Extract attached to PROGRAM\SEA_AI and see if that helps anything.
While I thought Ship_FireAction was executed ONLY for friendly ships, perhaps that is not actually the case.
The attached file contains a check on the relation much earlier and will prevent all calls to AttackFriendlyShip unless you're truly not hostile to the target ship.

While I thought Ship_FireAction was executed ONLY for friendly ships, perhaps that is not actually the case.
The attached file contains a check on the relation much earlier and will prevent all calls to AttackFriendlyShip unless you're truly not hostile to the target ship.
Indeed a visible flag is just graphical; doesn't affect the gameplay in any way.The first time this happened, the enemy ship wasn't flying a pirate flag, or any other flag for that matter, because several salvoes of chainshot meant it didn't have anything left to fly the flag from. I thought perhaps that's why it was counting as having surrendered, though it still showed up hostile on compass and gunsight and fired at me when I moved into arc.