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Information aboute The New Pirate Age - Update! [WIP]

OR his own storyline folder, which could be based on a cleaned out "DevlinOpera".
That would be my recommendation. Short term, it would provide a good place for the definitions of all these new characters so that they don't show up in all other storylines. Long term, once @pirateking becomes more familiar with coding, it would provide a starting point to add more quests based on "One Piece". Within such a storyline he can do anything he wants to the tavern, starting with enabling and disabling 'vcskip' when appropriate.
Oh see that is what i not have:
if(GetCharacterIndex("Zorro") == -1)
n = FindBlankCharSlot();
if(n != -1)

did i need that?
Oh see that is what i not have:
Did you read the text in that post I linked to? Because that explains the use for those lines.

Long story short: If you use Officers.c, then of course you DON'T need this.
You ONLY need this if you want to use Console.c to add your character to an existing savegame.
Ah I unterstand.
That i need if i only add it in the Console.c File. :onya

So first i need to make the Entry from Grey Roger.
To find a free sit Postion!

My Monkey d. Ruffy and Zorro and the ather Charakter
will have the Story: The New Pirate Age"

So must i make this :/Storyline/TheNewPirateAge/
What do i all need to make it like the Free Play Modus?

Or can i only copy the Freeplay Folder and to rename to TheNewPirateAge
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So must i make this :/Storyline/TheNewPirateAge/
What do i all need to make it like the Free Play Modus?
@Grey Roger: Do you still have the "JackAubrey" storyline files from Build 14 Beta 3.x somewhere?
I think those are probably the "cleanest" files to use, with basically nothing in there whatsoever.
If i make a new Storyline i would be have it like the Freeplay Modus.
FreePlay is basically a storyline without a story. The idea is that you can pick any character model which exists in the game. Well, almost any - a few are set so that they can not be used for FreePlay, they only exist in their own specific storylines. You can then do pretty much what you want, including all the side quests.

So FreePlay has a lot of code which you won't need because it has to allow for all sorts of different character types, as well as set up a tutorial which is copied from the "standard" storyline, "Tales of a Sea Hawk". As @Pieter Boelen suggested, modifying the "Devlin Opera" setup would be much easier. If you want to do this, you will need:
  • "PROGRAM\Storyline\OnePiece.c" - you can call it whatever you like, I'm just using "OnePiece" as an example. This should be a copy of "DevlinOpera_off.c", edited to set things up for Monkey D. Luffy. You can find what you need for the various "sl.(sn).start" lines in Monkey D. Luffy's definition in "initModels.c".
  • Folder "PROGRAM\Storyline\OnePiece". This is where all your storyline code will go.
  • "PROGRAM\Storyline\OnePiece\StartStoryline.c" - probably best if either @Pieter Boelen or I set this up by taking an existing one and modifying it for "One Piece".
  • "PROGRAM\Storyline\OnePiece\quests" - folder where your quest code will go.
    • "PROGRAM\Storyline\OnePiece\quests\quests_reaction.c" - file where most if not all of your quest code will go. Those 'vcskip' lines will go somewhere in here.
  • "PROGRAM\Storyline\OnePiece\characters" - folder where your character definitions will go.
    • "PROGRAM\Storyline\OnePiece\characters\init\Story.c" - file where primary story characters will go. Take all the stuff you've been putting in "officer.c" and put it here instead. That way all your characters will only appear when playing your storyline, not when playing "Tales of a Sea Hawk", for example.
    • "PROGRAM\Storyline\OnePiece\characters\init\TempQuest.c" - not really necessary, but if you have characters who are less important in the story, they could go here. (Think of any film you've ever watched. In the credits, anyone listed as "Starring" probably goes in "Story.c". All the lesser characters who appear in smaller letters further down the cast list could go into "TempQuest.c".)
    • "PROGRAM\Storyline\OnePiece\characters\init\TempQuestEnemy.c" - again, not really necessary, but you could put enemies such as Donquixote Doflamingo in here if they're not important enough to go into "Story.c".
  • "PROGRAM\Storyline\OnePiece\DIALOGS" - folder where dialog files for all your quest characters go, instead of the general "PROGRAM\DIALOGS" folder.
Is like the FreePlay Storyline or can i Copy the FreePlay Folder
It is better than the Free Play storyline, because it excludes the tutorial and all the custom starts.
In other words: It is cleaner and simpler and less confusing for you.

