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WIP Spanish translation

I upload the corrected translation of the Sir Edward Pellew dialogue file, from the Horatio Hornblower story line.

I detected 2 errors, but 1 of them also exists in the last line of dialogue in the English file:

"Excellent work, Hornblower. This will add well to your record. But the war still goes on and I imagine you will soon have further exploits to report. May fortune continue to smile on you, Hornblower."

The absence of the comma can be seen at the end of the sentence.
Well spotted, @Perro Negro! :onya That has not been a problem while playing the game in English, probably because it is the last line. It would certainly cause trouble if someone were to extend the storyline and add further dialog to Sir Edward Pellew, so it is well to correct the mistake now. I've corrected the English version and copied your revised Spanish version into the update. Nice timing, too - I was about to upload the update and checked this thread to see if there were any final additions.

In lines 10 and 11 of the dialogue file of Lt. Percy Buckland of the history of Horatio, I believe that there is an error. From Jamaica he sends me to sail to Nevis heading south east. This is incorrect, it should be heading east, isn't it?
In English, at least, he gives a course of East by South. This is correct. He is referring to a 32-point compass system. East by South is 1/32 round from East, in the middle between East and East-South-East. If the Spanish Wikipedia article on the compass rose is accurate, this should be translated as Este por el Sur.
Well spotted, @Perro Negro! :onya That has not been a problem while playing the game in English, probably because it is the last line. It would certainly cause trouble if someone were to extend the storyline and add further dialog to Sir Edward Pellew, so it is well to correct the mistake now. I've corrected the English version and copied your revised Spanish version into the update. Nice timing, too - I was about to upload the update and checked this thread to see if there were any final additions.

In English, at least, he gives a course of East by South. This is correct. He is referring to a 32-point compass system. East by South is 1/32 round from East, in the middle between East and East-South-East. If the Spanish Wikipedia article on the compass rose is accurate, this should be translated as Este por el Sur.

Also, among the several things that currently don't have the translation function applied to them, most of them are fairly inconsequential things like some location names and things like that, things that would be nice to have transalted but are not a big or urgent matter. But in the GoldBug stage for gunpowder mixing, the screen log detailing the ingredients inside the mill is unstranslated and that's a fairly important piece of information needed to succeed in the quest
Would it be ok to give those lines the TranslateString treatment, and if so where are they defined?
They appear to be in "quests_reaction.c", lines 7028 - 7035. @Jack Rackham could give a definite answer. If that is indeed where the messages are produced, either he or I could change the lines to use "TranslateString". In any case, there's certainly no harm in adding the translated strings to "interface_strings.txt", probably just after line 1712.
The Arawak Indians on Aruba had the same problem as street merchants, so I gave them the same treatment - changed their names to 'TranslateString("Arawak", "Indian")' and added 'Arawak Indian{Indio arawak}' to "characters_names.txt".
Spanish_Indian1.jpg Spanish_Indian2.jpg
They have an extra complication. The feminine form of "Indian" in Spanish is "India", not "Indio". So I also defined "IndianF" and "Arawak IndianF" in "characters_names.txt".

(Judging by the dialog with the man, "PROGRAM\DIALOGS\SPANISH\Enc_Walker.h" could probably do with some correction...)
In English, at least, he gives a course of East by South. This is correct. He is referring to a 32-point compass system. East by South is 1/32 round from East, in the middle between East and East-South-East. If the Spanish Wikipedia article on the compass rose is accurate, this should be translated as Este por el Sur.
I haven't heard that very often in Spanish, I suppose it's been adopted in more recent times as a direct translation form English. A more classical way of saying it would be "Este cuarta al sur/sureste" (a "cuarta" being each of the 32 divisons of the rose).
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You don't hear it very often in English these days either. Nowadays you would probably give the heading as an accurate angle in degrees.

At least "Este por el Sur" has the advantage of being in that Wikipedia article, which means if anyone pays attention to the dialog and wonders what Lieutenant Buckley means, they can look at Wikipedia and find out.

