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WIP Spanish translation

Thanks! :onya You should be able to see the results of your work by sailing a long way directly - try sailing from Havana to Cartagena! Then have a look round Cartagena because some of the new translations are for locations there.

And that file is going into the next update.
Last minute changes, mostly to instances of the verb "coger". It's a curious case in Spanish; in European Spanish it's a perfectly innocent and ubiquitous word that means simply "to take" or "to pick up", but in several Latin American countries it's a rather rude word for "to f*ck", so I've changed them for synonyms. In this day and age it's unlikely to cause any real confusion or anything more than a chuckle because everybody is aware of the different meanings, but still.


  • interface_strings.txt
    122.5 KB · Views: 148
Some instances of "coger" have been changed to "recoger". Those Latin American countries are now going to repeatedly do interesting things to whatever it is they're supposed to be taking. xD
As far as I know, recoger has less of a connotation, still there but you have to be intentionally looking for the double entendre, and the word is otherwise used normally. It's also not a true synonym for all meanings of coger, recoger would be more specifically "pick up"something or someone rather than the wider "take", which could be depending on context "tomar", "llevarse", etc.
@Grey Roger: Do you happen to know if the Spanish translation files in New Horizons are officially equally up-to-date as the English ones?
If not, what might be done about that?

Also, how about the Russian ones?
I've got a fair few connections in Russia through the Discord now; so perhaps we could ask there?
Though ideally we should be able to give them clear indications of what exactly needs translating further...

On the subject of translations, there is also the "Corsairs Ship Pack" mod for CoAS.
The developer of that one would be happy to support us doing an English translation for that one.
The Spanish files are not up to date. What could be done is for a Spanish speaker to volunteer to go through them. ;)

Russian files are a lot further behind. The same applies. You could post the entire contents of "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\ENGLISH" and "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\RUSSIAN" onto Discord and see if anyone wants to do some updating. Of course, doing the translation requires someone who knows both English and Russian and who is not already busy translating the "Corsairs Ship Pack". ;)

There's also a Polish translation. It's probably even less complete than the Russian.
You could post the entire contents of "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\ENGLISH" and "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\RUSSIAN" onto Discord and see if anyone wants to do some updating.
Are both versions at least in line code-wise?
So at least the stuff that IS translated lines up exactly with their English equivalents?

someone [...] who is not already busy translating the "Corsairs Ship Pack". ;)
No such person exists.
The only translation project I am aware of currently being done is @JTem's efforts to have an official Spanish translation included in TEHO.
Are both versions at least in line code-wise?
So at least the stuff that IS translated lines up exactly with their English equivalents?
I'm not certain, but probably. Files like "common.ini" and "interface_strings.txt" don't necessarily need to be in the same order. Each line contains a string which is what will be found in program code, and a translated string which is what you'll see on screen. I'd guess that the exact order of lines doesn't matter.

Dialog files are another matter - if the "dialog.h" file isn't in the same order then you'll see the wrong text in the translated version. Mind you, if the "dialog.h" file is not up to date and does not contain the latest text, the dialog is liable to fail anyway when the "dialog.c" calls for a certain line number which is past the end of the translated "dialog.h", so you won't see wrong text, you'll see a blank dialog box.
I'm not certain, but probably. Files like "common.ini" and "interface_strings.txt" don't necessarily need to be in the same order. Each line contains a string which is what will be found in program code, and a translated string which is what you'll see on screen. I'd guess that the exact order of lines doesn't matter.

Dialog files are another matter - if the "dialog.h" file isn't in the same order then you'll see the wrong text in the translated version. Mind you, if the "dialog.h" file is not up to date and does not contain the latest text, the dialog is liable to fail anyway when the "dialog.c" calls for a certain line number which is past the end of the translated "dialog.h", so you won't see wrong text, you'll see a blank dialog box.
Exactly my worry.

