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WIP Spanish translation

It's in one the treasure sacks at the end of the storyline. You can't pick it up, but still can right click and hold over the icon in the loot menu to see the description, which is how I took the screenshots.

It's not a big deal, I just pointed it out because I was afraid it could be an error due to the translation. Glad it ism't.
After translating blaze_dialog.h for The Gold Bug storyline, I'm finding issues. At some point during a dialogue (I've seen it twice at two different stages of the storyline), the player character repeats the last line that was said instead of the one that he had to say and then becomes stuck in place, I assume because the line that should trigger the next stage of the quest doesn't trigger itself.

I'm getting this error log

COMPILE ERROR - file: storyline\GoldBug\dialogs\Spanish\blaze_dialog.h; line: 1
Invalid array 'DLG_TEXT' initialization parameters list
COMPILE ERROR - file: storyline\GoldBug\dialogs\blaze_dialog.c; line: 33
Invalid Expression
COMPILE ERROR - file: storyline\GoldBug\dialogs\blaze_dialog.c; line: 33
Invalid Expression
COMPILE ERROR - file: storyline\GoldBug\dialogs\blaze_dialog.c; line: 33
Invalid Expression
COMPILE ERROR - file: storyline\GoldBug\dialogs\blaze_dialog.c; line: 33
Invalid Expression
COMPILE ERROR - file: storyline\GoldBug\dialogs\blaze_dialog.c; line: 33
Invalid Expression
COMPILE ERROR - file: storyline\GoldBug\dialogs\blaze_dialog.c; line: 33
Invalid Expression
COMPILE ERROR - file: storyline\GoldBug\dialogs\blaze_dialog.c; line: 33
Invalid Expression
COMPILE ERROR - file: storyline\GoldBug\dialogs\blaze_dialog.c; line: 33
Undeclared identifier: DLG_TEXT

I've checked my blaze_dialog.h and I don't see anything immediately wrong with it (no missing " or commas that I can see, same number of lines as the English version), but obviously I must be missing something.


  • blaze_dialog.h
    29.3 KB · Views: 93
Line 45:
"Ahora necesito buscar a esa chica. Si no está por aquí en algún lugar, estaré en apuros."
There's your missing comma.

Incidentally, almost everything down to line 290 should be the same as "PROGRAM\Dialogs\SPANISH\blaze_dialog.h". This is the file which supplies text when your character talks to himself, and the text specific to "Goldbug" starts at line 291. Before that is either related to general gameplay, sidequests, "Tales of a Sea Hawk", or storylines which don't have their own "blaze_dialog.h" and have their text in the general version.

There are a few differences:
Line 150:
"Easy, now! I've had a rough time of it. When I came to my senses, I staggered into #sDouwesen# and managed to get a small ship. Not long after, I ended up here. You can well imagine how surprised I was to see my old ship in Muelle harbor. She was still being repaired after that storm.",
The general version has "#sIsla Muelle#" instead of "Muelle", but it doesn't matter because that line will never appear. The game was originally intended to let you play as Nathaniel or Danielle, and this line was for Danielle's version. Very little exists of Danielle's version apart from some dialog material.

Line 206:
"What are you saying? You're a free man? Then leave me be!",
The general version now has preprocessed variable "#sgender#" instead of "man". Again, it doesn't matter because this line is for "Tales of a Sea Hawk" and will never be seen if you're playing "Goldbug".

Line 259:
The general version has "PETER!" instead of "BARTOLOMEU!" This is for the "Search for Peter's ship" sidequest, which at one time was "Search for Bartolomeu's ship". The lead character of this sidequest used to be Bartolomeu o Portugues, who has his own storyline, so the sidequest was changed to feature Peter Blood instead. @Jack Rackham: you might want to correct this in "PROGRAM\Storyline\Goldbug\dialogs\ENGLISH\blaze_dialog.h" as well, in case someone completes the story and then goes on to play sidequests.
I don't think sidequests are possible to play at all from within the GoldBug storyline. It's a small world of it's own without any connection to the
standard POTC locations.
I knew something had escaped me. Thanks!

Yes, I knew all those lines weren't being used for this storyline but I thought I may aswell get them done, and use them for reference (accounting for those small differences) when the time comes to translate the files that actually use them.
There must be something else, I'm still getting the same error.

I've noticed the first line, the one the error log pointed at says
string DLG_TEXT[429] = {
yet there are more than 429 lines of dialogue in the file. But that's also true of the English version and that one works fine so that's not it.
Last edited:
Yes, I knew all those lines weren't being used for this storyline but I thought I may aswell get them done, and use them for reference (accounting for those small differences) when the time comes to translate the files that actually use them.
It does no harm to translate them, but if you're going to use a file for reference, use "PROGRAM\DIALOGS\SPANISH\blaze_dialog.h". This is the one which will be updated for sidequests as well as "Tales of a Sea Hawk" and several other storylines which have no specific versions of "blaze_dialog.h".

I've noticed the first line, the one the error log pointed at says
string DLG_TEXT[429] = {
yet there are more than 429 lines of dialogue in the file. But that's also true of the English version and that one works fine so that's not it.

