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WIP Spanish translation

I think the questbook titles showing as "erro" is something I encountered and fixed. I think we spoke about it somewhere in this thread.

@Xianco, if you meake sure the files are codified in ANSI instead of the default UTF-8, the special symbols (accents, ñ, inverted question and exclamation marks) should work

Edit: As it turns out, the two problems have a single solution, which is nice and unusual:D
The quest title gave me an "erro" first. However, after converting your file to ANSI I got this:

View attachment 28287

I have absolutely no clue what my character is talking about, but it certainly looks like Spanish to me. Anything missing in there?
Maybe the game can't handle UTF8 very well; either that or the BOM was the culprit.
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I think the questbook titles showing as "erro" is something I encountered and fixed. I think we spoke about it somewhere in this thread.

@Xianco, if you meake sure the files are codified in ANSI instead of the default UTF-8, the special symbols (accents, ñ, inverted question and exclamation marks) should work

Edit: As it turns out, the two problems have a single solution, which is nice and unusual:D
I have translated and corrected all the files with notepad ++ coding them in ANSI and saving them later. It was because of a human error that I realized what you said when I had most of it translated. When you translate a text file and save it without changing the encoding (leaving it by default in UTF-8) it automatically generates characters or symbols in "Chinese" that are possibly recognized by the game. The truth, I do not remember very well if I verified it within the game, but I think those characters are not a problem, but the solution. Unfortunately characters in "Chinese" scared me and that's why I saved all the files in ANSI, which eliminated all the accents, the Ѩs, also inverting the open question marks.

Now it's a bit late to regret, but this has helped me learn how to use the tools better. In the worst case, there is now a considerable part of the translated game. The next translation that I put forward will undoubtedly be a little better.

Once again, thanks for the help.
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Not entirely. I tried that - downloaded @Xianco's file, and renamed the "ENGLISH" folders to "SPANISH". ("RESOURCE\INI\ENGLISH" should be "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\ENGLISH". Or "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\SPANISH". ;)) Then I tried changing languages, and the interface still only gave the choice of English or Russian. After a lot of digging, I found out why. When you try to scroll through the languages, function 'ProcessLanguageRight()' in "PROGRAM\INTERFACE\option_screen.c" checks each language in sequence and quits when it finds one which doesn't exist. The sequence is in "PROGRAM\globals.c":
#define ILANG_ENG   0
#define ILANG_RUS   1
#define ILANG_FRA   2
#define ILANG_GER   3
#define ILANG_SPA   4
#define ILANG_POL   5
So 'ProcessLanguageRight()' finds English, finds Russian, doesn't find French, quits, and never gets to Spanish.

Obvious solution - change the sequence:
#define ILANG_ENG   0
#define ILANG_RUS   1
#define ILANG_SPA   2
#define ILANG_FRA   3
#define ILANG_GER   4
#define ILANG_POL   5

The revised "globals.c" is attached. And it works! Well, at least as far as the translating has been done...
View attachment 34633 View attachment 34631 View attachment 34632 View attachment 34636

There's still a lot of work to be done. For one thing, some of the tutorial questbooks don't show their titles:
View attachment 34634 View attachment 34635

There are no "PROGRAM\Storyline\<story name>\DIALOGS" files, so all storyline dialog text will still show up in English. "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\SPANISH\Storyline" does exist so storyline questbooks might work - I haven't had time to try one, they may have the same problem with titles as the tutorial questbooks. But the various "characters_names.txt" files will need to be expanded to include all character names, even proper names which don't need to be translated - these can simply be copied from the English files.

By the way, see that garbage at the end of the questbook text? You need to put a blank line at the end of the questbook to prevent that.

You have been quick with lightning. Another good lesson for the school. I will continue to translate your updates until there is a legible job and as pleasant as possible.
Now it's a bit late to regret, but this has helped me learn how to use the tools better. In the worst case, there is now a considerable part of the translated game. The next translation that I put forward will undoubtedly be a little better.
No need regretting anything if you learned something good.
Especially if there was no harm done. ;)
Meanwhile, I remade the files in "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\SPANISH\Storyline\FreePlay\QUESTBOOK". First I moved the whole lot into another folder. Then I created new files, copied the text from the originals, and saved the results back into the "QUESTBOOK" folder. I also added the blank line to the end of any file which didn't have it.
questbook1_fixed.jpg questbook2_fixed.jpg

The attached is my version of "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\SPANISH\Storyline\FreePlay\QUESTBOOK". The rest of the questbooks are your job. :D

If you have the latest update, you may have noticed "storyline_strings.txt" files in "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\ENGLISH\Storyline" and in each of the storyline sub-folders. The ones in storyline folders just contain the title, name of starting ship, and story description. The one in the base "Storyline" folder contains the text from "PROGRAM\Models\initModels.c" for named and specific characters. That's how you'll be able to translate this:


    8.1 KB · Views: 80
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Meanwhile, I remade the files in "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\SPANISH\Storyline\FreePlay\QUESTBOOK". First I moved the whole lot into another folder. Then I created new files, copied the text from the originals, and saved the results back into the "QUESTBOOK" folder. I also added the blank line to the end of any file which didn't have it.
View attachment 34644 View attachment 34645