This is also why I changed the dialog in English to "East by South". At one time it really did say "South East". This is because the game's world map was different when the "Hornblower" storyline was first added. The map was replaced by the more accurate version you see today, but the dialogs in "Hornblower" were not updated and a lot of directions were wrong. My first introduction to modding was correcting the dialog texts in "Hornblower". I decided to be a little more precise than "East", and anyone who didn't know what "East by South" meant could either ask the forum or go and look it up. :p

Incidentally, there's an old Alfred Hitchcock film, "North by NorthWest". If you see this, laugh at the title because North by NorthWest is not a valid direction. 1/32 west from north is North by West, and 1/32 north from northwest is NorthWest by North.
       if(makefloat(Pchar.quest.store_charcoal) + makefloat(Pchar.quest.mix_charcoal) > 0)
       { LogIt(makefloat(Pchar.quest.store_charcoal) + makefloat(Pchar.quest.mix_charcoal) + " " + TranslateString("","charcoal")); }

       if(makefloat(Pchar.quest.store_nitre) + makefloat(Pchar.quest.mix_nitre) > 0)
       { LogIt(makefloat(Pchar.quest.store_nitre) + makefloat(Pchar.quest.mix_nitre) + " " + TranslateString("","nitre")); }

       if(makefloat(Pchar.quest.store_sulfur) + makefloat(Pchar.quest.mix_sulfur) > 0)
       { LogIt(makefloat(Pchar.quest.store_sulfur) + makefloat(Pchar.quest.mix_sulfur) + " " + TranslateString("","sulfur")); }
Originally they were similar to:
LogIt(makefloat(Pchar.quest.store_charcoal) + makefloat(Pchar.quest.mix_charcoal) + " charcoal");
The leading space won't work in "interface_strings.txt" so I put it separately in the 'LogIt' command. "water" and "nothing" are already in "interface_strings.txt" so I added "charcoal", "nitre" and "sulfur" below them.

@Homo eructus: what is Spanish for "charcoal", "nitre" and "sulfur" (or "sulphur")?


  • quests_reaction.c
    906.5 KB · Views: 123
  • interface_strings.txt
    109 KB · Views: 123
charcoal> carbón vegetal
nitre> salitre or nitro (the English text uses mostly saltpeter and sometimes nitre, for clarity's sake I always use salitre in the translation)
sukfur> azufre
If English switches between "saltpeter" and "nitre" for some reason, then for whatever that reason is, Spanish should probably likewise switch between "salitre" and "nitro". Anyway, here's my Spanish version of "interface_strings.txt" with the three added.

(Edit: updated to correct "There's something hidden here but the hatch is stuck.")
(Edit: updated to include "I need something to tie the Rope to.)


  • interface_strings.txt
    116.8 KB · Views: 102
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I think I 've found a mistake in one of the screen log massages the text in interface_strings says "There's something behind here but the hatch is stuck", but the string in SL_utils is "There's something hidden here but the hatch is stuck.", so TranslateString is not working because they don't match.
Google translates that as "Hay algo escondido aquí, pero la escotilla está atascada." Unless you have something better, that's what I'll put in the Spanish "interface_strings.txt".
Yet another GoldBug screen log that could use a translation: "I need something to tie the rope to." in quests_recation.c

In Spanish that'd be "Necesito algo a lo que atar la cuerda", in case you want to add it to both versions os interaface_strings.
Thanks, I've now added that (and a couple more which use "TranslateString" in "quests_reaction.c" but which had no entries in "interface_strings.txt"). The new version is in post #931.
Thanks, I've now added that (and a couple more which use "TranslateString" in "quests_reaction.c" but which had no entries in "interface_strings.txt"). The new version is in post #931.
Yeah, I was about to add "Strange, I wonder why that crate looks different from the others.", which uses TranslateString but is not in the txt file. I take it that was one of those you found?
No, it wasn't. I added it and some other minor corrections and spelling fixes


  • interface_strings.txt
    116.9 KB · Views: 99
I upload another dialogue file translated from the history of Horatio, which I had to strongly correct (Uriah Quelp). I'm sorry, but I'm afraid there will be more errors in other files ... as I play.


  • Lt. Uriah Quelp_Dialog.h
    13.7 KB · Views: 116