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Pirates of the Caribbean: Community Prequel Script

<!--quoteo(post=218147:date=Oct 18 2007, 08:43 PM:name=Mercer)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Mercer @ Oct 18 2007, 08:43 PM) [snapback]218147[/snapback]</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec--><!--quoteo(post=218139:date=Oct 18 2007, 04:12 PM:name=Pieter Boelen)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Pieter Boelen @ Oct 18 2007, 04:12 PM) [snapback]218139[/snapback]</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->I liked Mercer's scene where Jack loads the rum aboard the Wench and checks the contents of the crate, just to be sure. Could be a fun little scene between Jack leaving Beckett's office and the Wench being at sea.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
I completely forgot about that. Sorry. I didnt know if I made the scene clear enough, it seemed a bit cloudy to me. He is supposed to just run up, grab a bottle, and "Carry on Gents,". And he is supposed to run with is arms waving, you know, the works of Jack. I will add it.
Excellent, Pieter. I'd forgotten about that but I remember being intrigued by it because its something you could see Jack doing and it would be a fun aside as you suggest. A great filler scene with some humor. <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/me.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":onya" border="0" alt="me.gif" />
<!--quoteo(post=218159:date=Oct 18 2007, 08:28 PM:name=Old Salt)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Old Salt @ Oct 18 2007, 08:28 PM) [snapback]218159[/snapback]</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->Right, we need filler so the scenes don't stumble into one another.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Yes...i was wondering how to broach that topic i tried many angles, but none would fit, we might just have to eyeball this one gentlemen.
I think your right, Mercer. So we have Jack receive his orders, we have Mercer and Edwards receiving theirs. Jack walks out and we can have Mercer's filler dealing with the rum being loaded and then Jack perhaps bumbles around London a bit, perhaps bumping into someone who appears in the later films or maybe even gives Jack a heads up to what the mission is really about.
I'd say: Have the rum-loading and provision scene, then show a short scene of the Wicked Wench setting sail (accompanied by a big brass "Mutiny on the Bounty"-like music track). Next thing we see: Captain Jack on deck while the Wench leaves the white cliffs over Dover behind. Jack takes a last look at England through his spyglass, then gives orders to set sail for Africa. Nathaniel Edwards, as Jack's second in command, relays the orders to the crew. Once the ship is well underway, Jack asks Edwards to join him for dinner, because Jack needs to get to know the man. Cut to a conversation during dinner scene. If you have ever seen the 1962 Mutiny on the Bounty film, you will see some similar ideas presented here, but I think it could work just fine.
We are operating under the assumption that Jack doesn't know exactly what this mission is, correct? Edwards is aware of it, and Mercer certainly is. Do we give Jack an inkling of what his mission actually invovles, either from his coversation with Edwards? Or does it suddenly come upon him when they take the cargo on in Africa?
And do they go there directly, since this mission is what precipitates Jack becoming a pirate and trying to steal the Wench in the process. If that is the case, isn't that going to cause the apocalyptic battle scene involving Jones to come much sooner in the movie then we had planned?
Pieter posted a month or so ago about perhaps showing what life was like under Captain Jack while they were sailing, would it be a good time to show that before they get to their destination?
(Pouring another
cup of brandy)
Were I in a busy mood, what then
might i busy myself with?

There is a shipment of great
importance to the East India
Trading Company, and me. I cannot
discuss the contents, but you will
see when you get there. Mercer and
another individual: Post Captain
Edwards winn accompany you on this
endevour to ensure its speedy



(Chokes on brandy
after hearing of
Mercers job)
Well, we...I. Thats perfect I will
ensure that no one is disappointed
at all.


I am going to need
ammunition for my ship, and
some extra comforts to help the
long voyage go easily, savvy?
(He glances at a barrel of rum in the
corner. Beckett notices this.)

You will have the ammunition and
what ever else it is that satisfies you.

Perfect we will set sail as soon as
the rum is loaded…along with the

Good, Mercer and Edwards will be
with you shortly.

Thank you kind sir.

Sparrow and Mercer both walk out of the room.