The attached is my version of "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\SPANISH\Storyline\FreePlay\QUESTBOOK". The rest of the questbooks are your job. :D

If you have the latest update, you may have noticed "storyline_strings.txt" files in "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\ENGLISH\Storyline" and in each of the storyline sub-folders. The ones in storyline folders just contain the title, name of starting ship, and story description. The one in the base "Storyline" folder contains the text from "PROGRAM\Models\initModels.c" for named and specific characters. That's how you'll be able to translate this:
The new update is already practically translated. Yesterday I spent all day translating the 33 new DIALOGS files and the txt that are next to Common ini (also updated). The Common ini files are updated but not the new text lines included in the last update, which means that they are partially translated without the new texts added in this last update. The new QUESTBOOK files translated by you are also included. Thanks for facilitating my work.

Of the 477 H files that are in the DIALOGS folder, I only need to translate 8. Those 8 files are not in a hurry. Before translating those 8 files, first I have to do a new revision of the 477 in case I still find some code unrepaired. As you can see, the work is very advanced, but I have to make sure that everything is in perfect condition. Actually, the translation already works in the game, but you never know if you are going to find an NPC that does not respond properly. In that case, the solution would be very easy simply by looking for the specific file and repairing it on the fly.

Summarizing; only the missions of JackSparrow, WoodesRogers, GoldBug, DevlinOper and Bartolomeu and the 8 files in DIALOGS are still to be translated. The new ShipModels_descriptions file also needs to be translated. What is already translated represents approximately 95% of the game.

Here is the new job for you to try as a language option in the mod.



By the way, I have tried the new global C file and I have seen that the language selection works with the added SPANISH folder.
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TSummarizing; only the missions of JackSparrow, WoodesRogers, GoldBug, DevlinOper and Bartolomeu and the 8 files in DIALOGS are still to be translated. The new ShipModels_descriptions file also needs to be translated. What is already translated represents approximately 95% of the game.

Here is the new job for you to try as a language option in the mod.

Thanks, I'll try that.

A quick check shows that the "characters_names.txt" files have yet to be translated. This is not a problem for most names, but descriptive names such as "Mines Commander" (general "characters_names.txt") and Indian names such as "Crescent Moon" (the file for the "Ardent" storyline"). And on that note, please use the attached version of "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\ENGLISH\Storyline\Ardent\characters_names.txt". The one in the update managed to miss out one of the Indian names which is assigned in "quests_reaction.c", and he's rather more important to the storyline than most of the Indians.

The "storyline_strings.txt" files are still all in English. In particular, "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\SPANISH\Storyline\storyline_strings.txt" (the one not in any specific storyline sub-folder) contains the descriptions of "Specific" and "Named" characters defined in "PROGRAM\Models\initModels.c". These descriptions appear when you pick a character for FreePlay.

Questbook titles have yet to be translated as well, though the questbook entries themselves appear to be done.

And the storyline dialog files ("PROGRAM\Storyline\<storyline name>\DIALOGS\ENGLISH") are not yet translated.

But a lot of work must have been involved in the vast amount which has been translated, so thank you for that! Keep up the good work. :cheers

(I noticed that the revised "PROGRAM\globals.c" with the changed language sequence isn't included, so anyone else wanting to try this translation, please download "globals.c" from post #499.)


  • characters_names.txt
    2.8 KB · Views: 121
Thanks, I'll try that.

A quick check shows that the "characters_names.txt" files have yet to be translated. This is not a problem for most names, but descriptive names such as "Mines Commander" (general "characters_names.txt") and Indian names such as "Crescent Moon" (the file for the "Ardent" storyline"). And on that note, please use the attached version of "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\ENGLISH\Storyline\Ardent\characters_names.txt". The one in the update managed to miss out one of the Indian names which is assigned in "quests_reaction.c", and he's rather more important to the storyline than most of the Indians.

The "storyline_strings.txt" files are still all in English. In particular, "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\SPANISH\Storyline\storyline_strings.txt" (the one not in any specific storyline sub-folder) contains the descriptions of "Specific" and "Named" characters defined in "PROGRAM\Models\initModels.c". These descriptions appear when you pick a character for FreePlay.

Questbook titles have yet to be translated as well, though the questbook entries themselves appear to be done.

And the storyline dialog files ("PROGRAM\Storyline\<storyline name>\DIALOGS\ENGLISH") are not yet translated.

But a lot of work must have been involved in the vast amount which has been translated, so thank you for that! Keep up the good work. :cheers

(I noticed that the revised "PROGRAM\globals.c" with the changed language sequence isn't included, so anyone else wanting to try this translation, please download "globals.c" from post #499.)
Oh my God !! The PROGRAM \ Storyline files had not even seen them ... That changes things.

Well, nothing happens, I will translate them too, but I think it will take at least a couple of weeks until they are finished.

As for the names of boats, objects and characters, I did not plan to translate them because they do not represent any obstacle to the understanding of the game. Maybe something escapes me and I have to translate them too, but I still do not understand with what motive. If you have found a file of names translated into Spanish, it is best to delete it and restore the original file (in English) to avoid unnecessary work. Unless your purpose is different.

