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Yep, you totally should watch The Princess Bride if you haven't already.Is that Andre the Giant in the Back? Awesome!
Yeah, since the game kinda makes use of "portals" instead of "seamless travel". So the person that would create the road design (in the maps), would be free to draw the needed path to fit in the locations' sites (in the maps).Maybe the 3D locations don't need to represent ALL the locations, so you could draw a road that twists and turns far more than you do in the game?
I wonder what that map would look like.Certainly the route from Kralendijk to Palm Beach would need to be long and only a few locations along the way are playable. Maybe you can't cut straight across the island because either the jungle or the mountains are impenetrable. But no matter how you draw the road, the exit to Crab Cliffs is going to be on the wrong side.![]()
Isn't that the purpose of buying maps?It also removes the element of exploration for new players. Imagine you're playing PoTC:NH for the first time. You're cruising around Hispaniola and find a beach - where does this lead? After landing, you proceed through some jungle and... hey, there's a buccaneers' camp here!
Should be possible.When captains offer to surrender in the cabin. would it possible for them to surrender their weapons? Adding a dialogue tree about that or simple enabling you to take their weapons?
I'm not sure what to do about that one.Also when you loose an officer to melee, why are the only dead characters that can be looted. Clearly in reality their equipment would be recovered like the dead crew's.
At the moment, most settings can only make your game more realistic, not less.1. I have no real way of estimating how much crew is on an enemy ship (except for a very rough approximation based on the tier, but I don't know enough about each ship type to do this effectively, and there's no way you can sense how much crew is lost during battle). Would it be possible to have an option in the game preferences to allow very rough estimations of crew (and perhaps even hull and rigging/sail) when looking through a spyglass?
I tried going to Realistic mode and fiddle with "InternalSettings.h", but even with "ONSEA_DATA_DISABLED" set to "0", I didn't get any info on crew through my common spyglass.
bool DisableReloadWhileFighting() // PB: To allow CANNOT_RELOAD_WHILE_FIGHTING to override the Realism Mode
if (CANNOT_RELOAD_WHILE_FIGHTING == 0) return false;
if (CANNOT_RELOAD_WHILE_FIGHTING == 2) return true;
if (iRealismMode>0) return true;
return false;
if(iRealismMode>1 || ONSEA_DATA_DISABLED) { //Screwface : No infos in realistic mod // KK ship type and nation become quite obvious from some distances
if (Ship_GetGroupID(chref) != PLAYER_GROUP) shipName = chref.Ship.Name;
distance = Ship_GetDistance2D(mchref, chref);
if (distance < GetCharVisibilityRange(mchref, 3)) // Ship type, nation AND name shown inside CLOSE range
SendMessage(&objISpyGlass,"lsslllflll",MSG_ISG_UPDATE, shipName, shipType, -1, -1, -1, -1.0, -1, -1, shipNation);
SendMessage(&objISpyGlass,"ll",MSG_ISG_VISIBLE, true);
if (distance < GetCharVisibilityRange(mchref, 2)) // Ship type and nation shown inside MEDIUM range
SendMessage(&objISpyGlass,"lsslllflll",MSG_ISG_UPDATE, "", shipType, -1, -1, -1, -1.0, -1, -1, shipNation);
SendMessage(&objISpyGlass,"ll",MSG_ISG_VISIBLE, true);
if (distance < GetCharVisibilityRange(mchref, 1)) // Ship type is visible inside LONG range
SendMessage(&objISpyGlass,"lsslllflll",MSG_ISG_UPDATE, "", shipType, -1, -1, -1, -1.0, -1, -1, -1);
SendMessage(&objISpyGlass,"ll",MSG_ISG_VISIBLE, true);
} else {
SendMessage(&objISpyGlass,"lsslllflll",MSG_ISG_UPDATE, shipName, shipType, shipHull, shipSail, shipCrew, shipSpeed, shipCannons, shipCharge, shipNation);
You can find there those logs are sent to the screen in PROGRAM\CCCdirectsail.c by searching for 'GetBearingFromShip16'.2. I sometimes go afk for a while when the ship is crossing between islands. It would be really nice to have access to some kind of log over all the messages you've gotten (i.e. stuff floating close by or "sail ho" and "land ho" in whatever direction). I started looking in "compile.log" for this, but it also contains stuff that I don't want to know - which diminishes immersion.
// Write a new log entry to the ship's log
// logTitle: Title of the log entry
// logEntry: Text of the log entry
// logCategory: "General", "Battle", "Ship", "Personal", "Notes"
// bVisible: if log entry is visible (e.g. the news is known to the character)
void WriteNewLogEntry(string logTitle, string logEntry, string logCategory, bool bVisible)
Maybe the enemy did loot your officer. OK, not really, partly because he does not then have the nice armour and weapons which you gave the officer, and he does not then use them against you; and partly because you still don't get the equipment back when you kill him. But it's as good an excuse as any until someone figures out why officers can't be looted.I'm not sure what to do about that one.
Of course it could be done, but probably it is intentionally not like that right now.
If you can always loot your own stuff back, there's little risk of ever losing it and gives less incentive to keep your officers alive.
Also, the enemies never loot, which gives a bit of an (unfair?) advantage to three player.