The reason for that is that some pieces of dialog are very long and are split across more than one line in the file, e.g.:
"To be sure! you are left-handed and your left eye is on the same side as your left hand.
Now, I suppose, you can find the left eye of the skull, or the place where the left eye has been. Have you found it?",
There is no end quote mark or comma on the first of those lines, and no leading quote mark on the second. So the code will see that as all one line.
I see. Still no explanation for the error then. I'll have to double check line by line or I could try replacing parts of the file with the English version and testing it until I narrow down the issue.
I suspect that I will also have problems with the blaze_dialog.h file in the translations of "Sparrow" and "Assassin"; the latter is almost finished.
I see. Still no explanation for the error then. I'll have to double check line by line or I could try replacing parts of the file with the English version and testing it until I narrow down the issue.
Sorry about the delay. I was doing something similar, only I started by replacing the first half of the file with its equivalent in "PROGRAM\DIALOGS\SPANISH\blaze_dialog.h" and then narrowing it down.

Line 98:
Entonces deberíamos separarnos. Así cubriremos más terreno. Yo cogeré el pasadizo de la izquierda, ¡y veremos quién encuentra el tesoro primero!",
The quote mark is missing at the beginning.

The attached version appears to work.

I suspect that I will also have problems with the blaze_dialog.h file in the translations of "Sparrow" and "Assassin"; the latter is almost finished.
You might also want to look at the general version, "PROGRAM\DIALOGS\SPANISH\blaze_dialog.h". This appears to have a lot of mistakes, unless there has been a more recent, corrected version - the one I have is dated November 2019. Once that is correct, you can use a lot of it as reference for the storyline versions.


  • blaze_dialog.h
    29.3 KB · Views: 111
Several of the last lines of the file are incorrect:

"Sólo se me ocurre una explicación plausible...
y, sin embargo, es espantoso creer una atrocidad como la que implica mi sugerencia.
Me parece evidente que Kidd (si fue él mismo quien escondió el tesoro, cosa que por mi parte no dudo),
me parece evidente que necesitó ayuda en su trabajo.", //425
"Pero, una vez terminado éste, debió considerar la conveniencia de eliminar a todos los que participaban de su secreto.
Quizá le bastó un par de azadonazos mientras sus ayudantes estaban ocupados en el pozo;
tal vez hizo falta una docena... ¿Quién podría decirlo?", //426
"Me pregunto si el teniente G sabe algo sobre textos cifrados...",
"... esto no significa absolutamente nada para mí.",
By the way, in this file the word "Researcher" is used. Is your translation into Spanish simply "Investigador"?
Several of the last lines of the file are incorrect:

"Sólo se me ocurre una explicación plausible...
y, sin embargo, es espantoso creer una atrocidad como la que implica mi sugerencia.
Me parece evidente que Kidd (si fue él mismo quien escondió el tesoro, cosa que por mi parte no dudo),
me parece evidente que necesitó ayuda en su trabajo.", //425
"Pero, una vez terminado éste, debió considerar la conveniencia de eliminar a todos los que participaban de su secreto.
Quizá le bastó un par de azadonazos mientras sus ayudantes estaban ocupados en el pozo;
tal vez hizo falta una docena... ¿Quién podría decirlo?", //426
"Me pregunto si el teniente G sabe algo sobre textos cifrados...",
"... esto no significa absolutamente nada para mí.",

Missing enough quotes and commas
If you mean that there are no quote marks at the end of the first three lines you show, and none at the start of the second, third and fourth lines, that is not a mistake. Without those quote marks, the game regards all four as one single line. So what you should see on screen is:
Sólo se me ocurre una explicación plausible... y, sin embargo, es espantoso creer una atrocidad como la que implica mi sugerencia. Me parece evidente que Kidd (si fue él mismo quien escondió el tesoro, cosa que por mi parte no dudo), me parece evidente que necesitó ayuda en su trabajo.
Likewise, the next line on screen will be:
Pero, una vez terminado éste, debió considerar la conveniencia de eliminar a todos los que participaban de su secreto. Quizá le bastó un par de azadonazos mientras sus ayudantes estaban ocupados en el pozo; tal vez hizo falta una docena... ¿Quién podría decirlo?
If you mean that there are no quote marks at the end of the first three lines you show, and none at the start of the second, third and fourth lines, that is not a mistake. Without those quote marks, the game regards all four as one single line. So what you should see on screen is:
Likewise, the next line on screen will be:

Ah, I thought that might be the problem :rolleyes:
By the way, in this file the word "Researcher" is used. Is your translation into Spanish simply "Investigador"?
In the "Goldbug" file, it does not matter. This is one of the lines which is in the original "blaze_dialog.h" file and which is for "Tales of a Sea Hawk". You will never see it while playing "Goldbug".

But in "PROGRAM\DIALOGS\SPANISH\blaze_dialog.h", it must not be translated. "Researcher" is the character ID of the old man at the lighthouse. The game checks his character definition to find his real name. If you translate "Researcher" then it will look for the wrong ID, fail to find the character, and that part of the dialog will not work.
In the "Goldbug" file, it does not matter. This is one of the lines which is in the original "blaze_dialog.h" file and which is for "Tales of a Sea Hawk". You will never see it while playing "Goldbug".

But in "PROGRAM\DIALOGS\SPANISH\blaze_dialog.h", it must not be translated. "Researcher" is the character ID of the old man at the lighthouse. The game checks his character definition to find his real name. If you translate "Researcher" then it will look for the wrong ID, fail to find the character, and that part of the dialog will not work.
