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Included in Build Interface Screenshots for Ships

Please check both the Brown and old Blue interface settings for the interfaces; I reckon they should both be good, but I can't be sure.
Ok. The only other thing I've noticed so far is that I could not swap ships while in VanDerdecken's cabin. Took care of it once at sea.

EDIT: Be sure. The old style covers too much of the screen in dialogue, but works fine.
Too much of the screen in dialogue? I think that's stock game default, no? :razz
I just noticed that we missed out the 'Ransack' interface, so the text appears in the original position in the lower half of the ship screenshots. :facepalm
That code needs changing before my next update, preferably. (I'll include it in the Xmas ship pack tomorrow, if possible)
Well, by then one should already know what ship it is. :p3
xD: True, it's just for the sake of consistency in the interfaces, I suppose.

@Pieter, thanks for that! I'll give it a test as soon as I can find a ship to board... :ixi

EDIT: Er, how many of the files you gave me are relevant to the interface mod?
I got the ones I needed, but I also noticed... 'wench_dialog.h' and 'wenched_dialog.h'??? :8q
I fail to see how they're related to this... but they are pretty funny!
But there are some fine examples of spelling and grammar errors in them... :rolleyes:
About four files are not related to the interface changes:
two fix the sewer issue and those two you mentioned tone down the sexual innuendo of the original files.
My recommendation: add all those files in, even the ones not directly related to the interface screenshots mod.
Oh don't worry, I did that last time. I noticed the only new files are the ransack related ones.
However, I can't help but cringe at the spelling and grammar of those wench files; if you don't mind, I'll go through and correct them where appropriate.
By all means, do not hesitate to make any improvements that you can think of! :woot

Indeed only the ransack files are new; I added the other ones just for completism's sake.

Here's the file again, but with two more slight changes:
1. Cheatmode doesn't enable all ships in Ship Appearance anymore, but DEBUG at the bottom of PROGRAM\globals.c now does.
This matches better with the similar functionality that also puts all outfits in the Choose Outfit.
Additionally, it keeps this functionality hidden more (don't want to make cheating TOO easy, do we? :wp ).
2. Left/Right arrows moved properly in the Blue interface to match my earlier change in the Brown one.
Cheatmode doesn't enable all ships in Ship Appearance anymore, but DEBUG at the bottom of PROGRAM\globals.c now does.
This matches better with the similar functionality that also puts all outfits in the Choose Outfit.
Additionally, it keeps this functionality hidden more (don't want to make cheating TOO easy, do we? :wp ).
xD: Good idea! Cheating should never be easy... :whipa
I just ran across this.

I was in a shipyard and saw the ketch for sale. Cute little ship. Bought it, and went out to the dock for a looksee. It wasn't the ketch. Left the game and fired up GMViewer and soon found that while it said ketch in the shipyard and that was what was in the harbor, the screenie it showed was for ketch1, which is what I thought I was buying. Tried to repaint it, but all it has is ketch1 there too. Anyhoo, there is a little mixup there.
That doesn't surprise me, since Ketch and Ketch1 are right next to each other in the code and their image group.
True enough, they are mixed up, so simply swapping the '1' around in pictures.ini will fix it. :onya
I've run into a problem with the shipyard interface after messing with the Spanish heavy battle galleon walk files. :j1 Specifically it doesn't work anymore. All of the neat pictures are gone and it looks like it used to. :facepalm I ran into this a few weeks ago but managed to fix it. Now I can't remember what I did! :modding Could some kind soul jog my alleged memory? :rumgone
I've run into a problem with the shipyard interface after messing with the Spanish heavy battle galleon walk files. :j1 Specifically it doesn't work anymore. All of the neat pictures are gone and it looks like it used to. :facepalm I ran into this a few weeks ago but managed to fix it. Now I can't remember what I did! :modding Could some kind soul jog my alleged memory? :rumgone
You really know how to get yourself into a mess, don't you? :rolleyes:
I guess primarily it's down to ships_init.c, but also pictures.ini is very important.
Make sure you have the latest ships_init.c, and check that the lines 'refShip.BigPicTexName' are present.
I'm not sure you why it would have changed, but check pictures.ini to make sure it's up to date as well.

Apart from that, the image files themselves need to be present (ShipsTL, TR, BL and BR).
Other than that, I'm not sure what else would cause the old system to be used in place of the new one. :?
There was a comedic duo in the 1920s and 1930s called Laurel and Hardy. They were one of my favorites. One of their lines was "That's another fine mess you've gotten us into." :rolleyes:

Anyways, I'm just doing my job. You makum, I breakum. :drunk My next step is to slowly undo what I did to install those walk files. I've gone over them 3 times and can find no errors.
There was a comedic duo in the 1920s and 1930s called Laurel and Hardy. They were one of my favorites. One of their lines was "That's another fine mess you've gotten us into." :rolleyes:
I've heard of them too; a couple of classics, they were. And that line above just about sums up a great many incidents we've had with the game... xD:

Anyways, I'm just doing my job. You makum, I breakum. :drunk
Or, in this case, 'you fixum' too. The trouble is, no-one else knows your install better than you, and as you well know, it has done some pretty weird things in the past. :wacko:
This is one of those occasions; I really don't see how installing a walk file can undo the interface screenshots.
Oh well, good luck hunting down the scurvy code what wrecked yer game! :dance
Sorry to open this old thread, but I'm trying to load tools onto a new machine rather than transfer them manually.

Question: http://www.moddb.com/mods/new-horizons/tutorials/location-remodeling-with-inez-tool

I'm trying to convert screens I made for Rider88's new ships for the interface and portrait pics into tga.tx format. The links on Pieter's tutorials on MODDB seem to be dead.

Are there new links Mates? I can get into the COAS FTP stuff OK but nothing else.