Mercer, I took a few lines from your first draft (in italics) back on the first page of this thread. I thought that if the next scene was going to be the rum loading and provision scene, this could add a little foreshadowing for it. Plus, once again that line Jack says about needing "extra comforts" is pure Sparrow and I wanted to work it in.
We can show what life was like under Captain Jack in the employ of the EITC during the voyage to Africa. I think Jack would be smart enough not to take any detours this time; not with Edwards and Mercer aboard. Also: The battle does not need to occur straight after Jack refusing to transport the slaves. Instead: Jack sets free the slaves, then goes off pirating. At one point he runs into Beckett and is branded a pirate. Then he goes to Indonesia to mess things up between the EITC and the VOC, which ends with the burning of the Pearl, the deal with Jones and the fight to get away, in which Beckett sees the power of the Dutchman and in which the EITC loses gloryless to the Pearl, the Dutchman and possibly the VOC. As for Jack knowing what the cargo is: He will hear nothing from either Beckett or Mercer about it, but perhaps Edwards would drop some slight hints when they become friendly during the voyage. I think it should still be a surprise to both Jack and the audience though.
Agreed, Pieter. I just wanted to see where we were at with that. Sorry if it was covered before, with so many posts I didn't remember if it was covered or not. That little storyline would work, and it would allow for some time to pass before Beckett brands Jack a pirate.
No, I don't think Jack will be wandering off anywhere with Mercer breathing down his neck. <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/icon_wink.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=";)" border="0" alt="icon_wink.gif" />
-We show ship life under Sparrow.

-Also we need to show the crowd that Jack is also deeply intimidated, and frightened by Mercer.

-He should bring like a dark aura where ever he goes. They go to Indonesia for the shipment. If and when Sparrow finds out what the shipment is, he doesnt like it, but plays along so to not bring Mercer down on him.
Since there are so many "cargo contents" a transport has already been there.

-Not only are these african slaves, they are also captured VOC soldiers, Jack will later inform the VOC about that.
They sail to an uncharted island which is a prison (that is tenative i just thought of that, because i dont think people in London would just let somebody march 700 slaves through the streets).

-Beckett and most of his fleet is there.

-Jack leaves bread crumbs all of the way to the island for the VOC to follow and reaquire their soldiers.

-During the night Sparrow attempts to take slaves aboard the Wench and lead them to safety, Mercer catches wind of this too late to stop the ship from making way, but he rounds up a few frigates.

-Somehow the Wench is stopped, Beckett orders its burning and sinking.

-Sparrow jumps in after it.

-Beckett sees no sign of Sparrow after about 5 minutes, he laughs and orders the fleet to fall back a mile or two and anchor for the night.

-Jones strikes the deal with Sparrow sometime in the dawn.

-A sharp eyed lookout and a few of the crew see Jones ship surface, and stand in disbelief at first then sound the alarm.

-Becketts fleet engages, Mercer had been sent north of becketts fleet to stand by for another raid on a VOC port.

-Beckett signals him to engage.

-Battle plays out.

There is a little outline i just came up with out of the blue now please...digest. Comment on it that is a very vague outline. Just to provide ideas to expand on.
Mercer, did you see the lines I added on from your original script? Its a few posts back. I'll comment on your new outline later.
<!--quoteo(post=218339:date=Oct 20 2007, 10:37 PM:name=Mercer)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Mercer @ Oct 20 2007, 10:37 PM) [snapback]218339[/snapback]</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->-We show ship life under Sparrow.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
It will be the right time to show that while Jack is still in Beckett's employ.

<!--quoteo(post=218339:date=Oct 20 2007, 10:37 PM:name=Mercer)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Mercer @ Oct 20 2007, 10:37 PM) [snapback]218339[/snapback]</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->-Also we need to show the crowd that Jack is also deeply intimidated, and frightened by Mercer.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Well, the intimidation Jack feels about Mercer can lead to his disillusionment about sailing under Beckett and the slave cargo pushes Jack to completely strike out on his own.