Ideal would be if all translation files were always a full copy of the English ones and they'd be updated along with the main ones.
Otherwise I fear no translation is ever going to stick. :facepalm
The Spanish files are not up to date. What could be done is for a Spanish speaker to volunteer to go through them. ;)


The Spanish translation of POTC can be improved a lot, just last week I played a little bit and it could use a revision.:type1

If I'm not mistaken the files are located in these folders::read


The files are easier to review than the TEHO files, as they do not have the codes and are not scattered all over the place. :onya

As Pieter says, I am currently work to improve the translation of TEHO for possible incorporation into BETA 1.7.3, I would not mind doing so in the future. :wp
If I'm not mistaken the files are located in these folders::read

And also "PROGRAM\Storyline\*\DIALOGS\SPANISH". Several storylines don't have Spanish dialog translations at all, including "standard", which is "Tales of a Sea Hawk".
The Spanish translation of POTC can be improved a lot, just last week I played a little bit and it could use a revision.:type1

I would not mind doing so in the future. :wp
Very kind of you!

But I understand you can't translate both games at the same time, of course.
And that's fair enough.
It IS a lot of work!
The Spanish translation of POTC can be improved a lot, just last week I played a little bit and it could use a revision.:type1
If you want to change something beyond fixing the inevitable grammar errors, I'd appreciate if you posted about it first. In some cases, some phrasing may read as awkward, but there's usually a reason behind it.;)
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If you want to change something beyond fixing the inevitable grammar errors, I'd appreciate if you posted about it first. In some cases, some phrasing may read as awkwared, but there's usually a reason behind it.;)

Of course, unlike the TEHO project where I am practically alone, here I am just a guest willing to help.

"Por supuesto, a diferencia del proyecto del TEHO en el que estoy prácticamente solo, por aquí solo soy un invitado con ganas de ayudar."
If you want to change something beyond fixing the inevitable grammar errors, I'd appreciate if you posted about it first. In some cases, some phrasing may read as awkward, but there's usually a reason behind it.;)
I did indeed see you guys put a LOT of thought and care into things.
Which is also why I'd hope to make an Executable Installer somewhere this year with a complete version in it.
Would hate to see all that hard work go to waste...
It's just that sometimes you have to hammer a square peg into a round hole, grammatically speaking, to make the translation work :p
It's just that sometimes you have to hammer a square peg into a round hole, grammatically speaking, to make the translation work :p
Because the code wasn't set up for the grammar, you mean?

Code changes can be made for that.
Code changes have been made for that.
In fact, I'm pretty sure it was you who did that.
So I'm preaching to the choir. :rofl
I did a bunch, but I think most of it is in my old files that didn't quite work. Someday I will have to go through them and see what can be salvaged.
Hello @Homo eructus .

I have started translating some of the main story files hosted at: \PROGRAM\Storyline\standard\DIALOGS\...

By the way the Spanish folder is missing, I don't think it's my version of the game.

I leave you one of them to review it, I understand that the dialogues sometimes continue in the next line and that it is necessary to respect the codes.

