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Screenshots thread

ENGINE 2017-11-15 17-57-44.jpg
poor man


  • The Head of Diego de Espinosa.rar
    143.1 KB · Views: 135
Something I've been working on for a while is a new quest for Horatio Hornblower. Whether you play him entirely as FreePlay or continue to free-play after completing the storyline, when you are promoted to the rank of Post Captain, you get the frigate HMS Lydia, and you also get new orders:

Don Julian deals harshly with anyone he doesn't like, so make sure that doesn't include you!
04scaffold.jpg 05el_supremo.jpg

The meeting is interrupted. (Thanks to @Homo eructus for the correct report!)

You manage to capture the Natividad and give it to Don Julian, who still demands proper respect:
07natividad_surrender.jpg 08wrong_signal.jpg

But international relations can change. Spain switches sides, which means Don Julian is no longer your ally. And just to complicate matters further, you have a passenger:

Despite that, you have no choice but to go up against the Natividad again, and this time it's not a sneak raid, it's a full battle:

Winning that is not easy! Even so, not everyone is impressed:

But you are rewarded anyway:
The proper way to get the quest is to be promoted by a governor, who'll tell you to go to Bridgetown Naval HQ. Or you can cheat. :D Edit "InternalSettings.h" to activate cheatmode, run a FreePlay game as Commander Hornblower, and press the button to get an instant jump to captain. You still need to sail to Bridgetown, though, as that's where it really starts. Good if you're pressed for time and just want to get into the quest, which is why I did exactly that during development.

This is based heavily on the film "Captain Horatio Hornblower RN". I had the film playing on VLC in one window, in slow motion and pausing often; and Notepad editing a dialog.h file in another window.
This is based heavily on the film "Captain Horatio Hornblower RN". I had the film playing on VLC in one window, in slow motion and pausing often; and Notepad editing a dialog.h file in another window.
One of my favourite films ever. Found it on a bargain once for 5 euro's.
That was five euro's well spent! :cheeky
This is your new ship when you complete the mission:
HMS Sutherland is described as being a captured French ship, so it's a "RN_Superbe". (I've changed it in "NK.c" as well.) Also, see that frigate in the background? That's HMS Indefatigable. Pellew still has her. I considered giving him something bigger in line with his promotion to Rear Admiral, but as far as I can tell, the real Sir Edward Pellew kept the "Indy" for some time. Anyway, it means if you played the storyline then you get to see your old ship again, albeit at a distance.
Cool! Very cool! :woot

HMS Sutherland is described as being a captured French ship, so it's a "RN_Superbe". (I've changed it in "NK.c" as well.)
In the film, she's a former French ship.
In the book, she's a former Dutch one (hence the name, based on "Zuiderland").
But there isn't a period-appropriate Dutch ship model of the correct size, is there?
It doesn't matter because it's the film I'm using as reference, not the book. ;) For similar reason, Natividad is a 60 gun ship of the line instead of a 50 gun frigate. And Don Julian will not survive the sea battle. (Though you don't need to play it quite like the film. You can board the Natividad.)

We may need to do something about making some 3rd rate ship types available to Napoleonic Holland because Three Decks certainly lists some.
It doesn't matter because it's the film I'm using as reference, not the book. ;)
Of course. I was just being curious if it would have been possible at all, given the models we have available.
Could you confirm my suspicion that it would never have worked?

(Of course I am Dutch and very much like the Hornblower books too, so I cannot help but wonder... :oops: )
With the models currently availailable and the "refship.<nation>" settings as they are now, no. Of course, when you're writing a quest, you don't have to follow the settings in "Ships_init.c", so if you want a Dutch 3rd rate ship, you just borrow someone else's and let "GiveShip2Character" give it Dutch national stat modifiers. :)

There is a Dutch specific version of the "Essex" class. It uses the Portuguese hull texture, which is a rather nice wood-grain finish. So if we want a Dutch version of "Superbe", for example, it can probably be made to use the same.
The hair colour is correct, though I've been able to do something with the eyes - they now fit better the one-size-fits-all eyes which the game engine draws. She's based on Milla Jovovich's version of Milady - you can see the picture on which the model is based if you pick Milady as a playable character because it's her interface picture.

Try this version.


  • Milady_1.tga.tx.zip
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Ciri is very soon finished to the point where Id like to share her! the talking head doesnt look 100% good, but its passable for now I think. Ill probably get back to it
ENGINE 2017-11-16 18-24-16_1.jpg
I based the outfit on the outfit what she got in the witcher 3 DLC

I worked on another character too, its a version of the girl I did a few pages back
ENGINE 2017-11-22 13-54-28.jpg
by literal magic I managed to export her from Sims 3 where I got the textures from to start with. she still needs some work, but coming along nicely
The hair colour is correct, though I've been able to do something with the eyes - they now fit better the one-size-fits-all eyes which the game engine draws. She's based on Milla Jovovich's version of Milady - you can see the picture on which the model is based if you pick Milady as a playable character because it's her interface picture.

Try this version.

Yes the hair color is correct but not the ponytail. Probably nothing can be done about that.

Better female characters are very welcome. There is something not right about the legs, there is the infamous Akella crotch, and the shoulders are too narrow.