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Guide Treasure Quests

Cool! This leaves me wondering, though: would it be possible to add a key on that page which explains what each symbol means?
What was that you were saying? I couldn't hear you! :razz

Any thoughts on how to further improve this? Unfortunately I had to put the Legend on top of the compass rose; wasn't much space available.

I've also made a small change for Realistic Game Mode: your ship's position now DOES show when you are ashore, even if you don't have a Sextant and Chronometer.
That seems to make sense to me; you should know where you are when you're in a port or on a shore, no? :shock
Awesome! That's exactly what I had in mind. :cheers
Perhaps one way to improve it would be to add a semi-transparent background to the legend? That would make it slightly easier to read.
Awesome! That's exactly what I had in mind. :cheers
Perhaps one way to improve it would be to add a semi-transparent background to the legend? That would make it slightly easier to read.
Last time I tried that, I went NUTS because my "black box" insisted in being on top of the text.
Also, I'm not happy that I had to put it on top of the compass. I'd hate to have to hide the compass even further.

I added the appearance of the Legend into the "Dynamic Interfaces" toggle, so you can hide it if you want.

Edit: In the meantime, it would appear that the Treasure Quests themselves are now working pretty much the way I want them to.
So hopefully that'll add to the fun when Beta 2.5 is released! :dance
Last time I tried that, I went NUTS because my "black box" insisted in being on top of the text.
Also, I'm not happy that I had to put it on top of the compass. I'd hate to have to hide the compass even further.

I guess we can live without it, then. It's legible as it is, at least.
I just completed my 1st treasure quest with this new system, and it works fine. I already had a shovel, so do not know what happens if you do not have one, but the treasure icon appeared in the upper left hand corner and when I pushed the space bar I got......treasure! :treasure:
There was no click or X tho.
See new wip-4 post for my comments.

In short, I foound 1 treasure and all was fine, and another I did not. No pirate ship attacking me, no cave at designated location, no treasure.
I already had a shovel, so do not know what happens if you do not have one
Just make sure you DON'T equip that spade when you go to dig and you'll find out.
Very simple: You don't dig and get a notice stating that you need a spade.

There was no click or X tho.
X? What X? You mean the red "X Marks the Spot"? That one should appear on your Map when you use the M-Key.
As for the click that we used to have before, I had to lose that because code-wise I'm using a completely different system now.
Instead of using existing locators, on which we could use the "LocatorEnter" and "LocatorExit" functions, the treasures are now places on x,y,z, coordinates.
So that means that theoretically, we could move them around and put them literally wherever we want.

Perhaps Pieter could add pics.
Done. The last two are still missing though, but I don't know where those went. :facepalm
HA! We just got lucky in REAL LIFE because I had a luck still of just 1 in the game. For that reason, the treasure chest I found was empty.
Which led me to discover that there was a random item loaded on top, despite me having put code in place to prevent random items in the treasure location.
Turns out my fix only worked for filled chests. So I fixed it properly now. :cheeky

Actually, that random item did NOT mess up the finding of the treasure like before. It's just... weird. :facepalm
Has the Treasure quests for free bug been fixed?

When you talked to the quest giver they would give you the quest if you had enough money on you - but the money would not actually be taken from the player when you paid the quest giver.

So you got the quest for free.

Apparently, no it's not. Working on it. Code is acting... weird. :confused:
Thanks for brining that up! Doesn't really help with sensible game difficulty, does it? :shock

Edit: Fixed. For some reason, the "sum" ended up changing between being shown in the dialog and being fed into GenerateTreasureQuest .
Using an NPChar attribute instead of a global int seems to have helped in making the value "stick".
Why this is necessary? I haven't a clue! But now you DO have to pay. :shrug
Uh ohh... No treasure quests for me until level 20 or later now. It takes too long to earn that kind of money to just throw it away on a gamble. :nerbz
Agh, Pieter is murdering all your exploits! Somebody stop him!!! :whipa

For some reason, the price of the treasure quests is based on the NPChar Luck skill and not you own, with a lot of randomness in it.
Originally the chance of the finding something also depended on the NPChar Luck, but I changed that to use the Player luck.
So basically, the price will be random, but the chance of finding something depends on your own luck skill.
That means you should be able to get a cheap one and still find stuff. Or an expensive one and not find anything.
Does that make sense? Or does anyone have any thoughts for better parameters to use?
Extract to PROGRAM\DIALOGS . Redone to fix a silly error of mine and expanded to use the same code change for the "teachers" as well.
I'm not sure if they DID get themselves paid, but on the off-chance that they didn't, this should make sure you DO lose the money you owe them.


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It really doesn't matter about the treasure quests since I am too weak to attempt them until the later levels anyway. By then I have big ships and have the money to gamble. This will really only affect those who play at the lowest levels.

The teachers have always been paid, and they are well worth it. :beer:
Finally started doing treasure quests. :treasure:

The first one was one of the easier ones and I made it into the cave ok, but found that I needed a pickaxe. I brought a spade...:facepalm So I fought me way across the island to town and...no pickaxe! :rumgone So I fought me way back to the ship and sailed away in a huff looking for an accursed pickaxe! :ship Finally found one and sailed back, fought me way into the cave and...:treasure:

Then I rapidly got two more treasure quests, one easy and one very hard. But! They both gave up treasures! :monkeydance That makes me three for three. This is not normal, so, has something changed? :nerbz
Well, I changed it so the chance of treasure depends on YOUR luck skill.
What IS your Luck skill? The chance of literally nothing is 50% on Luck skill 1 and only decreases afterwards.
Perhaps not balanced entirely right? Would welcome suggestions.