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Wacky News Stories

<b>North Pole man clipped for DUI on riding mower</b>
5 days ago

NORTH POLE, Alaska (AP) � Alaska State Troopers used lights and sirens to apprehend a North Pole man suspected of driving under the influence after he allegedly led them on a slow-speed chase that covered several lawns.

The 20-year-old man was on a riding mower. Sunday's pursuit lasted about 200 feet and reached speeds of up to 5 mph before a trooper got out of a cruiser and told the man to stop.

Troopers received a call early Sunday complaining of an intoxicated man driving a mower. They said Wyatt Lewis's blood-alcohol content was 0.18 percent, more than twice the legal limit of 0.08 percent.

Driving a lawnmower while drunk qualifies for a DUI charge. Lewis was also charged with failure to stop at the direction of a peace officer.

No phone number was listed for Lewis in North Pole and a message left with the Fairbanks Correctional Center on Tuesday was not immediately returned.

:blink: :rofl
Wtf? that post by stallion was made on 30 June 2008!?! To me it said FIVE DAYS AGO!!! WTF!?! :wacko: Damnit can't seem to recall how that dumbf**kery or mindf**k happened. :wacko:

EDIT: BAH! clicking on the thread booted me on the first page.. so that's how I ended up reposting a two year old thing. Didn't even properly look at the date. But where I saw "5 days ago" I can't recall. :wacko: I think I'm going wacko.
German police summoned over forgotten vibrator

Mar 5, 11:53 am ET

BERLIN (AFP) – A woman in Germany phoned police after hearing "suspicious noises" in her flat, but much to her embarrassment officers found the source was a vibrator, authorities said Friday.

The noise was so loud and strange, even over the telephone, that police in Bochum in western Germany decided to send a patrol car around to the "scene of the crime", a statement said.

"Daringly, and with the occupier's permission, one of the officers opened the drawer of a wardrobe where the noise was coming from.

"Underneath some clothes he found a very personal, battery-operated object which had obviously switched itself on... The tenant's face abruptly changed colour."

Police then "wished her a nice evening and left".
Devotees of Fla. man say they ingested snail mucus
Mar 11, 3:23 PM EST

MIAMI (AP) -- Devotees of a man claiming to practice a traditional African religion said they had to ingest the mucus of a Giant African Snail that sickened them. Federal authorities in January raided the Miami man's home after receiving complaints. The man has not been criminally charged, but prosecutors and state and federal wildlife agencies are investigating. The Giant African Snail is prohibited in the U.S. without special approval.

Experts said it devastates new ecosystems. The snail grows up to 10 inches long, can reproduce on its own and even can even eat plaster.

The man said he meant no harm, and his religion uses the snails in healing ceremonies.

Followers said they got violently ill, losing weight and developing strange lumps in their stomachs.

Yet more proof the human race is doomed. xD: "Mmmm - Booger Bits!" :woot
Devotees of Fla. man say they ingested snail mucus
Mar 11, 3:23 PM EST

MIAMI (AP) -- Devotees of a man claiming to practice a traditional African religion said they had to ingest the mucus of a Giant African Snail that sickened them. Federal authorities in January raided the Miami man's home after receiving complaints. The man has not been criminally charged, but prosecutors and state and federal wildlife agencies are investigating. The Giant African Snail is prohibited in the U.S. without special approval.

Experts said it devastates new ecosystems. The snail grows up to 10 inches long, can reproduce on its own and even can even eat plaster.

The man said he meant no harm, and his religion uses the snails in healing ceremonies.

Followers said they got violently ill, losing weight and developing strange lumps in their stomachs.

Yet more proof the human race is doomed. xD: "Mmmm - Booger Bits!" :woot
US lunar pull-out leaves China shooting for moon:keith

by Staff Writers
Beijing (AFP) Feb 21, 2010

China aims to land its first astronauts on the moon within a decade at the dawn of a new era of manned space exploration -- a race it now leads thanks to the US decision to drop its lunar programme.

US President Barack Obama earlier this month said he planned to drop the costly Constellation space programme, a budget move that would kill off future moon exploration if it is approved by Congress.

