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A Family' Story

After the next installer is out, and if I haven't found anything more interesting to do, I might try playing around with removing the duplicate lines and renaming the attribute names to see what happens.
Yes, I think it's a great idea if you can try this.
A thought about "A Family Story":

It is unlikely that anyone will see this. It's for José Joaquín Almeida, who starts off in Saint George, Grenada, because he's Portuguese and that's the starting point for any Portuguese character. He's friendly to Britain because Portugal is allied to Britain, which is just as well because Grenada is British in the "Napoleonic" period. But he probably won't stay friendly for long because he has an American LoM in 1812. So by the time he's level 10 and the quest can trigger, he has no particular reason to return to Saint George.

On the other hand, he probably has been visiting Eleuthera regularly. That's America's only territory, therefore the only place where Almeida can get promotions. Perhaps have the quest trigger there instead? Or have someone talk to him and tell him that someone in Saint George wants to tell him something important?
On the other hand, he probably has been visiting Eleuthera regularly. That's America's only territory, therefore the only place where Almeida can get promotions. Perhaps have the quest trigger there instead? Or have someone talk to him and tell him that someone in Saint George wants to tell him something important?
Makes sense to me. I sent a message on Facebook to Bartolomeu to notify him of your question, because I think he doesn't regularly visit the forum.
Bartolomeu says:
I need some holidays to finish my last Bartolomeu quest :-\
Otherwise, I saw the comment of Grey Roger a minute ago. Well, I think there is no problem to trigger the quest on Eleuthera. Maybe Grey Roger could do the change if he wants to :)
Sorry, I have my own quest business to deal with.

And I'm looking forward to seeing the further adventures of Bartolomeu. And, for that matter, the further adventures of Johan Elting. :onya
Presumably you are. ;)

Otherwise, do you have a picture of the real José Joaquín Almeida? (Wikipedia thinks his middle name should be "Joaquím", by the way. It has no pictures of him.) Or do you just want his clothes to change colour to make him more distinct from the original "sailor10" model?
Wikipedia thinks his middle name should be "Joaquím", by the way.
I put my hand up to that typo when first suggesting the character. From there it has faithfully spread through the code. I guess a find and replace is in order.
As far as I can see, the following files need to be corrected:
  • PROGRAM\Models\initModels.c (to change the character's name)
  • PROGRAM\Storyline\FreePlay\StartStoryline.c (to recognise the new name to set up his nation and relations
  • PROGRAM\Storyline\FreePlay\quests\both_reaction.c (to recognise the new name to start the quest)
Have I missed anything?

Try this...


  • almeida_name_change.zip
    83.9 KB · Views: 391
I put my hand up to that typo when first suggesting the character. From there it has faithfully spread through the code. I guess a find and replace is in order.
And I didn't catch it either; thought the name with an "n" sounded more normal. :shock
Yes, in Portuguese, it's Joaquim... not Joaquin :D
Or do you just want his clothes to change colour to make him more distinct from the original "sailor10" model?
Indeed, could be a solution :)
I would like to extend a bit this quest so that the player can visit his ruined mansion on Grenada.
So far, I have not found a 3D model for this purpose :unsure
Remember that Grenada, alias La Grenade, alias Concepcion, is significant in other quests and storylines. If you put a ruined mansion there, it's going to be visible to anyone, regardless of whether they're playing your quest. ;) Maybe have a sneaky locator somewhere which leads to the ruin, either directly or via another jungle location?

About José Joaquím Almeida's model: give me some ideas of how you want him to look, then I'll see what I can do. Changing the colours of his clothes would be easy. Or, looking through what I can grab from GoF, would any of these be suitable?
corsair1_4.jpg officer_1.jpg officer_8.jpg officer_16.jpg
(I can't guarantee that they'll work in PoTC. Some models which I imported from GoF worked perfectly. Others have faults in the model which cause silly things to happen to the game when you move between locations. But the one on the left is a variant of a standard model with tricorne hat and the texture would work with a PoTC model.)
There's a mansion in Cartagena.
Is that already used in your quest somewhere? I can't quite remember...

If anyone knows any nice location models to use, @Jack Rackham does.
Need to be a ruined mansion xD The mansion was destroyed by the fire.
Maybe the Cartagena one can be modified so that it looks ruined?
Texture adjustment and add participle effects with smoke/fire?
Or the location could be swapped out at the appropriate time.
Ok I'll search for a ruined mansion as well after the weekend.
Don't worry Jack, I think I found a mansion really destroyed :D
I need to test it in-game in a location with a lot of vegetation.
The idea is to hid something that belonged to Bartolomeu inside this mansion.


  • mansion_destroyed.png
    243 KB · Views: 438