Not all bad news, because the pace of work is faster every day. Today I finished translating a good part of the content including the txt storyline_strings of each folder, the txt of Bartolomeu, the txt of GoldBug, and some other more within the storyline directory.

And forgive me for not making me understand better, but as you've seen, I do not speak English.
Oh my God !! The PROGRAM \ Storyline files had not even seen them ... That changes things.

Well, nothing happens, I will translate them too, but I think it will take at least a couple of weeks until they are finished.
Don't worry about the time. You're not being paid for this and nobody is going to complain if you take longer to finish!

As for the names of boats, objects and characters, I did not plan to translate them because they do not represent any obstacle to the understanding of the game. Maybe something escapes me and I have to translate them too, but I still do not understand with what motive. If you have found a file of names translated into Spanish, it is best to delete it and restore the original file (in English) to avoid unnecessary work. Unless your purpose is different.
The Russian version requires that all names are translatable because it uses a different alphabet. So the "characters_names.txt" files include everything. (There's an added benefit. When the game starts, it tries to translate all the names in the character definition files. The translation function goes through every language file it can find, and if it fails to find a match for the name then it eventually returns the untranslated name. It finishes faster if it does find a match. So the complete "characters_names.txt" files make the game start a couple of seconds faster.)

For the Spanish version, almost all names can be the same as the English versions. But as I said, Indian names and descriptive "names" such as "French Buccaneer" (whom you may meet after talking to Thierry Bosquet in St. Pierre tavern) do need to be translated into Spanish.

Not all bad news, because the pace of work is faster every day. Today I finished translating a good part of the content including the txt storyline_strings of each folder, the txt of Bartolomeu, the txt of GoldBug, and some other more within the storyline directory.

forgive me for not making me understand better, but as you've seen, I do not speak English.
Your English is fine, and a lot better than my Spanish!
Don't worry about the time. You're not being paid for this and nobody is going to complain if you take longer to finish!
Exactly, we are doing this for fun, because we want to see our favorite game become better, but sometimes something unexpected happens or we may not have enough time and the project gets delayed. Still we do this because we want and we are not paid so, its a hobby a more serious one but a hobby still.
And forgive me for not making me understand better, but as you've seen, I do not speak English.
Your English is fine, and a lot better than my Spanish!
You write it brilliantly, though!
I've seen so much worse on this forum.
So! Much! Worse!! :shock

Your English is fine @Xianco, no need to worry about it!
Personally from the posts that you have uploaded, i haven't had any difficulties understanding you. :onya
I downloaded the Spanish translation of Xianco from nexus mod manager. There are three files: (Spanish translation - Spanish translation b14 - and Spanish translation globals. I chose Spanish translation, but I'm not sure if I downloaded the correct one, and if the translation is complete. Should I download the globals?

By the way, excellent work by Xianco
The Spanish translation is included in the update archive. You should be able to choose it from the F1 -> "Options" -> "Interface" menu. The translation is not complete, so if you want to contribute, I'm sure @Homo eructus and @Xianco would appreciate the help!
The files are all plain text. You can edit or create them with a basic text editor such as Notepad. You don't need to know anything about programming.

Mostly, what seems to be missing at the moment is storyline dialogs. You'll find these in each storyline's folder, in the subfolder "DIALOGS\ENGLISH". For example, those for "Tales of a Sea Hawk", also known as the "standard" storyline because it's the original story from the unmodified game, are found in "PROGRAM\Storyline\standard\DIALOGS\ENGLISH". The file names all end with "_dialog.h", e.g. "danielle_dialog.h" contains the text of everything which Danielle says to you and your answers to her, starting:
string DLG_TEXT[558] = {
"I've got nothing to say right now.",
"Very well; let's move along then...",
"Are you ready to set sail, ",
"Yes, quite ready.",
Don't touch that first line. The rest, as you can see, is plain text.

To make a Spanish translation, just create folder "PROGRAM\Storyline\standard\DIALOGS\SPANISH". Pick a dialog text file from "PROGRAM\Storyline\standard\DIALOGS\ENGLISH", translate the plain text to Spanish, then save the result under the same file name but to "PROGRAM\Storyline\standard\DIALOGS\SPANISH". Don't change things with "#" symbols such as "#sisland_Redmond#" or "#sgender#"; these are variables which will be assigned somewhere else.

If you'd prefer to work on the dialogs for a different storyline, e.g. "Hornblower" or "FreePlay", just go to that storyline's files, e.g. "PROGRAM\Storyline\Hornblower\dialogs\ENGLISH" or "PROGRAM\Storyline\FreePlay\DIALOGS\English".

There's no pressure. You are not under any obligation, you're not being paid, so you can work on whatever takes your interest and do as much or as little as you want, whenever you want to spend some time on it.
By the way, the NH is a work of art :)
Thanks for that, both from me personally and on behalf of the many people who have contributed to NH! :doff

If you do translate any files, you'll become one of those contributors and will be duly credited in the documentation.

By the way, I've moved these posts about the Spanish translation into the thread about the Spanish translation. They were previously in a thread about a Polish translation. ;)