In contrast, China has a fast-growing human spaceflight project that has notched one success after another, including a spacewalk by astronauts in 2008, with plans for a manned lunar mission by around 2020.

The turnaround is viewed as yet another example of the Asian power's rising profile and technical prowess.

"Overall, China is behind the US in technology and in actual presence in space -- the US operates dozens of satellites, the Chinese only a few," said James Lewis, of the US-based Centre for Strategic and International Studies.

"The real concern is the trend: China's capacities are increasing while the US, despite spending billions of dollars, appears to be stuck in a rut."

The Americans have achieved the only manned lunar missions, making six trips from 1969 to 1972.

But China has been gaining in the space race after launching a manned programme in 1992, and sending its first astronaut into space in 2003.

Only Russia and the United States had previously put a man into space independently.

China aims to launch an unmanned rover on the moon's surface by 2012 ahead of the manned lunar mission a decade from now.

"It is not a very expensive space programme but it is relatively well worked out in terms of autonomy, efficiency and independence," said Isabelle Sourbes-Verger, a France-based specialist on the Chinese space programme.

Some experts have questioned Beijing's timeframe for landing a man on the moon, but Peter Cugley, a China specialist at the non-profit research centre CNA in the United States, says the actual timing is not that relevant.

"Even if a PRC (Chinese) manned lunar landing doesn't happen in the timeframe initially established, the technical expertise gained and boost in national prestige is what the Chinese Communist Party is most interested in," he said.

China sees its space programme as a symbol of its global stature, growing technical expertise, and the Communist Party's success in turning around the fortunes of the formerly poverty-stricken nation.

Experts see its push for the moon, while Washington backs off, as further confirmation of its emergence as a superpower.

"I see it as a confirmation of America's decline," said Lewis.

"Perhaps this decline is temporary, the product of many errors under (former US president George W.) Bush."

China also has pursued its space ambitions efficiently. The Constellation programme had already cost 10 billion dollars, or nearly 10 times more than the entire Chinese space programme, according to official data.

Fu Song, the vice dean of the School of Aerospace at Tsinghua University in Beijing, said Obama's decision was unlikely to spur China to ramp up its space programme, saying its development would remain on a steady course.

But Beijing has other significant Asian competitors to reckon with as it vies to become the second nation to put a man on the moon.

India landed a lunar probe in 2008, and a top official said last month it was targeting a manned space mission in 2016. Japan, meanwhile, launched its first lunar satellite in June last year.

Both developments marked dramatic steps forward for both countries.

But regardless of who gets to the moon next, the sight of Chinese astronauts treading the lunar surface would be a watershed moment for the country, Sourbes-Verger said.


See also: Rocket To Go To Moon Under Design
Really smart move, I mean spending their money on a trip to a giant rock in space instead of on the millions in poverty & maybe reducing their carbon emissions, you know green technology to stop the biggest polluter in the world turning it's rivers toxic. :facepalm
German celebrities prepare to wok 'n' roll

BERLIN (AFP) - Celebrities in Germany are gearing up for the eighth annual Wok World Championships on Friday when they will scream down a bobsleigh track in modified Chinese woks, organisers said.

Thousands of spectators are expected to attend the races, which will see winter sports stars and television personalities hurtle down a 1,354-metre (4,442-foot) track at up to 100 kilometres (60 miles) an hour on live TV.

The event in the winter sports resort town of Oberhof features both one-person and four-member team races.

Among the favourites is four-time German Olympic medalist Andre Lange, who won gold in the two-man bob at the Vancouver winter games and silver in the four-man event.

Previous winning teams have included Olympic ski jumper Sven Hannawald and racing driver turned Playboy model Christina Surer.

After excessive advertising caused a Berlin court to rule that the event must be labelled a commercial event, German media have referred to it as the "most dangerous infomercial" of all time.
NEW YORK -- An animal welfare group wants New York City prosecutors to investigate boxing great Mike Tyson's upcoming reality television show about pigeon racing.

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals alleges the Brooklyn-based show is cruel to animals. It says races likely will involve illegal gambling.