string DLG_TEXT[28] = {
"¡Pero mira a quién veo! ",
"Lo siento, ¿te conozco?",
"Entonces, ¿has completado tu tarea?",
"Sí, no te molestará más",
"Si necesitas algo más, estaré encantado de ayudarte",
"Está bien, me acuerdo de ti. ¡Eres el capitán que logró escapar cuando los franceses capturaron #sOxbay#!",
"Sí. ¿Pero cómo lo supiste?",
"Un pajarito me lo dijo.",
"Ya veo. Bueno, si me disculpa...",
"Espere, por favor. A juzgar por su tono, ha visto días mejores. ¿Quizás pueda ayudarte?",
"Eso depende. ¿Por qué ibas a ayudarme?",
"Me encantaría creer que en estos tiempos modernos toda la gente sea amable, se lleve bien, cuide sus modales y no recurra a la violencia para resolver sus problemas. Por desgracia, no es así. Necesito acción, y quiero que me ayudes",
" ¿Qué tendría que hacer?",
"Hay un tipo que obstaculiza mi negocio",
"¿Y quieres deshacerte de él? ¿Por qué no lo haces tú?",
"Lo haría, pero vive en #sIsla Muelle#. Allí soy muy conocido y me reconocerían",
"Supongamos que estoy dispuesto. ¿Cuál será la recompensa?",
"Para ser sincero, no tengo mucho dinero que ofrecer. Todos mis ahorros están en otra parte, en manos de una persona de confianza, pero...",
"¿Pero qué?",
"Tengo un excelente barco que puedo ofrecerte",
"Hmm... suena tentador. Supongo que tenemos un trato",
"¡Genial! Entonces te daré el barco y te encargarás de ",
"Sidonio Ogarrio",
"Sidonio Ogarrio",
". Vive cerca de una pequeña plaza detrás de la taberna de #sIsla Muelle#.",
"De acuerdo. Acepto",

string DLG_TEXT[28] = {
"Well, look who I see! ",
"I'm sorry, do I know you?",
"So, you have completed your task?",
"Yes, he won't bother you any more.",
"If you need anything else, I'll be glad to help.",
"That's all right, I remember you. You're the captain that managed to escape when the French captured #sOxbay#!",
"Yes. But how did you know?",
"A little bird told me.",
"I see. Well, if you will excuse me...",
"Wait, please. Judging by your tone, you've seen better days. Perhaps I can help you?",
"That depends. Why would you help me?",
"I would love to believe that in these modern times all people should be friends, get along, mind their manners, and not resort to violence to solve their problems. Unfortunately, this not the case. I need action, and I want you to help me.",
"And what would I have to do?",
"There is a fellow who hinders my business.",
"And you want to get rid of him? Why don't you do it then?",
"I would, but he lives in #sIsla Muelle#. I am well known there, and would be recognized.",
"Let's assume I'm willing. What will the reward be?",
"To be honest, I haven't much money to offer. All my savings elsewhere, held by a person I trust, but...",
"But what?",
"I do have an excellent ship I can give you.",
"Hmm...sounds tempting. I guess you've got a deal.",
"Great! Then I'll give you the ship and you'll take care of ",
"Sidonio Ogarrio",
"Sidonio Ogarrio",
" on #sIsla Muelle#. He lives in a small square behind the tavern.",
"All right. I accept.",

Please upload files using the "Upload a File" button, rather than including their contents in the post. It makes adding them into the update a lot easier!

There is indeed no "PROGRAM\Storyline\standard\DIALOGS\SPANISH" folder. Nobody got around to translating any of this storyline's dialog files into Spanish so the "SPANISH" folder was never created. You can create it yourself and put your translations in there.

That Spanish file probably won't work because you missed out the final "};".

Looking at the English version and comparing it to existing files, that appears to be "Wilfred Bythesea_dialog.h". You won't often see this dialog.
You retrieve the golden idol from the ship at Bridgetown. You sail round to the lighthouse, where Danielle is missing. When you go to sea, you are washed overboard in a storm and end up on Bonaire. In the pirate fort, you meet captain Anacleto Rui Sa Pinto. If you demand to be hired as a captain, he tests you by making you fight Gervasio Serrao, then refuses to hire you as an officer anyway. You can either fight Anacleto and take his ship, or you can say "Fine. I'll try my luck somewhere else". In that case, another man named Wilfred Bythesea enters the tavern and offers you a ship on condition that you go to San Juan and kill Sidonio Ogarrio. The file you've translated is his.

All the storyline's dialog files will eventually need to be translated, but to start with, I'd suggest "danielle_dialog.h" and "Robert Christopher Silehard_dialog.h". Those are probably the two most important files, and you'll meet Governor Silehard very soon into the story so you won't have to wait long to find out if his file works.