1: Since you have visible locators enabled, find a locator where you think Askay should be. Then put this into "both_reaction.c", case "back_to_the_port":
ChangeCharacterAddressGroup(CharacterFromID("Sumbhajee Aid1"), "Havana_Tavern", "goto", "goto7");
Replace "goto7" with whichever locator you prefer.
2: I'm not sure. That is, it's always open because this line:
Locations[n].reload.l2.disable = true;
... is missing from the definition of "Havana_tavern" in "PROGRAM\Locations\init\Cuba.c". What I don't know is whether that was simply a mistake by whoever wrote the definition of "Havana_tavern", or whether it needs to be permanently open for some quest reason. I'll try adding that line in the next update, then see if anyone complains that they can't get into the upstairs room during a quest.
3: Try the attached "PROGRAM\BATTLE_INTERFACE\fast_reload_table.c". You'll probably need to press F11 to make it work, or you might need to start a new game to try it.
4: That's because Corentin Lucay, in this storyline, used to have first name "Spanish", last name "Midshipman". That doesn't work in Spanish when he should show up as "Guardiamarina español", with the rank first. So the name was changed to 'TranslateString("Spanish", "Midshipman")', then "Spanish Midshipman" can be translated as a single phrase. It also meant that the last name was changed to "".
In "PROGRAM\Storyline\JackSparrow\dialogs\Bernardo Gamboa_dialog.c", find this line:
dialog.text = DLG_TEXT[8] + GetMyLastName(&Characters[GetCharacterIndex(DLG_TEXT[9])]) + DLG_TEXT[10];
Change that to:
dialog.text = DLG_TEXT[8] + DLG_TEXT[10];
Then, in "Bernardo Gamboa_dialog.h", add the translation for "Midshipman" to the end of line 10.
5: Put the attached "Spanish Prison_dialog.c" into "PROGRAM\Storyline\JackSparrow\dialogs\". Edit "both_reaction.c", find case "sri_reset_prison_commendant", and add this:
Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Havana Prison Commendant")].quest.Sumbhajee = "dead";
That should set an attribute which will be checked by the new version of "Spanish Prison_dialog.c" so that he does not use any of the quest dialog after he has been killed and resurrected.
6: That's "BrigRoyal" which has no walk file, so crew can not appear. You're most likely to notice that if you're playing FreePlay as that is the default starting ship.