Let me see if I can explain any of that....
At the moment as far as relations are concerned, there is no difference between realism modes.
I have asked for feedback on that though to determine if a "simplified behaviour toggle" would be required.
See here:
Jack Sparrow is British - have used false flags - to sail to Martinique and Puerto Rico.
In Justine La Moigne sailed out of St Pierre, Martinique with Capt Maggee going to Havana . As I left St Pierre Port 2 French ships there recoginsed me and started firing - I sailed away as quickly as possible without returning fire. Capt Maggee however returned fire, then the Fort joined in and he nearly got sunk.

I only just managed to get to the world map in time.
Did you actually get the "you were recognized" message on the screen or in compile.log?
I've actually been quite curious to hear if false flag recognizing still happens at all or if my changes have worked SO well that it no longer happens.
So if you DO have genuine "false flag recognizing" occurring there, I'd like to see the compile.log files to confirm that it behaves like it should.
And if it WASN'T the actual deliberate "false flag recognizing" function that caused those hostile ships, then what did? Compile.log should indicate that as well, I hope.
There is also the query of whether the chance of this happening is actually balanced and makes sense.
Basically the chance should INCREASE with your Fame Level (so what is yours?) and DECREASE again through your skills (mainly Luck).
Firing on ships that are already hostile should do nothing with your nation relations.
That is only affected when you sink or capture a ship. And if France is already hostile to you, it doesn't matter if they become MORE hostile.
On a couple of occasions using a french Flag and leaving San Juan, Puerto Rico - the Fort after letting me sail past it a little way suddenly recognises me and starts firing. I managed to get away without to much damage on both occasions - I did not return Fire - just kept in character and ran.
France is friendly to Spain, I assume then?
Indeed the "false flag recognizing" is NOT done when you first enter 3D sailing mode, but IS checked every 1-2 minutes after that.
So you'd be "safe" for at least the first minute before the fort opens fire. That should not actually be a problem.
What MIGHT be a problem though is that apparently you are being recognized so often.
I'd quite like to figure out why that happens and if it is indeed intentional.
So I have been careful to try and avoid unnecessary fights - since I don't want to spend a fortune with the diplomats - OR have Cutler Beckett chasing after me as a Traitor to the British ( no point in giving him any more reasons to kill me

Why are you afraid you'll be considered a traitor by the British?
To get England hostile to you, you actually need to sink/capture English ships
Though I can't remember now what happens when you are friendly to England, but France isn't, you're flying a French flag and encounter an English ship that should be friendly to you, but isn't based on your flag.
It could be that England WOULD turn hostile to you when you fire on them then, but I'd have to check that.
That is something that can be changed to something of "-1" reputation for each cannonball hit but no change to nation relations.
I think that might already be the case, but I'm not 100% sure. I'll check....
If you fear being considered a traitor while ASHORE in British ports, that will happen as soon as the game considers you a "pirate".
The ingame "Nations Relations" book should explain the circumstances where that can happen.
You can tell if it happens from your Captain Type in F2>Nations Relations and your Served Nation marked in YELLOW in F2>QuestBook.
But that can happen even if you don't touch any English ships, but DO act as a pirate towards French ones.
Does any the above make sense to you? I most definitely appreciate any and all feedback you might have.
As I've said elsewhere as well: This is all really quite new and I expect that some fine-tuning based on actually gameplay will be needed.
That being said, if everything works well AND this "forces" you to actually accurate 'play the role of Jack Sparrow' by avoiding piracy, it
would serve its purpose.