is not supposed to have a figurehead?
Easy does the trick, right? :wp
HA! I got the new Black Pearl in my game now! Nice model, mate! :onya

Now that she is being worked on anyway, would it be possible to open up the cabin so you can walk into it?
I know that's an oft-requested feature, so it'd be brilliant if we can say that has now been tackled too.
Just a random thought; personally, I'm quite happy without that feature also. :doff
I was wondering if we could make it so you can walk into the cabin, but keep the doors closed? That would satisfy people, but keep her looking nice cosmetically. I personally think she'd look odd without any doors.

Almost done with the Revenge. I gave her a nicer name plate. Now for the stern texture, rings, and bow skeletons.

I don't see any reason to keep the old Pearl model around. The new one has proper rigging and sails and the rope railings, and the statues actually look like women, plus other stuff.
Getting the Wench into Beta 2 shouldn't be unreasonable. If I just use the new Pearl hull, her textures are basically done, I'd just have to change the colors pretty much. She'd look nice with the new Planking that the Pearl and Revenge have.
Does anyone else get an error message with the new Black Pearl walk file?
RUNTIME ERROR - file: sea_ai\walk\BlackPearl_walk.c; line: 88
invalid index 78 [size:78]
RUNTIME ERROR - file: sea_ai\walk\BlackPearl_walk.c; line: 88
function 'BlackPearl_walk_init' stack error
I had a look at the file and it looks correct to me and seems to work fine ingame. But I still get that error.log entry. :facepalm

On a different subject, I moved the QAR's bow chaser locators down to where the Greek Fire should come from,
which seems to have helped with the weird effect because you can't see it when the emission point goes into the hull.
I also increased the speeds of the particles, which makes it look better still. And I've added a sound effect, which certainly helps with getting the point across.
The range of the bow chasers is still about three ship lengths, which sounds fair enough to me; it certainly shouldn't be MORE, at least.
Oooooo I wanna test that out!
Got the code handy?

Idk about the Pearl, I haven't tried her out with the new walk file since I put it in.

Ugh. My eyes are so sick of staring at the screen. But I can't stop now. I'm so close to being done.
Damn you fatigue, go away. lol
Give this a try: http://www.pyratesahoy.com/build/b14_b2_wip/QARGreekFireUpdate.exe
No new game should be required.
I'm not worthy!

You never cease to amaze me. The flamethrowers look brilliant. They even work while sailing! And even better when going slow or sitting still. They look especially nice at night.

As soon as I finish her textures, Imma post a nice pic of that. People have been wanting this since before the model was built. lol
Love the SFX btw.
I'm glad that you now DO think the Greek Fire is fit for release! Would be a shame to be THAT close and not be able to get it good enough.
So now the range is better, the emission point is correct, the weird effect is not noticeable, we've got a sound effect AND it actually sets other ships on fire. :woot

Edit: This does mean that the QAR's bow chaser cannons are no longer operational. We can't have AND regular cannons AND the Greek Fire.
Yup. It's official, the supernatural ships have now gone from looking to cool, to being totally bad-ass.

Cursed Black Pearl generates it's own fog and has sweeps. Cursed Flying Dutchman submerges, can summon the Kraken, and sails into the wind. Queen Anne's Revenge has the sword of Triton and Greek fire that sets other ships alight.

So what's the verdict on the un-cursed Dutchman? Kraken or no Kraken? Does she submerge?