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Screenshots thread

I think I actually exported in the wrong scale so they were like 5 cm long, not useful for most ships. these should work! :onya


  • NL_LightPinnace_rey_a4.rar
    4.5 KB · Views: 108
They do indeed work! :bow

But those 4 point lateen sails refuse to work properly.
POTC 9-2-2017_2017_11_02_07_38_47_102.jpg POTC 9-2-2017_2017_11_02_07_39_19_710.jpg
Well done! :onya

Are you going to do that for any of the other AoP imports as well? Especially "Espinosa", as one of the permanent residents of Port au Prince uses that model.

In any case, put Beatrice's head model somewhere I can get at it, and it can go into the next update.
Well done! :onya

Are you going to do that for any of the other AoP imports as well? Especially "Espinosa", as one of the permanent residents of Port au Prince uses that model.

In any case, put Beatrice's head model somewhere I can get at it, and it can go into the next update.
Sure! it was relatively easy work compared to ciri, so I'll take a stab at the other ones soon :duel: can't let a hunk like Blaze Devlin go headless
I was gonna upload her, just did some quick fixes and checked that it worked alright xD so here she is :onya


  • Beatrice Devlin's Head.rar
    1.9 MB · Views: 113
Do you also have "RESOURCE\animation\Heads\h_beatrice.ani" and "h_beatriceA.ani"? I'd expect so because talking head animations don't show up unless the corresponding .ani files exist in "animation\Heads".
I had totally forgotten that they exist! the existing ones seem to work tho, I skinned them to the regular towngirl skeleton and I didn't touch the anim files before putting her in the game :onya
Interesting. Some time ago I was messing around with "Animation View" and found that almost all female models worked with the main animation file "woman_sit.ani", and promptly changed all their entries in "initModels.c" to use it. This meant that, if you hired a character with one of those models or bought the model from a tailor and gave it to an officer, she could then sit at a tavern if a quest required your officer to sit. Surprisingly, "Beatrice" and "BeatriceA" also work with "woman_sit", despite those two being imports from "Age of Pirates".

The existing head model for "Beatrice" and "BeatriceA" appear to be clones of "h_mowngirl5". Model "mowngirl5", primarily used for Camilla Leone in the "Hard Labors of an Assassin" sidequest, is basically a retextured variant of "towngirl5". Apparently head animations also can be used for different models if the same one works for the new "h_Beatrice.gm".
Interesting. Some time ago I was messing around with "Animation View" and found that almost all female models worked with the main animation file "woman_sit.ani", and promptly changed all their entries in "initModels.c" to use it. This meant that, if you hired a character with one of those models or bought the model from a tailor and gave it to an officer, she could then sit at a tavern if a quest required your officer to sit. Surprisingly, "Beatrice" and "BeatriceA" also work with "woman_sit", despite those two being imports from "Age of Pirates".

The existing head model for "Beatrice" and "BeatriceA" appear to be clones of "h_mowngirl5". Model "mowngirl5", primarily used for Camilla Leone in the "Hard Labors of an Assassin" sidequest, is basically a retextured variant of "towngirl5". Apparently head animations also can be used for different models if the same one works for the new "h_Beatrice.gm".
someone mustve re-rigged them at some point, in initModels, beatrice has model.animation = "beatrice" commented out and model.animation = "woman_sit" added instead. as for the head, I luckily used the same skeleton as mowngirl5, so it just worked out of the box :p

EDIT: rereading what you wrote, it was you who commented it out! sorry! but yeah, someone mustve rerigged her when converting her, or AoP uses the same skeleton xD
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someone mustve re-rigged them at some point, in initModels, beatrice has model.animation = "beatrice" commented out and model.animation = "woman_sit" added instead.
I didn't re-rig anything. As I said, I just found that almost all female models, including "Beatrice", worked with "woman_sit". I commented out the original lines rather than removing them entirely just in case anything odd happened in an actual game and the original had to be put back.

The whole thing started earlier in this very thread, with this report. I did a bit of messing around with "Animation View", found that "woman_sit.ani" worked for all but a few female models, and then kidnapped the entire permanent female population of Speightstown for experimental purposes. This was the result.
I didn't re-rig anything. As I said, I just found that almost all female models, including "Beatrice", worked with "woman_sit". I commented out the original lines rather than removing them entirely just in case anything odd happened in an actual game and the original had to be put back.

The whole thing started earlier in this very thread, with this report. I did a bit of messing around with "Animation View", found that "woman_sit.ani" worked for all but a few female models, and then kidnapped the entire permanent female population of Speightstown for experimental purposes. This was the result.
yeah, just reread and realised I missunderstood :oops: sloppy reading on my part. it was a good job finding that :onya
The shape of pennants (and flags, for that matter) is determined by the "flag" and "penn" locators on each mast. Some ships have longer, thinner pennants than others depending on how the locators are set - some models have hardly any difference between them, others have very different "flag" and "penn" locators.

Long, thin pennants are more correct. However, as you have noticed, they also require the texture file to take account of the fact that the texture may be stretched over a long, thin model. I recently reproportioned the English pennant texture so that the St. George's cross part is narrower, so that it appears squarer on pennants.

On the "light pinnace" models, the pennant locators on masts 2 and 3 are set to make them long and thin, whereas the locators on mast 4 are pretty much the same as those for a flag. My guess is that originally the ship was supposed to have an ensign on mast 4, then someone changed it to be another pennant and never changed the locators to make it look like the pennants on the other masts. I'd suggest either putting mast 4 back to using an ensign by editing "Ships_init.c", or changing the "penn" locators on mast 4 to similar proportions to those on mast 2.
it took blood, sweat and so many tears, but after a body swap and some more tweaking in the modules my true love Ciri is not crashing the game and is starting to look pretty good! :love
ENGINE 2017-11-09 15-51-05.jpg ENGINE 2017-11-09 15-55-46.jpg

also I think the long thin ones look cool, but the tex stretching is a problem
Currently the pennants on mast 2,3,4 are the same. I left the one on mast 4 alone to show the difference while the one on mast3 is 14 meters long. They are ribbons so can not show the detail of a flag and I have no problem with that, but will put them back like before if that is the consensus opinion.

More variety in female models is needed so keep up the good work.
My own preference is for the long, thin pennants. If you want to see nice details, change one of them to an ensign. (In battle, ships would usually fly more than one ensign. That way, if one of them went overboard when its mast was shot off, it wouldn't look as though the ship had struck its colours and surrendered.) Most pennants are simply two or three stripes, though some have details as well, such as the St. George cross on British pennants and the blue bit with stars on the American ones. Spanish pennants probably need to be replaced with simple stripes because the elaborate coat of arms is never going to show up on a long, thin pennant.
Currently the pennants on mast 2,3,4 are the same. I left the one on mast 4 alone to show the difference while the one on mast3 is 14 meters long. They are ribbons so can not show the detail of a flag and I have no problem with that, but will put them back like before if that is the consensus opinion.

More variety in female models is needed so keep up the good work.
I really like them! like you said, theyre ribbons so the texture stretching isnt the end of the world :) but it might be perceived as not-working I suppose, so idk. I get if they have to go, but I wouldnt mind keeping them xD
These light pinnaces are laid out with an ensign at the bow and stern with three pennants in between. I will make the pennant on the mizzen mast longer and thinner and call it good. POTC 9-2-2017_2017_11_08_18_04_49_570.jpg