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    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Ideas for the future!


So then it up to the better Coder, becaus my Code Skill is not so good for this.

I think every Ship should have a Chef, it is better for the Crew Moral.
So then it up to the better Coder, becaus my Code Skill is not so good for this.
In that case, effectively your idea will end up in the litter bin. Nobody will do it for you and eventually it'll just be lost to the ages.
The only way to avoid that is to, at the very least, have a clever idea of how to implement it and ideally be willing to do most of the necessary work yourself.

I think every Ship should have a Chef, it is better for the Crew Moral.
Use the "Cooking" ability that already exists. Easy peasy.
:D Yes i use it allarady!

I was a Idea/suggestion for "you" for the next Build.
But it is for me ok if you say, it is not importen for you.
At present "Cooking" does nothing to morale, it simply reduces the amount of food consumed each day by 10%.

Perhaps make one of the existing officer types contribute the "Cooking" ability? That would be a lot easier than adding a whole new officer type. As far as I can see, it would simply be a one-line addition to the relevant officer in "PROGRAM\Characters\officertypes\init_officertypes.c". Then, if you want a ship's cook, you simply hire a second officer of that type and either make sure he has "Cooking" when you hire him, or give him the ability as soon as he's earned a couple of points to buy a new ability.
Looking through "init_officertypes.c", I can see it assigned to "OFFIC_TYPE_CAPMERCHANT", "OFFIC_TYPE_CAPPRIVATEER", "OFFIC_TYPE_PIRATE", and any officer who has been doing drugs and got away with it. So you might get a cook by hiring a captain who surrendered to you; and sometimes after I've assigned an officer to command a prize ship, making him "OFFIC_TYPE_CAPPRIVATEER", he keeps that tag when I've sold the ship. But none of the regular officer types - surgeon, boatswain etc. - appear to have the "Cooking" ability assigned as something to contribute.

Suggestions as to which one should get it?
I'd say arguably the quartermaster (as he's in charge of general cargo and supplies) or even the surgeon (as he could ensure the crew has a healthy diet) would be better options than the boatswain, who already has pretty major skill contributions.
I'd say arguably the quartermaster (as he's in charge of general cargo and supplies) or even the surgeon (as he could ensure the crew has a healthy diet) would be better options than the boatswain, who already has pretty major skill contributions.
Fine by me. :doff
I'm also inclined to give it to "OFFIC_TYPE_CIVILIAN", then remove "Speed Increase" and "Increased Sail Damage". This is some random person you picked up on the street - he doesn't know a thing about sailing, otherwise he'd be the relevant type of officer, but he may very well know cookery as well as basic carpentry ("Emergency Repairs", alias "LightRepair"), "Basic Commerce" and "High Stakes" - which he already gets. Perhaps also "OFFIC_TYPE_RANDCHAR", alias "Fighter" - a basic combat guy, probably a soldier, who at the moment only gets "Effective Potions", "Poison Resistance" and "High Stakes". This is someone who can look after himself in the wilderness, and if he knows enough about herbs to make potions and combat poison, he can certainly cook meat and some vegetables.
@Grey Roger: Can't hurt.
Though, if I recall correctly, you can no longer hire those officer types so they should never end up on a ship.
You can certainly end up with a fighter. For some reason, Master at Arms occasionally turns into Fighter, and as Master at Arms is not an available choice when assigning a post in the "Passengers" screen, you can't get him back.

Also, don't forget quests. Sharpe and his squad are fighters. And some characters from sidequests are probably civilians.
You can certainly end up with a fighter. For some reason, Master at Arms occasionally turns into Fighter, and as Master at Arms is not an available choice when assigning a post in the "Passengers" screen, you can't get him back.
Isn't that just what you get when you unassign an officer from all posts, but have him (her?) in the shore party anyway?

Also, don't forget quests. Sharpe and his squad are fighters. And some characters from sidequests are probably civilians.
Sure. As I said, it can't hurt. :onya
The boatswain can't cook any more. The surgeon can cook, and so can Sharpe. You probably don't want to know what they're cooking, bearing in mind that the surgeon has a ready supply of raw meat after any battle, and Sharpe probably gets his supplies from one of the riflemen. You really don't want to know where the rifleman got them - a pirate wouldn't mind a bit of larceny, but if you're talking to Sharpe then you're Hornblower and you're not supposed to encourage that sort of thing. :napoleon


  • init_officertypes.c
    31.2 KB · Views: 170
I'd like to suggest adding a couple of beloved characters from a beloved film. I may try my hand at this myself sometime in the future (as characters go, they look easy enough to make from existing models), but just in case somebody with more experience and better texture-fu wants to have a crack at it in the meantime, I'll throw the idea out there.

Of course, I'm talking about the Dread Pirate Roberts

And the only, the amazing... Inigo Montoya.