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Need Help Updating the Russian Translation

3: Quest case "turpin_cabanel_fight" is in the "quests_reaction.c" file for "Tales of a Sea Hawk". I've moved it into "quests_side.c" so that should no longer be a problem after I upload the next update.
It worked. Took -2 reputation.
8: "PROGRAM\Locations\init\SideQuestLocations.c": find the definition for "Cartagena_center_facade" and change:
It worked.
10: Yes, it takes a long time, and if you're impatient then you don't deserve the tomahawk! Leaving without it shouldn't break the quest, you just don't get the reward. You should still return to Santo Domingo to talk to Avellán Constantino to complete the quest.
Good, but there is another place where the aborigine walks for a very long time to a cave in which there is a passage to a bridge. Perhaps he should run? It goes through the entire beach and it is very long!
11: "Edgar Attwood_dialog.c" checks attribute "PChar.quest.Atwood" and if the attribute is not set, it starts the quest. But that attribute is only used to trigger the action in Bridgetown, then it is cleared. The attached "quests_side.c" sets "PChar.quest.Attwood" again just so that "Edgar Attwood_dialog.c" can find it. See if that helps.
Did not help. Or do you need a new game for this?
12: Jack Greenfield has not been given any weapons. The attached "quests_side.c" should give him a sword at the same time as his ship is placed on the sea. That should allow him to fight you.
It works.
As for the ship, Jack Greenfield doesn't know you're planning to attack him, so he has no reason to attack you unless you provoke him. Your real problem is that you need to be hostile to him, and that means you need to be hostile to Britain, in which case the fort is going to attack you. Perhaps you should have paid to release Edgar instead of choosing to rescue him by force!
I think this can be circumvented by taking all the cores from the ship and it will just start floating away?
5: That's the figure for Roche Brasiliano - what's he doing in the "Mysterious Plants" sidequest? Anyway, he's a building, and buildings from the building kit are characters. You can't translate his dialog file because he doesn't have one. Try the attached version of "PROGRAM\dialog.c", which now checks if the character has a dialog file and quits at once if he doesn't.
This seems to work with the new game.


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1)Meredith Byrom is not translated.
2)The game crashes after line 46 of the Meredith Byrom_dialog.h file.
Quest name colombian_silver_start_check
How can I try a different method with the governor's daughter/son? In Ardent’s plot there was something similar, but here I don’t know how to evoke this dialogue.
This is the last big quest from the free game.


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1: Add translations for "Meredith" and "Byrom" to "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\RUSSIAN\characters_names.txt", just below the line for "Carpenter1". That is the last name in the section for "SideQuest.c".
2: Try again and if it crashes, upload log files "compile.log", "system.log", and "error.log" if it exists.
3: Meredith Byrom only appears if you are a pirate and have not joined the Brotherhood. Either join the Pirate Brotherhood by talking to the boss pirate on Nevis, or buy a Letter of Marque from a governor. Earn promotions by sinking or capturing ships. Eventually a governor should introduce you to a relative. Talk to the relative. Go away for a while, return, talk to the relative again. When you have done this enough times, the relative should talk about the silver train to Cartagena.
Good, but there is another place where the aborigine walks for a very long time to a cave in which there is a passage to a bridge. Perhaps he should run? It goes through the entire beach and it is very long!
He is not in a hurry. His people have been waiting for this for years, so he is patient. You can speed things up by pressing 'R' to accelerate time, then 'G' to reduce it to normal.

Did not help. Or do you need a new game for this?
You should not need a new game but you may need to talk to Edgar again, then have him leave again when you go to the port. That will trigger quest case "Attwood_Adventure" again, and that is what sets the attribute "PChar.quest.Attwood". After doing it all once more, the attribute should be set and then you should be able to talk to Edgar without triggering it again.

I think this can be circumvented by taking all the cores from the ship and it will just start floating away?
I do not understand. What are cores?

Besides, this is a British naval ship. You have chosen to fight it, right in front of a British fort. It's going to look silly if the fort ignores this!
2: Try again and if it crashes, upload log files "compile.log", "system.log", and "error.log" if it exists.
Departures happen all the time.


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You should not need a new game but you may need to talk to Edgar again, then have him leave again when you go to the port. That will trigger quest case "Attwood_Adventure" again, and that is what sets the attribute "PChar.quest.Attwood". After doing it all once more, the attribute should be set and then you should be able to talk to Edgar without triggering it again.
Here's a video of what's happening.
Edgar Attwood: try the attached "quests_side.c". The line to set "PChar.quest.attwood" is moved down from quest case "Attwood_Adventure" to "Attwood_Fight" and now it works. I tested it this time. After the fight, I talked to Edgar again, then went to the port. He did not disappear agin this time.

Meredith Byrom: "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\RUSSIAN\QUESTBOOK\colombian_silver.txt" is in UTF-8. Build 14 doesn't like that. The English version is in ANSI and when I load your savegame while playing in English, it does not crash. Another reason questbooks can cause crashes is if a single text line is too long. But talking to Meredith Byrom uses line "text.t22", which is a lot shorter than line "text.t2", and I know that works in English because I continued from your savegame until the questbook used that line. Change "colombian_silver.txt" to ANSI, see if the game works, and then see if it still works when the long line "text.t2" is used. That happens when you talk to Jimena Lopez, the waitress in Cartagena tavern 2, then you buy a bottle of wine and talk to her again in the room.