I have to make both Codes:
Locations[FindLocation("QC_Tavern")].vcskip = true;

The first line STOPS random characters from appearing. The second line STARTS that again.
If you want to use it, you do need both. But not at the same time, of course!
First you do #1, then you do whatever you need to do without random characters, then you do #2 to reset things back to normal.
@Grey Roger: Do you still have the "JackAubrey" storyline files from Build 14 Beta 3.x somewhere?
I think those are probably the "cleanest" files to use, with basically nothing in there whatsoever.
They're not all that clean, especially not "StartStoryline.c". In those days you had not completed the work of making side quests universally available, so "StartStoryline.c" has several pieces of code to initialise some of them.

Also included is my attempt at "StartStoryline.c", basically the "Devlin Opera" version with a few unnecessary bits stripped out. It should also take away whatever default blade the usual setup gives the player, and give him a katana instead.


  • JackAubrey.c
    1.5 KB · Views: 83
  • StartStoryline.c
    1.6 KB · Views: 69
  • StartStoryline_aubrey.c
    3.6 KB · Views: 86
They're not all that clean, especially not "StartStoryline.c". In those days you had not completed the work of making side quests universally available, so "StartStoryline.c" has several pieces of code to initialise some of them.
Indeed I remember we had that at some point.
Possibly if you look through even older versons (if you have them), there might be cleaner ones to be found.
That might be Beta 3.0 or even Beta 2.5 or so. If necessary, I could look that up when I'm home again.

But ultimately, it doesn't really matter which template is used. :cheeky
The earliest I have is Beta 3.3, which is the one I posted. But have a look at the version I made up based on the "Devlin Opera" start. If you reckon that will work, it can become our new clean version.
The earliest I have is Beta 3.3, which is the one I posted. But have a look at the version I made up based on the "Devlin Opera" start. If you reckon that will work, it can become our new clean version.
That StartStoryline.c file looks perfectly clean! :onya

I was thinking also of the quests_reaction.c and both_reaction.c files. Those can be pretty much completely empty as well.
"Hornblower" probably has the ideal "both_reaction.c". It's about as empty as it can be. ;)

The old "JackAubrey", on the other hand, has a "both_reaction.c" which is certainly not empty - it looks like quest code for side quests, again because at that time the side quests hadn't been moved out into their own files. But "quests_reaction.c" looks pretty bare.

"Ardent" has "blank_dialog.c" and "blank_dialog.h", skeletal dialog files with the bare minimum starting code - any time I'm creating a new dialog, I copy and rename both of those, then add text to the ".h" and code to the ".c" which processes that text.

@pirateking: download and unzip this. It should contain the bare necessities for the storyline. This is not in any playable state but should provide the basic folder structure as well as the above-mentioned minimal files which you can edit, adding your own code.

Edit: now with added "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\ENGLISH\Storyline\OnePiece\QUESTBOOK\Beginning.txt"


  • OnePiece.zip
    7.2 KB · Views: 69
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download and unzip this.
I think then technically the only thing missing is that quests_reaction.c there writes a questbook entry from Beginning.txt, which is not included.
To prevent confusion, you might want to either add that file or completely clean our quests_reaction.c as well.

And then, why not post that archive somewhere easily found for future reference?
It looks like a brilliant base to start from! :onya
Yes. In the old version of the game which included the "Jack Aubrey" storyline, sidequests were built into the "standard" storyline, "Tales of a Sea Hawk". "Jack Aubrey" was effectively an early sort of FreePlay, with no actual story but with several of the sidequests duplicated - you started off on Eleuthera and were then left to do whatever you wanted. @Pieter Boelen put a lot of work into separating the sidequests into their own files, making the "Jack Aubrey" storyline redundant, and Jack Aubrey is now available as one of the characters in FreePlay.

All of which means that all sidequests will be available in your storyline unless you write code to actively prevent them. A couple of storylines do that because one or other sidequest could interfere with the story, but that should not be a problem with yours - at least, provided you keep all your characters off "Sit8" in the Nevis pirate tavern!
If you have already downloaded the zip file in post #154, you may need to download it again. As @Pieter Boelen suggested, I've added "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\ENGLISH\Storyline\OnePiece\QUESTBOOK\Beginning.txt" and re-uploaded it.

That is a questbook. You can edit the "text.t1" line to whatever you like. You can add more lines - "text.t2", "text.t3" etc. Look at "quests_reaction.c" to see how the file is used. SetQuestHeader opens the book, AddQuestRecord copies a line from the file into the questbook, and when the quest is over, CloseQuestHeader closes the book. All of them use the filename. The "title" line in the file is often the same as the filename, but does not need to be the same, as shown here. (You can also look at the "quests_reaction" file in other storylines to see how they use these lines.)

After the "text.t1" line is a blank line. There always needs to be a blank line after the last "text." line - it was found that without that blank line, the questbook as seen in the game has random rubbish added to it. With the blank line, no such rubbish appears. So, if you add another four lines for example, then you don't need a blank line after each one but you do need it after "text.t5".