I tried to find the reason, but my quick search quickly resulted in my brain getting fried.Maybe the enemy did loot your officer. OK, not really, partly because he does not then have the nice armour and weapons which you gave the officer, and he does not then use them against you; and partly because you still don't get the equipment back when you kill him. But it's as good an excuse as any until someone figures out why officers can't be looted.![]()
In theory, when you duel him later, there could be a check included to see if he's got weapons and, if not, force the player to give him new weapons before the duel.As for the enemy captain surrendering his sword, that's going to be a bit more complicated than it seems at first. Remember that, once he's a prisoner in your hold, you have the option to execute him. He then asks to be allowed to fight, and if you agree, you duel him - incidentally giving you one way to get his sword already. If you've already taken his sword then he's just going to stand there like a dummy, and you're going to get a massive hit to your reputation if you hit him. Which is fair enough, except that you might not remember that you've already taken his sword. Unless you look closely and see he's unarmed, you might think you're being honourable by giving him the chance to duel, and then be stuck with having to kill him while he's unarmed.
At the moment, most settings can only make your game more realistic, not less.
But there is an exception:
The spyglass code itself is in PROGRAM\BATTLE_INTERFACE\ispyglass.c:Code:bool DisableReloadWhileFighting() // PB: To allow CANNOT_RELOAD_WHILE_FIGHTING to override the Realism Mode { if (CANNOT_RELOAD_WHILE_FIGHTING == 0) return false; if (CANNOT_RELOAD_WHILE_FIGHTING == 2) return true; if (iRealismMode>0) return true; return false; }
By tweaking that code (and possibly by doing something similar to the 'Cannot Reload While Fighting'), you should be able to change the game to do what you want.Code:if(iRealismMode>1 || ONSEA_DATA_DISABLED) { //Screwface : No infos in realistic mod // KK ship type and nation become quite obvious from some distances if (Ship_GetGroupID(chref) != PLAYER_GROUP) shipName = chref.Ship.Name; distance = Ship_GetDistance2D(mchref, chref); if (distance < GetCharVisibilityRange(mchref, 3)) // Ship type, nation AND name shown inside CLOSE range { SendMessage(&objISpyGlass,"lsslllflll",MSG_ISG_UPDATE, shipName, shipType, -1, -1, -1, -1.0, -1, -1, shipNation); SendMessage(&objISpyGlass,"ll",MSG_ISG_VISIBLE, true); } else { if (distance < GetCharVisibilityRange(mchref, 2)) // Ship type and nation shown inside MEDIUM range { SendMessage(&objISpyGlass,"lsslllflll",MSG_ISG_UPDATE, "", shipType, -1, -1, -1, -1.0, -1, -1, shipNation); SendMessage(&objISpyGlass,"ll",MSG_ISG_VISIBLE, true); } else { if (distance < GetCharVisibilityRange(mchref, 1)) // Ship type is visible inside LONG range { SendMessage(&objISpyGlass,"lsslllflll",MSG_ISG_UPDATE, "", shipType, -1, -1, -1, -1.0, -1, -1, -1); SendMessage(&objISpyGlass,"ll",MSG_ISG_VISIBLE, true); } } } } else { SendMessage(&objISpyGlass,"lsslllflll",MSG_ISG_UPDATE, shipName, shipType, shipHull, shipSail, shipCrew, shipSpeed, shipCannons, shipCharge, shipNation); SendMessage(&objISpyGlass,"ll",MSG_ISG_VISIBLE,true); }
You can find there those logs are sent to the screen in PROGRAM\CCCdirectsail.c by searching for 'GetBearingFromShip16'.
You can write stuff to the Ship's Log with this function:
Maybe using that would be an option? I do wonder if you might not end up with excessive log entries then, but you'll find out soon enough when you try.Code:// Write a new log entry to the ship's log // logTitle: Title of the log entry // logEntry: Text of the log entry // logCategory: "General", "Battle", "Ship", "Personal", "Notes" // bVisible: if log entry is visible (e.g. the news is known to the character) void WriteNewLogEntry(string logTitle, string logEntry, string logCategory, bool bVisible)
WriteNewLogEntry("Land sighted", "Land has been sighted " + GetBearingFromShip16(dir-stf(pchar.ship.ang.y)), "Ship", true)
WriteNewLogEntry("Sail sighted", "Sail has been sighted " + GetBearingFromShip16(Degree2Radian(bearing)), "Ship", true)
Oh wait, look in the 'else' section of that code I quoted.Doesn't "if(iRealismMode>1 || ONSEA_DATA_DISABLED)" only activate this part if I had "1" for "ONSEA_DATA_DISABLED" in "InternalSettings.h"?
With Realistic mode on and "ONSEA_DATA_DISABLED" set to "0" it gives me (approximate) values for hull and sail, and even speed for some reason, but not crew.
Changing the above code to include crew doesn't change anything for me.
If you're happy with how that works, perhaps it could be added to the main mod.This works wonders, thanks!
I inserted:
andCode:WriteNewLogEntry("Land sighted", "Land has been sighted " + GetBearingFromShip16(dir-stf(pchar.ship.ang.y)), "Ship", true)
in appropriate areas.Code:WriteNewLogEntry("Sail sighted", "Sail has been sighted " + GetBearingFromShip16(Degree2Radian(bearing)), "Ship", true)
I tested it quickly, and at least the "Land sighted" log works. I'll have to wait and see for the "Sail sighted".
Even in "Realistic" mode and "ONSEA_DATA_DISABLED" set to 0, you'll need a superior or masterwork spyglass to show crew numbers.Doesn't "if(iRealismMode>1 || ONSEA_DATA_DISABLED)" only activate this part if I had "1" for "ONSEA_DATA_DISABLED" in "InternalSettings.h"?
With Realistic mode on and "ONSEA_DATA_DISABLED" set to "0" it gives me (approximate) values for hull and sail, and even speed for some reason, but not crew.
I will defer to other people's opinions. Has anyone else any view on automatically adding log entries for every sail sighting even if it doesn't lead to an encounter, and for every land sighting even if you don't visit the land?If you're happy with how that works, perhaps it could be added to the main mod.
If @Grey Roger thinks it's a good addition.