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Need Help Updating the Russian Translation

After teleporting to the ship, quit at once and post "compile.log" so I can see which quest cases have run up to that point.

Did you raise a Spanish flag yourself or did the game force it on you?
After teleporting to the ship, quit at once and post "compile.log" so I can see which quest cases have run up to that point.

Did you raise a Spanish flag yourself or did the game force it on you?
Attached in the previous post. The flag was raised during my conversation with Tia Dalma.
In quest case "tp_deck_after_port_tortuga", find this line:
Locations[FindLocation("Tortuga_port")].reload.l2.disable = 0;
Move it up into case "After_Tortuga_port_cleanup". Then comment out this line:
LAi_QuestDelay("tp_deck_after_port_tortuga", 1.0);
Reload a save from before the final conversation with Mr. Gibbs. After the conversation, instead of teleporting to the ship deck, you should end up standing in Tortuga port.

Also in "After_Tortuga_port_cleanup", try adding this:
That should give you a pirate flag so that you can sail safely out of Tortuga.
In quest case "tp_deck_after_port_tortuga", find this line:
Locations[FindLocation("Tortuga_port")].reload.l2.disable = 0;
Move it up into case "After_Tortuga_port_cleanup". Then comment out this line:
LAi_QuestDelay("tp_deck_after_port_tortuga", 1.0);
Reload a save from before the final conversation with Mr. Gibbs. After the conversation, instead of teleporting to the ship deck, you should end up standing in Tortuga port.

Also in "After_Tortuga_port_cleanup", try adding this:
That should give you a pirate flag so that you can sail safely out of Tortuga.
It works, but for some reason Annamaria disappears from my crew and is replaced by Elizabeth. But the log wrote that Annamaria would soon join and when I landed in the city, Elizabeth was already a passenger. Since they did not have enough space, they sat down as passengers.

And the surname Norrington cannot be translated.


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Where in the log does it say that Anamaria will join you? The last line in "Dead mans chest.txt", in English at least, is:
Finally with the help of Elizabeth Swann and my Compass we are able to set a heading for Davy Jones' chest! I still have to figure out a way to find the key to the said chest after we get it... *Story of Captain Jack Sparrow to be continued soon!*

Is "Norrington" untranslated all through the game, or only after something has happened?
I accidentally talked to James and he says that he has never seen me before, and then gives me some kind of quest. Is this how it should be?
"Captain, I am Midshipman James Norrington of the King's Ship Repulse, may I know to whom I am speaking,.... I have not seen you in these waters before?",
Is "Norrington" untranslated all through the game, or only after something has happened?
Most likely, he stopped translating after he was "killed" by Elizabeth in the tavern and the translation no longer works on the pier.
Where in the log does it say that Anamaria will join you? The last line in "Dead mans chest.txt", in English at least, is:
No, that's what I meant.


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I accidentally talked to James and he says that he has never seen me before, and then gives me some kind of quest. Is this how it should be?
"Captain, I am Midshipman James Norrington of the King's Ship Repulse, may I know to whom I am speaking,.... I have not seen you in these waters before?",

Most likely, he stopped translating after he was "killed" by Elizabeth in the tavern and the translation no longer works on the pier.
In case "Elizabeth_tortuga_port_tp", just after this line:
LAi_SetCurHP(CharacterFromID("James Norrington"), LAi_GetCharacterMaxHP(CharacterFromID("James Norrington"))); // Just in case
Add this:
Characters[GetCharacterIndex("James Norrington")].name  = TranslateString("", "James");
Characters[GetCharacterIndex("James Norrington")].lastname = TranslateString("", "Norrington");
Characters[GetCharacterIndex("James Norrington")].Dialog.Filename = "Enc_Officer_dialog.c";
Characters[GetCharacterIndex("James Norrington")].Dialog.CurrentNode = "Hired";
That should give him back his translated names and also set him to use the standard officer dialog.