The show will follow Tyson as he competes in pigeon races. The former world heavyweight champ has raised pigeons all his life but is a racing rookie.

The show is slated to air next year on Animal Planet.

Network representatives haven't responded to an e-mail sent Sunday by The Associated Press seeking comment. Tyson's representatives can't be reached by telephone.

PETA sent a letter dated March 18 to the Brooklyn district attorney's office requesting an investigation.

District attorney spokesman Jonah Bruno says the office is looking into the allegations.

One can only hope they haven't bit off more than they can chew. :cheeky

Fake Game Installer Punishes Pirates Via Epic Privacy Breach
Written by enigmax on March 23, 2010

Over the years would-be game pirates have been targeted in a number of ways such as through draconian DRM schemes and even viruses. Now it appears that file-sharers who thought they were going to download a high-profile interactive erotic novel have been instead treated to a security and privacy breach of epic proportions.

rnsAlthough probably not that popular with your average Western Modern Warfare 2 gamer, visual novels are very popular in Japan. Players watch and listen to a story and as it unfolds and are able to influence the outcome of the plot by making decisions which cause the game to branch.

These games often have erotic and downright sexual elements and Cross Days from developer 0verflow is no different. The game suffered several delays before release, apparently so that it could be launched along with a special, ahem, USB ‘hands-free’ device for experiencing ‘climax scenes’ (NSFW: Male and female versions) but it was finally released just a few days ago.

Of course, not everyone would acquire the game through the official channels and many turned to file-sharing networks for their erotic gaming fix. Some, who were not particularly careful about the item they were downloading, were in for a pretty big shock.

Alongside the pirated versions of Cross Days can be found some software which claims to be the installer for the game, but is actually a piece of pretty vicious malware which appears to try to punish would-be pirates.

When run, the installer pretends to be the game but using personal information gathered from the victim’s computer (including IP address), it presents a survey which asks for more personal information – including their email address and password.

Once completed, the information is uploaded to a website for all the Internet to see – accompanied by a screenshot of the victim’s desktop. Samples of the information uploaded by the trojan can be viewed here and although much of it is in Japanese, there’s enough pictures and English text to entertain most readers and thoroughly embarrass the unlucky reader of Keily’s Plant.

Adding insult to injury, according to a report the installer’s terms of service agreement actually states that all these things happen, but as we all know, hardly anyone reads them.

Although it is possible to have the would-be pirate’s personal information taken down from the website, first the user has to effectively apologize for having tried to illegally download Cross Days.

Adding to the confusion, developer 0verflow are reporting that users of Avast! anti-virus software receive a false-positive warning (Win32: Trojan-gen) when installing the real game.

This isn’t the first time Japanese file-sharers have been targeted by malware writers. In 2007 a bizarre virus was released which threatened to kill people who illegally download using P2P.

Original story here :


Snake Massage

would post a picture, but might get yelled at for that.
(Reuters) - A man who claimed to have been sent by Jesus to punish sinners rammed his car into a parked plane at an airport in southeastern Nigeria , an aviation spokesman said Thursday.

No one was hurt in the incident Wednesday and the spokesman said Nigeria had no problem with security.

The United States put Nigeria on a list of countries needing to improve security after Nigerian Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab was arrested on suspicion of trying to blow up a U.S.-bound airliner in December using explosives hidden in his underwear.

"There is no problem at all at our airports, no cause for alarm, as we have the necessary security on the ground," said Akin Olukunle, spokesman for the Federal Airport Authority.

He said the driver had broken through two security gates at Calabar international airport and rammed his car into the Arik Air plane before soldiers arrested him.

The suspect was heard yelling that all Nigerians were sinners and must repent or perish, a reporter who was at the airport said. The man, who is from Nigeria's southeastern state of Akwa Ibom, said he had been sent by Jesus Christ.

Authorities were questioning him in Calabar.

The crew of the plane, which had arrived from Lagos and was on its way to the capital Abuja, were not injured and no passengers were on board at the time.

"Our men rushed to the scene and evacuated crew members on board," Olukunle said. "We have beefed up security."

A bomb squad found no explosives in the car and flights continued despite the incident.