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A Family' Story

She's now one of the permanent residents. Previously there were three; now meet the other three.
santiago_citizen1.jpg santiago_citizen2.jpg santiago_citizen3.jpg

And here's one of the original residents (the name was already like that xD):

Santiago appears to have an outdoor store! It's next to the tavern, and as one of the new "merchant" locators is on the store, it's now occupied:

New trees, new shops and new people - Santiago is now the number 1 place to visit in the Caribbean. So let's make visitors feel welcome:
Exactly. All I want to do is reroute the reload from "Cuba_Jungle_04" to point to "Santiago_town_exit1", which is the location without warehouses. Then set a reload locator from "Santiago_town_exit1" to point back to "Cuba_Jungle_04". So you'd walk from Playa de Sierra Maestra to the jungle, to the outskirts location which has no warehouses, to Santiago town.

And then, in "Bartolomeu\StartStoryline.c", change the reloads back again so that you do get to the warehouses!
Another thought: if I do this, perhaps also reroute the exit from Santiago to point at "Santiago_outskirts" for the "Bartolomeu" story. That way, when Bartolomeu walks out of Santiago, he always sees the same exit. He won't get into the warehouses except when the story lets him, of course. Before then, he can wander past the warehouses thinking "Wouldn't it be nice to plunder those?" Later, he can wander past the warehouses and laugh at the memory of plundering them. xD
Another thought: if I do this, perhaps also reroute the exit from Santiago to point at "Santiago_outskirts" for the "Bartolomeu" story. That way, when Bartolomeu walks out of Santiago, he always sees the same exit. He won't get into the warehouses except when the story lets him, of course. Before then, he can wander past the warehouses thinking "Wouldn't it be nice to plunder those?" Later, he can wander past the warehouses and laugh at the memory of plundering them. xD
Between the beach and the warehouses, there is another location, right?
Change this location with another one. This new location will have an exit to the beach (South side), exit to the warehouses (East side or West side) always closed if the player is not playing the quest and finally an exit to Santiago outskirts (North Side).
There is a jungle location between the beach and the outskirts. If you want that replaced, perhaps you'd like to do it? I don't mind doing a bit of minor tweaking such as rerouting reloads, but outright replacement of a location for your storyline is something I'd prefer to leave to you. Besides, you probably have access to different location models (e.g. Hispaniola Buccaneers Camp and its outskirts ;)) which I don't have.

Also, if I understand correctly, the new jungle location should link to the warehouses and to Santiago; which means Santiago can't link to the warehouse location. Wouldn't that mean the warehouse raid needs to be changed? As I recall, Pedro Rivera runs out of Santiago saying that Spanish soldiers are after him; that might not work if Santiago links to the jungle rather than to the warehouse location.

One possibility is to put a condition 'if (sti(GetStorylineVar(FindCurrentStoryline(), "BART_PUZZLES")) <= 0)' around my proposed changes to "PROGRAM\Locations\init\Cuba.c", so that reloads between Santiago and the beach are only rerouted in other storylines. In the "Bartolomeu" storyline, they'd stay exactly as they are now. You could then change them for your storyline however you like.
One possibility is to put a condition 'if (sti(GetStorylineVar(FindCurrentStoryline(), "BART_PUZZLES")) <= 0)' around my proposed changes to "PROGRAM\Locations\init\Cuba.c", so that reloads between Santiago and the beach are only rerouted in other storylines. In the "Bartolomeu" storyline, they'd stay exactly as they are now. You could then change them for your storyline however you like.
Do you mean the warehouses location can only be seen by the player during my storyline?
If yes, ok for this change.
Exactly. In all other storylines, Santiago town and the jungle should link to the normal outskirts location with no warehouses. Only in "Bartolomeu", the town and jungle should link to the special outskirts location with the warehouses.

So only in your story will players see the warehouses.
The attached should open up Playa de Sierra Maestra and the route from there to Santiago town. Files changed:
  • PROGRAM\ISLANDS\Islands_init.c: Playa de Sierra unlocked
  • PROGRAM\Locations\init\Cuba.c: reload definitions for "Cuba_Jungle_04" and "Santiago_town_01" changed to depend on storyline as described in post #85.
  • PROGRAM\Storyline\Bartolomeu\quests\quests_reaction.c": at case "attack", the reloads from "Santiago_outskirts" to "Santiago_town_01" are disabled. This is necessary if they're enabled in "Cuba.c" so that the player can't go into town during the warehouse raid. The reloads are already enabled at case "finexpedition" so that the player can go into town later.
I've tested this. First I started "Tales of a Sea Hawk", ignored the story, went straight for Cuba, and landed at Playa de Sierra Maestra. After going through the jungle I arrived at the normal Santiago outskirts, the one with no warehouses.

Then I started "Bartolomeu", went to Eugene Martin to get a ship, ignored the story and again went straight to Playa de Sierra Maestra. This time I ended up at the outskirts with warehouses, both locked because it's not yet time to go into them.

@Bartolomeu o Portugues: have you any objection to the tweak to your "quests_reaction.c" to close the reload to "Santiago_town_01" when needed for the raid? If not, this whole lot can go into the next update.


  • sierra_maestra.zip
    78.8 KB · Views: 307
I have put together a small collection of items you can use for a military camp:
Tent, supply_tent, muskets, mortair, bonfire, supplies.
The models are ready to place, just add the ground height to the default y-values.
A smoke locator at the bonfire makes it.

camp1.jpg camp2.jpg camp3.jpg


  • BOP military camp.7z
    2.5 MB · Views: 306
Really good Jack!! :onya
I'll use that.
Just something else. Can you make a Napoleonic Flag to be added to the camp?
Better to ask @Grey Roger for that, he's more into the flags.
But not into making models which use them. ;)

A Google Image search for "French Napoleonic Army Flag" turns up quite a few hits. If you want something more elaborate than a basic tricolour then you're looking for regimental colours, which would depend on which army unit you have in mind.

You might not need a flag at all. See that bird on top of the flagpole on the model? That's an Imperial Eagle:
Although they were presented with regimental colours, the regiments of Napoléon I tended to carry at their head the Imperial Eagle.

(Click on the image to see a bigger version.)