string DLG_TEXT[28] = {
"Well, look who I see! ",
"I'm sorry, do I know you?",
"So, you have completed your task?",
"Yes, he won't bother you any more.",
"If you need anything else, I'll be glad to help.",
"That's all right, I remember you. You're the captain that managed to escape when the French captured #sOxbay#!",
"Yes. But how did you know?",
"A little bird told me.",
"I see. Well, if you will excuse me...",
"Wait, please. Judging by your tone, you've seen better days. Perhaps I can help you?",
"That depends. Why would you help me?",
"I would love to believe that in these modern times all people should be friends, get along, mind their manners, and not resort to violence to solve their problems. Unfortunately, this not the case. I need action, and I want you to help me.",
"And what would I have to do?",
"There is a fellow who hinders my business.",
"And you want to get rid of him? Why don't you do it then?",
"I would, but he lives in #sIsla Muelle#. I am well known there, and would be recognized.",
"Let's assume I'm willing. What will the reward be?",
"To be honest, I haven't much money to offer. All my savings elsewhere, held by a person I trust, but...",
"But what?",
"I do have an excellent ship I can give you.",
"Hmm...sounds tempting. I guess you've got a deal.",
"Great! Then I'll give you the ship and you'll take care of ",
"Sidonio Ogarrio",
"Sidonio Ogarrio",
" on #sIsla Muelle#. He lives in a small square behind the tavern.",
"All right. I accept.",