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Included in Build Interface Screenshots for Ships

Alphabetical is fine. As long as it works, it doesn't matter too much. :no
OK, here ya go. I caught some spelling errors, but there might be some that I missed.
Thanks a lot, mate! I hope this can be finished soon; it'll be great to have screenshots for the ships rather than what we have now! :dance
Excellent! Now I just need to finish the massive image collage... :shock
I'll double-check it against your file, too.
Miklkit, I've noticed one mistake in your pictures.ini file; the image size is still 1024x512, but it needs to be 4096x4096.
That's all so far, the rest looks good. :onya
That's great to hear. Below the list I made is one called "blank_ship" with old coordinates that I didn't touch. I didn't know what that other one is for, so did not touch it.

It will be nice to see this in the game. :drunk
Below the list I made is one called "blank_ship" with old coordinates that I didn't touch. I didn't know what that other one is for, so did not touch it.
Yeah, that one is for when there is no image assigned to a ship, so it shows the 'ghost' ship instead. No need to change that. :no
Latest news: when TX converter shows the error message about size (when converting the 4096x4096 grid), it actually resizes it to 2048x2048.
It's no wonder the images in the 'new game' screen looked a bit blurry when I tested it lately. :facepalm
So, shall we try to code it using four large 2048x2048 images, for best results?

EDIT: HELP! If we do change to four images, the coding gets complicated!
Pictures.ini is fine; I can do that one, but there are several other files referencing to that one, which need changing.
I can't seem to get them to read from all four files; only the first one, even after some file editing.
Basically, the whole collage was ships-16.tga, referenced as SHIPS16 in pictures.ini.
I've changed it to four files ("shipsTL, TR, BL and BR.tga", where TL is Top Left, BR = Bottom Right, referring to original image), and changed their references to "SHIPS1, 2, 3 and 4". It took a LOT of changes, but I managed to get the game to load from SHIPS1 only, but I wanted it to load from all four. :modding
How can we fix this?
From a quick Windows Search :-
in Beta 1 patch 5 --- Ships1 appears in the following files in the PROGRAM / Interface folder:-


in PROGRAM / Ships


in Resource / INI / new_interfaces / animation


in Resource / INI / interfaces


That is all I could find

Yes, there are loads of them, and I've compiled a list myself within Notepad++.
The only problem is getting the game to load the images from all four separate parts of the main collage.
Currently, most cases say [blah blah blah ship reference stuff] = "SHIPS16";
After changing it to "SHIPS1", and copying the preamble three times to refer to "SHIPS2, 3 and 4", the game only loads from the first one it sees.
I've tried all sorts of functions including '&&' and '||' (AND / OR) to get all of them referred, but that tends to mess up the game, and the main menu stops working in some cases. :modding
So basically we need some coding advice if we're to make this work. :mm
If you upload what you've got, I can see if I can figure anything out when I've got time.
Thanks Pieter, that would be much appreciated! :bow
I've put some files on the FTP:
  • pictures.ini (note that only the coordinates for SHIPS1 are correct; I haven't yet finished copying them to SHIPS2, 3 and 4)
  • the four texture files [incomplete] (note that even if a ship doesn't have it's picture included yet, it should display a border on a white background)
  • a file named "ships16_related_files". Click "Load session" in Notepad++, and select this file to get a group of relevant files all in one window. Then search "ships16" to jump to the lines you need. Makes life easier, hopefully. ;)
Good luck, I hope you can do something better than I did... :wacko:
Thanks. Downloaded. I'll see what I can do once I find some spare time.
I did some work on getting the pictures to display and have met with some success.
Please see attached file; recommend using WinMerge to see what I've done.

You will need to add a line in ships_init.c to tell the game which texture file to use:
refShip.BigPicTexName	= "SHIPS1"; // EC
If this line is not added, the game will keep using the original SHIPS16 file, so it's possible to have the old and new system working together.
The only problem is that in ship scrolls, like the shipyard one, one of the two system will be offset with weird effects.
But once we converted to the new system completely, that problem will no longer be an issue.

Also, I covered most interfaces where ship pictures are displayed, but it could be that there's some interfaces where the new pictures won't yet work.
For example, I'm quite confused on the shipberthing code and didn't touch that yet. So that could cause some troubles there.

