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Need Help Updating the Russian Translation

Try this version. I'd forgotten to put a second argument into 'TranslateString', and anyway, "Black Pearl" and "Crimson Blood" are translated in "common.ini" so 'XI_ConvertString' will translate them.

Which ship does Jaoquin de Masse have in your game - Black Pearl or Crimson Blood?


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Try this version. I'd forgotten to put a second argument into 'TranslateString', and anyway, "Black Pearl" and "Crimson Blood" are translated in "common.ini" so 'XI_ConvertString' will translate them.

Which ship does Jaoquin de Masse have in your game - Black Pearl or Crimson Blood?
This file is the same as mine, there are no changes. Crimson Blood ship.
Try downloading it again - I've uploaded the correct version.

The reason I asked about the ship is that while the English version of "blaze_dialog.h" originally said "#suncursed_ship#", the Russian version said "#scursed_ship#". One of them is going to show the wrong ship. If Jaoquin de Masse has Crimson Blood and the new version says "Black Pearl", change this line in "blaze_dialog.c":
Preprocessor_Add("stolen_ship", XI_ConvertString(Preprocessor_Get("uncursed_ship")));
Replace "uncursed_ship" with "cursed_ship".
Try downloading it again - I've uploaded the correct version.

The reason I asked about the ship is that while the English version of "blaze_dialog.h" originally said "#suncursed_ship#", the Russian version said "#scursed_ship#". One of them is going to show the wrong ship. If Jaoquin de Masse has Crimson Blood and the new version says "Black Pearl", change this line in "blaze_dialog.c":
Preprocessor_Add("stolen_ship", XI_ConvertString(Preprocessor_Get("uncursed_ship")));
Replace "uncursed_ship" with "cursed_ship".
After I inserted the file, everything was written correctly - Crimson Blood ship.


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This didn't work in Sao Feng's Missing Bodyguards quest. I was under a hostile flag and my ship did not appear at the lighthouse, it was in the port of Turks.
For C & D only - on Land Ho - Transported onto Ships Deck, Stallion talks to you, - Transported to Tavern Room, Stallion talks to you again, – QB Update - Go to your ship - if you are friendly with Pirates your ship is in Turks Port - otherwise it is at the Lighthouse at Turtle Bay ( from exit Grand Turk the Lighthouse is 1st right - Port is 2nd right)


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What is your own status with the pirates? That's what is being checked. It has to be that way. If the game were checking your flag, you could be hostile to pirates, fly a false pirate flag and be sent to the port. If the fort then recognises you then it will attack. So, if you are friendly to pirates then you'll go to Turks Port, regardless of which flag you are flying.

The normal "Strange Things Going on in the Caribbean" does the same, though of course it checks your status with Spain as the action happens at Puerto Rico.

So, in both versions, if you are friendly to the fort but unwise enough to approach the island under a false, hostile flag, you'll end up in port and the fort will attack.
What is your own status with the pirates? That's what is being checked. It has to be that way. If the game were checking your flag, you could be hostile to pirates, fly a false pirate flag and be sent to the port. If the fort then recognises you then it will attack. So, if you are friendly to pirates then you'll go to Turks Port, regardless of which flag you are flying.

The normal "Strange Things Going on in the Caribbean" does the same, though of course it checks your status with Spain as the action happens at Puerto Rico.

So, in both versions, if you are friendly to the fort but unwise enough to approach the island under a false, hostile flag, you'll end up in port and the fort will attack.
I see, thanks for the answer. I thought it worked for the flag.
Minor quest improvements.
1) In the quest Justine Le Moigne's Disappearance, when I sail to Martinique, I can use fast travel and Captain Maggee will not have time to approach me.
Quest name meet_Maggee
2) The governor's doors are not locked after I talk to him.
Quest name Contact_Lucas


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1: At case "meet_Maggee", add:

At case "after_Maggee", add:

2: Why should the doors lock? All you've done is talked to the governor about his missing daughter, then Lucas joins in to demand that you find Justine, and you decide whether to search for Justine. There's no reason for you not to want to talk to the governor about other things, or to visit him again before you have found Justine.
Davy Jones' team kicks the guard actors. :D
Is it possible to make a delay after the first detachment until the dialogue about the need to flee? In this quest, I always skip this dialogue because I accidentally hit the enemy with my sword and press the left mouse button one more time.
Davy Jones_dialog.h - in line 36 there is a space before the question mark.


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Is it possible to make a delay after the first detachment until the dialogue about the need to flee? In this quest, I always skip this dialogue because I accidentally hit the enemy with my sword and press the left mouse button one more time.
A delay would probably not work. But as the self dialog is what triggers the second group to attack, it should be possible to force the player to sheath the sword before the dialog, then draw it again ready for the next fight. In "quests_reaction.c", at the bottom of case "davy_townfight_run", add this just before the self dialog code:
LAi_SetFightMode(PChar, false);
Then, at the top of case "davy_townfight2":
LAi_SetFightMode(PChar, true);
See if that helps.

