I have removed the sidequest characters you suggested @Grey Roger . 

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Thanks for that!This should be it. A couple of tiny changes in interface_strings ("pueblo taíno" for "aldea taína", they're similar words, aldea being a smaller less developed settlement, but I changed it because that's the one I've used in the questbook and most other instances of "village"), the updated main questbook, including the new Colombian silver quest, and the storyline folder for Bartolomeu
"Solider" and "Sapper" do not need to be redefined. "Solider" is wrong anyway, it should be "Soldier", so I'll correct that in the character definition, but the character's name is just "Soldier", not "Spanish Soldier". (He is also set to use greeting alias "Gr_Redmond Solider", which does not exist. It should be "Gr_Redmond Soldier". Except that it shouldn't because that's the greeting alias for a British soldier; he should probably use "Gr_isla muelle soldier" instead.)More two-word character names that could use re-definition, this time in Jack Sparrow's storyline:
French Soldier
Random Drunk
Spanish Solider
Prison Commendant
And in Standard, possibly:
French Sapper
Spanish Lieutenant{Teniente español}
Spanish Officer{Oficial español}
Prison Commendant{Comandante de la prisión}
Spanish Midshipman{Guardiamarina española}
Shouldn't the nationality be Capitalized?"Guardiamarina español"
Done, and I've also changed it in the questbook.Another thing. In the Colombian silver quest, I noticed the shore location Dolphin Sands is not in common.ini or interface_strings, like most other locations and thus cannot be translated. Yes, it is a proper name, but it would be weird for a beach in Colombia to have an English name if the rest of the text is in Spanish, and I have translated most other shores with descriptive names for that reason (Rocky Shore, Octopus Bay...). Not a must but it would be nice for the sake of consistency. For a Spanish translation I would go with "Arenal de los Delfines"
One more detail fixed:Here's Jack Sparrow's characters_names. In addition to "Guardiamarina español", I've fixed a couple of capitalisation issues and little details.
Not in Spanish. Capitalisation rules are much more strict.Shouldn't the nationality be Capitalized?
Dialogs are a long way off, and Woodes Rogers would be the last storyline I'd do anyway, as it's incomplete, so we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. About questbook and other resource files, if they change, they change. Nothing can be done about it but update them when it comes to that. Like with the others, I have the questbook translated in my old files, so it won't be like starting from scratch even if they've changed a lot since then.About WoodesRogers: part 1 is out and playable but I'm still working on part 2 which is a direct continuation.
If files are translated now they may be incomplete as for ex dialog files changes almost every day. What do you think of this situation?
One small correction to "characters_names.txt":C:\POTC\NH 2020\RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\SPANISH\Storyline\Standard is done. The only one that is left is WoodesRogers, and when that's done the RESOURCES side of things should be fully translated.
French Soldier{Soldado español}
French Soldier{Soldado francés}
Have you noticed that, if you sink or capture an enemy ship, there's a report in the top left of the screen? And one line of that report says something like "Tipo: war_ship Barco".
The reason for that is these lines in "interface_strings.txt":They're wrong. The English version is:Code:trade{comercio} war{guerra}
The game wants to translate "war_ship", can't translate it because the keywords are wrong, so it just shows the untranslated keyword.Code:trade_ship{Trade} war_ship{War}
The reason I found that was that I noticed that even in English, if I sink a pirate ship, it says "Type: pirate_ship Ship". This is because while "trade_ship" and "war_ship" are in "Interface_strings.txt", "pirate_ship" is not. I added it, then sunk a pirate ship and the report said "Type: Pirate Ship".
The attached version of Spanish "interface_strings.txt" has the correct keywords as well as a line for "pirate_ship":Code:trade_ship{comercio} war_ship{guerra} pirate_ship{pirata}
I've still to figure out how to put the words in correct order for Spanish, i.e. "Barco comercio" instead of "comercio Barco", but at least you'll now get a Spanish word instead of "trade_ship".
That log is defined in AIShip.cHave you noticed that, if you sink or capture an enemy ship, there's a report in the top left of the screen? And one line of that report says something like "Tipo: war_ship Barco".
The reason for that is these lines in "interface_strings.txt":They're wrong. The English version is:Code:trade{comercio} war{guerra}
The game wants to translate "war_ship", can't translate it because the keywords are wrong, so it just shows the untranslated keyword.Code:trade_ship{Trade} war_ship{War}
The reason I found that was that I noticed that even in English, if I sink a pirate ship, it says "Type: pirate_ship Ship". This is because while "trade_ship" and "war_ship" are in "Interface_strings.txt", "pirate_ship" is not. I added it, then sunk a pirate ship and the report said "Type: Pirate Ship".
The attached version of Spanish "interface_strings.txt" has the correct keywords as well as a line for "pirate_ship":Code:trade_ship{comercio} war_ship{guerra} pirate_ship{pirata}
I've still to figure out how to put the words in correct order for Spanish, i.e. "Barco comercio" instead of "comercio Barco", but at least you'll now get a Spanish word instead of "trade_ship".
// RM -->
bool bPirated = false;
if (CheckAttribute(rDead, "skipRM"))
DeleteAttribute(rDead, "skipRM");
DeleteAttribute(rDead, "betrayed");
float points = 1.0;
if(CheckAttribute(rDead,"Points")) points = stf(rDead.Points);
string ship_type = "";
if (CheckAttribute(rDead,"FantomType")) ship_type = TranslateString("",rDead.FantomType + "_ship");
TraceAndLog(TranslateString("","Type") + ": " + ship_type + " " + TranslateString("","ship") + ". " + TranslateString("","Points") + ": " + points); // LDH 31Jan09
if (CheckAttribute(rDead, "betrayed")) rMainCharacter.traitor = true; // PB: Temporary attribute, will be deleted in the next function
bPirated = UpdateRMRelation(rMainCharacter, iNation, points);
// RM <--
I forgot to change the codification of the storyline-strings file to ANSI so that special characters show up correctly. Here it is.C:\POTC\NH 2020\RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\SPANISH\Storyline\Standard is done. The only one that is left is WoodesRogers, and when that's done the RESOURCES side of things should be fully translated.