The line about Anamaria is standard and appears whenever you view your officers in the interface while they are not with you on land or on a ship deck. Joshamee Gibbs is made to join you as an officer just before the story ends in case "After_Tortuga_port_cleanup". Anamaria is not. Case "After_Tortuga_port_cleanup" also has a line:
... which puts back passengers and officers who were removed earlier; presumably that's how Elizabeth Swann returns to being an officer.
Add this:
Characters[GetCharacterIndex("James Norrington")].name = TranslateString("", "James");
Characters[GetCharacterIndex("James Norrington")].lastname = TranslateString("", "Norrington");
Characters[GetCharacterIndex("James Norrington")].Dialog.Filename = "Enc_Officer_dialog.c";
Characters[GetCharacterIndex("James Norrington")].Dialog.CurrentNode = "Hired";
At first it didn't work, but I added "Norrington_tortuga_port_talk" to the very beginning of the case
Characters[GetCharacterIndex("James Norrington")].name = TranslateString("", "James");
Characters[GetCharacterIndex("James Norrington")].lastname = TranslateString("", "Norrington");

And then I added “After_Tortuga_port_cleanup” to the case after all the conversations on the pier at the very end:
Characters[GetCharacterIndex("James Norrington")].Dialog.Filename = "Enc_Officer_dialog.c";
Characters[GetCharacterIndex("James Norrington")].Dialog.CurrentNode = "Hired";

And now everything seems to be working as it should...
t first it didn't work, but I added "Norrington_tortuga_port_talk" to the very beginning of the case
Characters[GetCharacterIndex("James Norrington")].name = TranslateString("", "James");
Characters[GetCharacterIndex("James Norrington")].lastname = TranslateString("", "Norrington");
It's better to move this to case "Elizabeth_tortuga_port_talk2":, because you might have time to approach Norrington and see his untranslated name.
It's better to move this to case "Elizabeth_tortuga_port_talk2":, because you might have time to approach Norrington and see his untranslated name.
Yes, I thought so too. That's immediately after the teleport to Tortuga port and after Norrington has been placed in the port.

I uploaded 67 files that had been collected since February 8 to Yandex disk and github.
Thanks! :cheers I've just downloaded them from Yandex.
The camera gets stuck at the entrance to the city of Oranjestad and my officers begin to attack the NPC.
Most likely this is connected with the quest Gentleman Jocard - A Slaver - Free the Slaves. I can't continue the quest Capt Chevalle - Rescue his Crew because of this bug.


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Which NPC do your characters attack?

It's certainly connected to that quest. This is the "Hoist the Colours" version of "Artois Voysey" and "Nigel Blythe", and the quest code at this point is near enough identical. The quest case names are even the same, your "compile.log" shows that cases "Install_Voysey_And_Blythe", "Story_Artois" and "Story_Artois_2" have triggered.
I can't move the camera, but it's him. I have attached the save. Perhaps someone is killing a quest character?


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I managed to talk to him after speeding up, but my officers did not let him get closer. And for some reason they attack.


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In "PROGRAM\Storyline\JackSparrow\QUESTS\both_reaction.c", case "Story_Artois", try commenting out or deleting this line:
LAi_group_MoveCharacter(CharacterFromID("Gentleman Jocard"), "Jocard");
Reload a save from before you enter the town, then see if your officers still attack Gombo.
In "PROGRAM\Storyline\JackSparrow\QUESTS\both_reaction.c", case "Story_Artois", try commenting out or deleting this line:
LAi_group_MoveCharacter(CharacterFromID("Gentleman Jocard"), "Jocard");
Reload a save from before you enter the town, then see if your officers still attack Gombo.
Yes, now they don't attack him.
What did this line do?
But now there’s another problem... When choosing the first option, where he kills the slave trader, my officers start attacking him again.
P/s I did the same in case "killing_artois":
//LAi_group_MoveCharacter(CharacterFromID("Gentleman Jocard"), "nigel_2"); - But now his opponent does not die.


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In case "killing_artois", there's another similar line:
LAi_group_MoveCharacter(CharacterFromID("Gentleman Jocard"), "nigel_2");
See what happens if you comment out or delete that line.
I changed "Gentleman Jocard" to "Slaver" and now when the slave attacks him, they also start attacking the target.
In case "killing_artois"
LAi_group_MoveCharacter(CharacterFromID("Slaver"), "nigel_2");