Davy Jones_dialog.h - in line 36 there is a space before the question mark.
"Davy Jones_dialog.c", case "begin_17":
dialog.text = DLG_TEXT[34] + GetMyFullName(PChar) + " !";
Remove the space in " !".
I have finished your files and will upload them once I reach the end of Dead man's chest.

I also discovered that when I gave the money to the 'Gold removed -10000' smugglers, it didn’t transfer.


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I also discovered that when I gave the money to the 'Gold removed -10000' smugglers, it didn’t transfer.
"PROGRAM\Storyline\JackSparrow\dialogs\Turks_prison_guard1_dialog.c", case "Bribe_smugglers2": change:
Logit("Gold removed -10000");
... to...
Logit(TranslateString("","Gold removed -10000"));
And then add a line to "interface_string.txt" to translate it. (I'm adding it to the English version near the bottom of the file, just after the lines for "Night Craft" and just before the line for "- LEGEND -".)
And the last problems that I noticed in the Dead man's chest quest:
1) After meeting Tia Dalma, Will Turner's name is not translated into Russian.
2) I noticed that an old video was playing in the case: "Video_at_shipwreck_dutchman2"
So I changed the code, but you might want to delete the old version and keep my version, because it is wordless and of better quality.
if(LanguageGetLanguage() == "RUSSIAN") PostVideoAndQuest("LegendJackSparrow\RUSSIAN\DMC_Wreck_dutchman_appear", 25, "Video_at_shipwreck_dutchman3");
else PostVideoAndQuest("LegendJackSparrow\DMC_Wreck_dutchman_appear", 25, "Video_at_shipwreck_dutchman3");
3) Also, Will Turner, after dying from Davy Jones' team, becomes Guy Verbinski.


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And the last problems that I noticed in the Dead man's chest quest:
1) After meeting Tia Dalma, Will Turner's name is not translated into Russian.
2) I noticed that an old video was playing in the case: "Video_at_shipwreck_dutchman2"
So I changed the code, but you might want to delete the old version and keep my version, because it is wordless and of better quality.
if(LanguageGetLanguage() == "RUSSIAN") PostVideoAndQuest("LegendJackSparrow\RUSSIAN\DMC_Wreck_dutchman_appear", 25, "Video_at_shipwreck_dutchman3");
else PostVideoAndQuest("LegendJackSparrow\DMC_Wreck_dutchman_appear", 25, "Video_at_shipwreck_dutchman3");
3) Also, Will Turner, after dying from Davy Jones' team, becomes Guy Verbinski.
1: At case "tp_deck_shipwreck", replace:
            PChar.name = "William";
            PChar.lastname = "Turner";
... with...
            PChar.name = TranslateString("","William");
            PChar.lastname = TranslateString("","Turner");

2: Yes, I've already made the same change in my version and it will be in the next update. (So will the 'TranslateString' commands in "tp_deck_shipwreck".)

3: Try adding those same lines to case "set_crew_and_will_fade":
            PChar.name = TranslateString("","William");
            PChar.lastname = TranslateString("","Turner");
If that works, I'll add the lines to my version for the update.
3: Try adding those same lines to case "set_crew_and_will_fade":
No, Will Turner is still Guy Verbinski, he should be given the name of the person who played Jack at the very beginning of the game.
So it didn't help...
case "set_crew_and_will_fade":
PChar.name = TranslateString("","William");
PChar.lastname = TranslateString("","Turner");
LAi_Fade("reload_wreck_Will_jones", "");

Who gave the Russian cues to Will Turner? Why does he have phrases from a random drunkard's tavern? The waiter in the tavern has the same problem (She asks for help, which would be more likely to be used when a girl is being chased by robbers in the jungle, rather than in a tavern.) I would work on this later...
Try putting those lines in "set_crew_and_will" instead. In any case, this will only work if you reload a save from before you were killed by Davy Jones' crew.

Incidentally, at case "tp_deck_after_shipwreck", you'll also need to add 'TranslateString' to the lines setting your name back to Jack Sparrow.
Try putting those lines in "set_crew_and_will" instead. In any case, this will only work if you reload a save from before you were killed by Davy Jones' crew.

Incidentally, at case "tp_deck_after_shipwreck", you'll also need to add 'TranslateString' to the lines setting your name back to Jack Sparrow.
Yes, it worked. I put them at the very end of set_crew_and_will.


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After I was teleported to the ship, I was unable to go to sea. Quickly moving to the ship helped, but when I went out to sea I was faced with the fact that my ship began to fire at the fort, because I had previously had a Spanish flag.


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