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A Family' Story

I've now tried this quest. Highly enjoyable, and no surprise there. :onya

The corrected files worked - our hero is now José Joaquím Almeida and he is recognised by both the setup in "StartStoryline.c" and the quest code. A quick trip to Eleuthera and a bit of cheating to zap myself up to level 10, and the quest started.

@Bartolomeu o Portugues: you are aware that the house in La Tortue where you have to rescue Fernando Suarez is the brothel? ;) Also, it might be a good idea to write a walkthrough. After talking to the guard, the first thing I did was the obvious, which was to search round the brothel looking for a sneaky locator like the one round the side of Raoul Rheims' house in "Tales of a Sea Hawk". When that didn't work, I wandered up the ramp, but I can imagine some players getting frustrated at this point. I got onto a wooden platform easily, but it was the wrong one - it took me a bit longer to find the path onto the lower platform where the sneaky locator is located.

About the cave scene: "He deserves better than rotting in a cave." José and Fernando are a bit late - if this is 130 years after Bartolomeu's death, the corpse isn't rotting because it finished doing that some time ago! What they'd find there is a skeleton.

Suggestion: what they find there is two skeletons. Suppose Bartolomeu and the enemy pirate killed each other. That would explain why the enemy pirate didn't take the sword. It also provides a suitably epic end for Bartolomeu. Enemy Pirate's men outside the cave wouldn't know Bartolomeu was dead; all they'd know is that their boss went in to fight Bartolomeu and never came out. Not wanting to be the next men to gain personal experience of a certain saying about Portuguese swordsmen, they would return to their ship. They wouldn't know that Bartolomeu was dead, so history never recorded who killed him and where. And the sword would stay in the cave.
Ok, for the two skeletons.
I think in the quest text, I suggest to try the window in La Tortue. But, yes, a walkthrough for the wiki would be useful.
The quest does suggest a window in La Tortue. I didn't find one. Having failed to find anything on ground level around the brothel, I went up to the wooden platforms looking for a back entrance and eventually found one. If there's a window there, I didn't see it; I just reckoned that one of the platforms had to be somewhere round the back of the brothel. Shortly after I found my way onto the lower platform and started walking around, I hit the locator which teleported me into the room.
Yes, that 's the idea. The ruined mansion would be a quest location :)
Otherwise, I like this one for Joaquim:
View attachment 33815
The only problem with AoP/CoAS/GoF models is that they don't have talking heads for the dialog animations, so I had to approximate one by copying bits of the texture file for the main model, pasting and reshaping them onto the texture for the "sailor10" model (which actually uses "Sailor7.tga"). The head model is therefore a retexture of "sailor10":

And now I need a description for the model, otherwise I'm just going to put something like "I want to look like José Joaquím Almeida". xD (It's good enough for the "Hornblower" models, and even for Roxanne Lalliere!)
otherwise I'm just going to put something like "I want to look like José Joaquím Almeida". xD (It's good enough for the "Hornblower" models, and even for Roxanne Lalliere!)
Of course, no need to write a novel for the description :)
And I like what you did for the talking head:onya
Here he is on Eleuthera:

That's the screenshot I used for the interface pictures:
almeida_storyline.jpg almeida_character.jpg

The attached zip file should include everything you need to put the new model into action.


  • family_story.zip
    1.7 MB · Views: 338
Here's the retextured cartographer's house.
Wooden walls are now white.

1 downstairs: wall map, map rolls
2 downstairs: closed window (as there wasn't any on the outside), stored maps
3 upstairs: more maps
4 upstairs: windows changed to match outside windows better, background changed to IslaMuelle (less grass, more town)
5 exterior: a closed window still exists so I had to add something on the outside too
1.jpg 2.jpg 3.jpg 4.jpg 5.jpg
Last edited:
Here are a few screenshots of the location.


  • Bartolomeu_Mansion3.jpg
    224 KB · Views: 340
  • Bartolomeu_Mansion2.jpg
    206.3 KB · Views: 334
  • Bartolomeu_Mansion1.jpg
    231.2 KB · Views: 369
That looks good!

Here are some pictures of palms and other stuff I have added to make Santiago less empty and
placed in the Caribbean.
Tomorrow I'll attack the port.
Beautiful Jack! what you do for Santiago :woot
There will be some interesting stuff in the next update :onya
Creative BuildingSet use? Or are you using "models.always"?
With "models.always", you might be able to make new .col files to get the lighting to look more natural too.
Does look like a nice and ancient overgrown ruin! :onya
Yes, it's a "models.always" :)
As you said, I still need to make the .col files :yes
The 2 exits from Santiago:
one leading to nothing the other one to a shore.

I found the outskirt location belonging to "Santiago" in VCO, with both entrances.
VCO outskirts1.jpg
It leads only to a hideout, a smugglers cave or so. No other jungle exit.
cave.jpg VCO outskirts2.jpg
Can it be used or is the shore and/or existing outskirts needed for something else?
If I remember, I use the outskirts leading to the shore in the Bartolomeu' Storyline when you look for Emilio Soares.
The problem with the VCO locations is the character path. I remember @danitim1 worked a lot for instance on the character paths of Santiago to fix them.
The exit beside the port is indeed used for the "Bartolomeu" storyline, also for the similar "Peter Blood" sidequest, and of particular relevance to this thread, also in "A Family Story" - it's where you meet Abel Barco.

The exit from the town centre is also used in the "Bartolomeu" storyline, though it then leads to a different location containing warehouses which Bartolomeu and Roxanne raid. The "Ardent" storyline also uses that exit, though it rewrites reload locators so that the normal exit (without warehouses) links indirectly to Playa de Sierra Maestra.

So any replacement for either location needs to have a second exit which can lead to wherever the existing second exit goes.
It's out of the question with the VCO outskirt location I discussed anyway, as it has a lot of conifer trees which I can't get rid of
because the model can't be opened with the TOOL.

@Grey Roger I plan to upload all I got WR2 + Santiago fixes latest wednesday morning. I'll be going to Stockholm then for a few days as it's my fathers
95:th birthday.