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Black Pearl and QAR Progress

I did a double take on that for a minute, but then I remembered I haven't given out the sail updates yet. Armada, don't let me forget that.

D'oh! I totally forgot about the fact that the cursed Pearl is always shrouded in fog. Is that creating any lag?
See attached; what say you? :wp
Interesting! It looks a bit too white at the moment, but it gets the point across! :onya

How's the framerate doing with all those particles? That's my main concern.
The lag is alright as long as you don't move the camera into the cloud. To prevent horrible lag, we're decreasing the amount of fog as soon as you go on your own ship's deck.
It isn't actually more particle effects than the steamfrigates generate.
Seems to work pretty well. Should add some interest to any scenes in the game where you're battling or being chased by the cursed Black Pearl. :cheeky

If you look at the movie, the fog following the Pearl during the HMS Interceptor chase is really very white. There's a lot more of it than I've got on that screenshot too.
I like it.
I was wondering if there was something we could do for the Cursed Pearl. Looks good.
I was thinking it might be nice to have the fog a bit more transparent rather than starting out bright white; not yet sure how to do that, but it might be possible.
That might work, yes. If not, then simply making the effects slightly darker might work.
I'm just concerned that the ENB graphics make pure-white objects 'glow' a little, and we don't want glowing fog, that's for sure! :wacko:
Note that I do play with ENB, so it's not going to be any brighter than it is on my screenshot.
I'll see what I can do; I'd like it to be a bit more see-through myself.
So would I. I'm just thinking of alternatives in case you find this is another impossible/complicated solution. :rolleyes:
Damn. Even when making it more transparent, it still becomes white as the particles pile on top of each other.
As for changing the colour, I did find this line which will make it RED:
color = 4294901760
However, I have no idea what kind of colour coding they're using, so I don't know how to change that number to be more grayish.

Do keep in mind that REAL fog IS pretty white from itself and may only look different because of the light.
Consider also that they somehow deliberately made all PotC movies lighted darker than real life would be, basically making the Caribbean look like the North Sea area.
That's some pretty weird colour coding for sure! This will take some figuring out. :mm

I know real fog does look pretty white, but all I'm hoping is possible is to compensate for the extra brightness that ENB causes, because that's TOO white.
Even just a very slight colour adjustment, if we can figure it out, might be enough. Who knows?
THIS is what I've been looking for to help me finish the Pearl's stern. Took forever, but I found it!

In all honesty, these stern statues need to be completely remodeled. They haven't changed with all the versions of the Pearl. For one, the tails are all wrong, and the proportions are off, and the Neptune statues are supposed to have a back and front, but ours have the same thing on each side.


And here's a shot of the figurehead from the first movie that Bonjourmonami was talking about with the bent knee.

Bonjourmonami, looks like you were right! Check this out.

The first figurehead is the one from the first movie. The second figurehead is the one used for the second and third movies. Looks like I was right about the color differences. I knew the first one was darker. lol

Apparently the first figurehead was auctioned off, but the second is somewhere in storage.



And here is the best pic of the Wicked Wench I'e found so far. This is where Jack Sparrow's Wicked Wench got it's name from, the actual Wicked Wench at Disneyland which has been there since the ride was built.

Damn. Even when making it more transparent, it still becomes white as the particles pile on top of each other.
As for changing the colour, I did find this line which will make it RED:
color = 4294901760
However, I have no idea what kind of colour coding they're using, so I don't know how to change that number to be more grayish.

I believe that decimal 4294901760 is converted to HEX RGB FFFF0000. Don't ask me how, I suck at math!

Try something like : 12568013 or 15395562
Is that ENB thing worth installing? Maybe I should give it a go.
Gives quite a framerate hit if your computer isn't very good, but otherwise can make the game look a little bit nicer.

I believe that decimal 4294901760 is converted to HEX RGB FFFF0000. Don't ask me how, I suck at math!
Try something like : 12568013 or 15395562
See attached! That's using the 12568013 value. Better?