• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Ideas for the future!

Oooh, that'll be a GREAT improvement!
I always found the existing Cabinfight dialog file very confusing.
I could never quite figure out when playing what does what and how I should navigate through the tree to get the result I intend.
Only the part where you demand a ransom is changing for now. I'm still thinking whether to put a similar check on any other choices, bearing in mind that eventually you'll get to the ransack screen, and that's where the real checking will happen. The rest of the dialog is unchanged.

I'm inclined to agree with you.
But some people don't.
So I'd say: TOGGLE TIME!
Perhaps combine it with Arcade Game Mode for simplicity.
Or combine it with difficulty level. Only "Landlubber", and possibly "Mariner", get the option of skipping the duel. Hmm... looking at the numerical values for difficulty and realism modes, difficulty ranges from 1 ("Landlubber") to 4 ("Swashbuckler"), while realism is 0 ("Arcade"), 1 ("Realistic") or 2 ("Iron man"). So:
if(GetDifficulty()+iRealismMode <= 2)
... should pass if you're in "Arcade" mode on "Landlubber" or "Mariner", in "Realistic" mode only on "Landlubber", and never in "Iron man" mode.
Thank you for doing what you do! :cheers

Only the part where you demand a ransom is changing for now. I'm still thinking whether to put a similar check on any other choices, bearing in mind that eventually you'll get to the ransack screen, and that's where the real checking will happen. The rest of the dialog is unchanged.
Any improvement is welcome indeed.

Or combine it with difficulty level. Only "Landlubber", and possibly "Mariner", get the option of skipping the duel. Hmm... looking at the numerical values for difficulty and realism modes, difficulty ranges from 1 ("Landlubber") to 4 ("Swashbuckler"), while realism is 0 ("Arcade"), 1 ("Realistic") or 2 ("Iron man"). So:
if(GetDifficulty()+iRealismMode <= 2)
... should pass if you're in "Arcade" mode on "Landlubber" or "Mariner", in "Realistic" mode only on "Landlubber", and never in "Iron man" mode.
Yep, that sounds fair enough to me.
Involving difficulty does make sense, I reckon.
Done. Also corrected some of the dialog text - mostly just for capitalisation and punctuation, but then there's this:
"You'll have your crew do your dirtywork rather than fight me like a man?! Typical Pirate! You'll not get away with this!",
Don't count on the player character being a man or a pirate! So instead, I have:
"You'll have your crew do your dirty work rather than fight me yourself?! What a coward! You'll not get away with this!",
Incidentally, as well as a reputation loss, how about either a drop in "Leadership" skill or a crew morale penalty? You've just been challenged to a duel and chickened out - and remember that a captain who surrenders and whom you then hire as an officer gets a permanent -1 "Leadership" penalty because your crew doesn't respect him as much.
Which - the correction to the text, the idea of losing "Leadership" skill for chickening out of the duel, the idea of losing crew morale for same, or all of the above?
Since I didn't specify, I meant all of the above.
I didn't notice your question, sorry.
I'm quite preoccupied and dealing with details is beyond me.

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And I ask you to trust me.