<!--quoteo(post=218339:date=Oct 20 2007, 10:37 PM:name=Mercer)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Mercer @ Oct 20 2007, 10:37 PM) [snapback]218339[/snapback]</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->-He should bring like a dark aura where ever he goes. They go to Indonesia for the shipment. If and when Sparrow finds out what the shipment is, he doesnt like it, but plays along so to not bring Mercer down on him.
Since there are so many "cargo contents" a transport has already been there.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Mercer's presence can keep Jack from acting irrationally when he discovers that slaves are part of the shipment. Jack is impetuous but he is not stupid. Mercer can also help us slow down the story a bit.
Seems like you came up with a completely new storyline, Mercer. I thought we had pretty much agreed on our current plotline? I prefer Jack going to Indonesia for the sole reason of messing up the EITC. For me it would make more sense if the African slaves came from Africa as well. Also the notion that Jack sees the slaves before being slaves would also contribute to him not liking them being captured. Also this new storyline doesn't allow for Jack to go pirating between him setting free the slaves and the Wench being sunk. I'd like to show Jack just pirating for a bit. But that's just me, I suppose. <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/dunno.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":shrug" border="0" alt="dunno.gif" />
<!--quoteo(post=218347:date=Oct 21 2007, 04:30 AM:name=Pieter Boelen)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Pieter Boelen @ Oct 21 2007, 04:30 AM) [snapback]218347[/snapback]</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->Seems like you came up with a completely new storyline, Mercer. I thought we had pretty much agreed on our current plotline? I prefer Jack going to Indonesia for the sole reason of messing up the EITC. For me it would make more sense if the African slaves came from Africa as well. Also the notion that Jack sees the slaves before being slaves would also contribute to him not liking them being captured. Also this new storyline doesn't allow for Jack to go pirating between him setting free the slaves and the Wench being sunk. I'd like to show Jack just pirating for a bit. But that's just me, I suppose. <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/dunno.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":shrug" border="0" alt="dunno.gif" /><!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Oh, i just pulled those lines from the back of my head just to see how they fit. I still dont know how we are going to get Becketts fleet, and Mercer's in close enough proximity to witness the Dutchman surfacing and the Pearl being raised. They cant just...sit there and pick their noses untin Jones decides to show up, because his ship cant jump to lightspeed. Again, i just wrote that to see your comments not to put it as an actual storyline. Getting the slaves from africa was an idea i have always supported. I was tired when i wrote that, maybe thats why. <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/rolleyes.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":rolleyes:" border="0" alt="rolleyes.gif" /> But never-the-less i still think bringing a few VOC soldiers possibly a few high ranking individuals will prompt Jack to set the EITC and the VOC against each other, but later Jack will also come to bad terms with the VOC as well. I also would like Jack to go pirating.

You know i have never seen them to an honest speck of pirating in all 3 movies i mean with treasure and all. They have just been trying to get a ship, a chest, and bring down an evil little man who fancies gay powdered wigs. That would work.

And by the way i have never seen that pirate movie that you speak so much of using the music. I am not a fan of old movies from a bygone era. Usually the quality of music stinks, not the music itself. It is just the fuzziness of the crappy recording devices when ever it was made, i have heard of it and i think it is pretty old. It is probably a great classic, but the few of those i saw was part of Mutiny on the Bounty, Treasure Island, and Horatio Hornblower. I just dont really like the old movies, bad special effects shows almost no emphasis on environment, just on the characters. And worst of all from older movies those fast talking high-trouser guys that sound like they are talking into a tin can, i HATE those guys, like the announcer from WW2 that kept the country updated, he seemed constapated. But i am sure they were good movies, and i am not trying to put you down its just you cant say "Like that part from ..." I probably wouldnt know. <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/me.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":onya" border="0" alt="me.gif" />

<!--quoteo(post=218340:date=Oct 20 2007, 09:41 PM:name=Old Salt)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Old Salt @ Oct 20 2007, 09:41 PM) [snapback]218340[/snapback]</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->Mercer, did you see the lines I added on from your original script? Its a few posts back. I'll comment on your new outline later.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
I did, thats what i want people to do, tell me where lines need to be added to enhance the fluency. Again, i completely forgot about that one of the provisions. (Rum) I wanted to show he didnt give a damn about the ammo, he just wanted the rum.
Jack could meet VOC officials (WIC actually) in Nassau. They don't need to be amongst the slaves per se. Also he doesn't nescessarily need to meet them: He just somehow needs to get the idea of playing the VOC versus the EITC. Perhaps he will get that idea during his time of honest pirating. Did anyone see my idea of Jack going off pirating with a French captain and going to Mexico, visiting some Spanish town and searching for treasure in the jungle with a Mayan pyramid? This would occur between the time of Jack becoming a pirate and going to Indonesia. My random pirating idea would be fun, but doesn't have much story value. Therefore we must add some story value. Perhaps Jack learns of the Isla de Muerte myth during his search for treasure in Mexico and the Mayan pyramid? Also he will learn a lot about pirating from this French captain. Perhaps he will also see the Spanish fighting the local natives, which gives Jack an idea of how a war between the VOC and the EITC could cause a lot of mayhem. This would give some story purpose to this episode in Jack's life.