BTW: You might want to check pictures.ini and the actual texture files; I noticed some typos (fixed in attached file)
and also a wrong screenshot for the brig_n1 (not yet fixed because ideally it'd be fixed in the texture file).

I hope this helps. If you need any more assistance or have any questions on what I've done, please let me know. :doff
Thanks for your efforts, Pieter; that's great news! :woot

You will need to add a line in ships_init.c to tell the game which texture file to use:
refShip.BigPicTexName	= "SHIPS1"; // EC
If this line is not added, the game will keep using the original SHIPS16 file, so it's possible to have the old and new system working together.
Yes I had my suspicions about this one. I just wasn't sure whether that actually affected it.
I did manage to get some images working without adding this line. But in most cases I think removing the 'refShip.All' line helped.

The only problem is that in ship scrolls, like the shipyard one, one of the two system will be offset with weird effects.
I seem to recall pirate_kk helped us with this one somewhere else, but I can't remember what he said. :facepalm

BTW: You might want to check pictures.ini and the actual texture files; I noticed some typos (fixed in attached file)
and also a wrong screenshot for the brig_n1 (not yet fixed because ideally it'd be fixed in the texture file).
Well there are multiple screenshots that will need updating soon, especially for pgargon's fixed and improved ships, so I'll address that too. :yes

EDIT: Aha, here's what pirate_kk said:

To show ship images correctly in a scroll person shall edit RESOURCE\INI\INTERFACES\shipyard.ini and RESOURCE\INI\NEW_INTERFACES\shipyard.ini, find [SCROLLITEMS] entry and comment out (or delete) the line:
PicOffset2        = -18
That's what we want to do, here. :yes
The brig_n1 is wrong? That is index 14, one of the first ones I did. This is not correct?

I just checked, and in patch 4 and 5 it is the same ship. A nice looking ship with no crew. Has it been updated?
Indeed the refShip.all line has the potential to override the work you've been doing.
However, in the ships_init.c file I uploaded, I changed the code a bit so you should be able to keep the refShip.all lines.
Once you add a refShip.BigPicTexName line to a ship yourself, refShip.all will no longer override your screenshot code.
So that should make things a lot simpler on your end. :yes

Indeed using Pirate_KK's suggestion solves the offset issue.
I did notice one ship, a caravel if I recall, that had its image shifted still,
but I think that was because your TX file needs redoing or the coordinates do.
I remember you mentioning something to that extent.

With Experienced Captain's files, the brig_n1's screenshot is swapped with another ship's.
There's nothing wrong with any of the screenshots and they are there properly, but they're wrongly assigned.
Won't be too hard to fix though. :no

I wasn't able to put crew on the brig_n1 because I don't know what AoP/CoAS ship she was based on
and therefore couldn't convert her sailorspoints file to PotC walk.
Indeed the refShip.all line has the potential to override the work you've been doing.
However, in the ships_init.c file I uploaded, I changed the code a bit so you should be able to keep the refShip.all lines.
Really? Well, without knowing that, I already ran a 'find/replace' operation to replace 'refShip.All' with '//refShip.All' to comment them all out.
But if they won't have an effect on the final result with the new BigPicTexName lines, then I can undo that.
However, until that time, I think I'll keep them commented out so that I can see clearly which ships have correct screenshots as and when I test them.
Otherwise I'll be tricked into thinking they're correct, when really they're copying another ship. :facepalm

Indeed using Pirate_KK's suggestion solves the offset issue.
I did notice one ship, a caravel if I recall, that had its image shifted still,
but I think that was because your TX file needs redoing or the coordinates do.
I remember you mentioning something to that extent.
Yes there are some coordinates that still need changing in pictures.ini, and that's easily done.
But there's no short-cut way of doing it; I need to change them line-by-line. :whipa Shouldn't take too long, hopefully.
As for the offsets, I've removed them in my files, but also there's an offset for the 'Appearance' menu, which I've also had to remove.
And by the way, I'm already seeing the benefits of these screenshots in that menu; it's so much better, now! :dance

With Experienced Captain's files, the brig_n1's screenshot is swapped with another ship's.
There's nothing wrong with any of the screenshots and they are there properly, but they're wrongly assigned.
I'll see what I can do. ;)