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Edgar Attwood: try the attached "quests_side.c". The line to set "PChar.quest.attwood" is moved down from quest case "Attwood_Adventure" to "Attwood_Fight" and now it works. I tested it this time. After the fight, I talked to Edgar again, then went to the port. He did not disappear agin this time.
Now it works fine! Thank you.
Meredith Byrom: "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\RUSSIAN\QUESTBOOK\colombian_silver.txt" is in UTF-8. Build 14 doesn't like that. The English version is in ANSI and when I load your savegame while playing in English, it does not crash. Another reason questbooks can cause crashes is if a single text line is too long. But talking to Meredith Byrom uses line "text.t22", which is a lot shorter than line "text.t2", and I know that works in English because I continued from your savegame until the questbook used that line. Change "colombian_silver.txt" to ANSI, see if the game works, and then see if it still works when the long line "text.t2" is used. That happens when you talk to Jimena Lopez, the waitress in Cartagena tavern 2, then you buy a bottle of wine and talk to her again in the room.
I also checked this and the length in the task log has no effect. So everything works. The problem is why the game crashed? Usually, if the encoding of a task was incorrect, it is simply written in unknown words.
I also checked this and the length in the task log has no effect. So everything works. The problem is why the game crashed? Usually, if the encoding of a task was incorrect, it is simply written in unknown words.
That is what I thought too - encoding in UTF should only make the questbook look wrong, not crash the game. Nevertheless, when I play from your savegame in English, it works; when I play in Russian, it crashes. If I try saving the Russian questbook file as ANSI, it changes into a lot of question marks, so I can't check if that fixes the problem. What happens if you save the file back as ANSI? Does the game then work?
That is what I thought too - encoding in UTF should only make the questbook look wrong, not crash the game. Nevertheless, when I play from your savegame in English, it works; when I play in Russian, it crashes. If I try saving the Russian questbook file as ANSI, it changes into a lot of question marks, so I can't check if that fixes the problem. What happens if you save the file back as ANSI? Does the game then work?
Yes, converting from UTF to ANSI solves the crash problem, but I don’t know why this happens.
1)Shore Indian - not translated.
2)Without a partner, the locator does not work, after which soldiers from the convoy attack. Because there is no dialogue that they stopped for a rest. This should probably be added to blaze_dialog.h.
It should be something like this:
They seemed to have stopped to rest. Go for the silver!
Also attached a save.
3)Echevarrнa - The captain of the frigate who is waiting for us after going to sea with silver has an untranslated surname.


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1, 3: Attached is Russian "characters_names.txt" with additions for "Meredith", "Byrom", "Shore Indian" and the names of all the Spanish ship captains needing to be translated. Please translate them and upload them quickly - I want to release an update today or tomorrow!
2: You've already had a selfdialog telling you to wait until the main group is in sight. If there is no companion officer then the location triggers should be set as soon as the main group arrives, without needing a second self-dialog. Alternatively, just shoot at one of the soldiers to trigger the battle. They're all armed with muskets and if you have no companion, you might not live long!


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I have uploaded the latest translation files, now you can download them. :pirates
My only concern is that 'Shore Indian' was already in characters_names.txt on line 1383. I started a new game for this quest and it didn't translate.
There is also 'Rafael'. Is it possible to start a new game and somehow spawn 'Shore Indian' to check if his name is translated?


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I have uploaded the latest translation files, now you can download them. :pirates
My only concern is that 'Shore Indian' was already in characters_names.txt on line 1383. I started a new game for this quest and it didn't translate.
There is also 'Rafael'. Is it possible to start a new game and somehow spawn 'Shore Indian' to check if his name is translated?
Thanks! I've deleted the duplicates from English, Spanish and Russian "characters_names.txt".

The reason "Shore Indian" wasn't translated is that there was no "TranslateString" in the code which spawns them. Rather than upload yet another version of "quests_side.c", the corrected version will be in the update. The Shore Indians are 'fantom' characters - that is, they are created by the quest code and disappear when you leave the area. If you have a savegame from before you go to the beach to meet them, the names should be translated when you get the update.

Ship captains are permanent characters. You'll need to start a new game for their names to be translated.
2)Without a partner, the locator does not work, after which soldiers from the convoy attack. Because there is no dialogue that they stopped for a rest. This should probably be added to blaze_dialog.h.
Update: I tried your savegame, and indeed the ambush does not trigger. Investigation showed that quest case "colombian_silver_set_ambush_triggers" had run, the locators had all expanded to create a detection zone, and all the triggers for the locators were set. They just didn't trigger!

I tried various things and in the end, a self-dialog was the only thing that made it work. As I wanted to upload an update today, I couldn't wait for translations of new lines in "blaze_dialog.h" so it's just a quick fix using an existing line, "(Two minutes later)" on line 281.

The update contains the latest version of "quests_side.c" with the translation command for "Shore Indian" and the self-dialog at case "colombian_silver_advance_guard_spotted3".
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I tried various things and in the end, a self-dialog was the only thing that made it work. As I wanted to upload an update today, I couldn't wait for translations of new lines in "blaze_dialog.h" so it's just a quick fix using an existing line, "(Ten minutes later)" on line 281.
So do I need to add a line and translate it? Thanks for the update!
Not at the moment, no. That was the point of re-using line 281, it's already there and already translated.

Trying this with no officers is probably a bad idea anyway. There are 8 soldiers in the convoy, which means when the ambush triggers, 8 musket balls are going to be fired and they only have one target. PoTC does not allow you to be killed by a gunshot but you'll probably be down to your last HP, you'll be surrounded, and the next soldier to touch you will probably finish you off. And then there's a counter-attack with another 6 soldiers. Good luck if you're alone!
In the patch, the file PROGRAM\Storyline\standard\quests\quests_reaction.c is UTF-8 encoded, will this affect it somehow? The previous file was ANSI.
That shouldn't have happened and it will be back to ANSI in the next update. However, it shouldn't do any harm. "PROGRAM\Storyline\FreePlay\quests\quests_reaction.c" has been UTF-8 for years and has been running without encoding causing any trouble.