It's no more than what I did for the Cossack.

And so, here it is.
@pirateking: Download and extract this ZIP file, then copy the whole lot to your POTC installation folder. The folder structure should be the same as that used by the game installation, so you should be asked if you want to merge "PROGRAM" with the existing one - you do. The same goes for "RESOURCE". If you do the copying correctly, then start a new game and choose the "Free Play" storyline, you can click on the character to choose someone to play. Among the choices:
Once the game is started, pressing F2 should show this:
"Choose Outfit":
And this is you:
Changing the colours of the jacket and trousers was easy. But a face transplant is out, for several reasons. For one, changing the skin tone of the imported face to match the rest of the model isn't so easy. Also, what you see in the texture file is not necessarily what you'll see on the actual character because the face may be distorted. Think of the texture as a rubber sheet from which pieces are cut and then stretched or bent to fit onto the model. But the real stopper is the eyes. The game engine draws the eyes itself, and if the eyes as shown in the texture file don't match the size, shape and location of the eyes drawn by the game, they're going to look weird. Large anime-style eyes are never going to work!
But in case you want to try playing with the texture yourself, you can find "RESOURCE\Textures\Characters\fisherman2.tga" included in the pack. If you have Photoshop, Gimp or any other picture-editing software which can handle .tga files, you can do what you want to the face. You'll then need to use TX Convertor to convert "fisherman2.tga" to "fisherman2.tga.tx", the type of file which the game uses. You can get TX Convertor here:
Also included are a couple of other texture files which are nothing to do with Monkey D. Luffy. To test this, I had to add your character to the model definition file which I'm using, which has a couple of other character models, which meant their model and texture files also needed to go in.