The music of the 1962 Mutiny on the Bounty sounds great. No bad sound quality at all. It looks great as well. The same can be said of the 1995 Cutthroat Island. Whenever I reference other movies, I will always mention what it is about those movies that I like so hopefully you can understand without having seen them. Which Horatio Hornblower did you see? The eight films are not all that old: they were made only a couple of years ago. However, there is also said to be a very old version, but I know nothing of that.
<!--quoteo(post=218405:date=Oct 21 2007, 10:04 AM:name=Pieter Boelen)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Pieter Boelen @ Oct 21 2007, 10:04 AM) [snapback]218405[/snapback]</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->Did anyone see my idea of Jack going off pirating with a French captain and going to Mexico, visiting some Spanish town and searching for treasure in the jungle with a Mayan pyramid? This would occur between the time of Jack becoming a pirate and going to Indonesia. My random pirating idea would be fun, but doesn't have much story value. Therefore we must add some story value. Perhaps Jack learns of the Isla de Muerte myth during his search for treasure in Mexico and the Mayan pyramid? Also he will learn a lot about pirating from this French captain. Perhaps he will also see the Spanish fighting the local natives, which gives Jack an idea of how a war between the VOC and the EITC could cause a lot of mayhem. This would give some story purpose to this episode in Jack's life.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Sorry, Pieter, I did not see that idea. That's why I was asking if there were any thoughts as to where we go once we leave. It would be smart to stick Jack alongside a seasoned pirate for a while because many famous pirates throughout history usually learned the tricks of the trade from the captains they sailed under or pirates that they encountered and sailed with.
We could tie up a lot of the loose details with Jack out piratin' and coming across situations such as these.
See <a href="http://www.piratesahoy.com/forum/index.php?s=&showtopic=10925&view=findpost&p=216810" target="_blank">here</a> for my original thoughts on the matter.
Now I remember seeing that post, unfortunately though like many other intriguing ideas they soon get buried and forgotten. I'm glad you bought it back up though Pieter because I think they are good ideas. I especially like the Myan angle because it is in keeping with the spirit of the other three films what with the Aztec gold and Hernan Cortez connection in the first movie. It is true to Jack's interests.
Okay, after compiling this is what we have so far:


Sparrow is escorted in with Mercer entering from behind.

(Looking out a
Mr. Sparrow...

(Slightly Insulted)
Captain...Captain Sparrow.

"Captain" Sparrow, I see you were
able to find you're way here.

I had a little help.
(Glances Nervously
at Mercer)

Maybe that's all one needs; a
little help.
(Turning around)
So, I find yet another shipment is
late as are you.

A man is never late...'e's just
not early.

Is that so? Well seeing that you
are never early which could
possibly mean that you are never



BECKETT (cont'd)
on time then why should I still
employ you?

Because! I'm Captain Jack Sparrow.

For the moment you are.

What do you mean by that, eh?

(Looking sternly at Jack)
The Wench can sail with or without you at the helm.

But I'm the only one who can coax the speed out of her sails.

Oh, yes, how could I have
forgotten. I am getting terrible
at forgetting things, but there is
something despite that, that I
have not forgotten.

(Obviously uncomfortable)
What is that then, eh?

That being a
mission for you, one last chance
as it were.

(Smiles weakly)

Are you up to the task, captain?
(he pauses for emphasis) Or will
you let me down again, Mr. Sparrow?

(The dropping of his title at the end
of Beckett's sentence not lost on
him, Jack replies quickly)
Always up to not letting you down.

Good. Good.
(Begins pouring
Brandy for
Captain Sparrow)
Then I hope you will
prove to me that I entrusted this
assignment to the right man.

(Feeling better about the situation)
Ah, proving oneself, 'tis the act
of showing another that he can do
things right...
(Grabbs a goblet
containing Brandy)
...with the proper compensation.
In doing things right he therefore
shows the other that he has in
fact been proven. Eh?
(Empties goblet)

Why of course, Captain, it is just
good buisness.

(Pouring another
cup of brandy)
Were I in a busy mood, what then
might I busy myself with?

There is a shipment of great
importance to the East India
Trading Company, and me. I cannot
discuss the contents, but you will
see when you get there. Mercer and
another individual: Post Captain
Edwards will accompany you on this
endeavor to ensure its speedy



(Chokes on brandy
after hearing of
Mercers job)
Well, we...I. Thats perfect I will
ensure that no one is disappointed
at all.


I am going to need
ammunition for my ship, and
some extra comforts to help the
long voyage go easily, savvy?
(He glances at a barrel of rum in the
corner. Beckett notices this.)

You will have the ammunition and
what ever else it is that satisfies you.

Perfect we will set sail as soon as
the rum is loaded…along with the

Good, Mercer and Edwards will be
with you shortly.

Thank you kind sir.

Sparrow and Mercer both walk out of the room.


Sparrow is escorted in with Mercer entering from behind.

(Looking out a
Mr. Sparrow...

(Slightly Insulted)
Captain...Captain Sparrow.

It remains to be determined
if you still rate that rank,
Mr. Sparrow. For now
I'm just glad you were able to find
your way here.</i>

I had a little help.
(Glances Nervously
at Mercer)

Just tweaked Beckett's line a little bit.