i am still not actualy playing the game because i have to choose which ships im going to keep and which one to remove because the design difference is still too strong and some ships appear way too modern compared to majority of other for instance
the 96 english first rate
that order secondo, cant realy be sure now but i remebered it looked prety modern
the english 64 gunner also looks way too 1700's
maybe that english 5th rater also
So i dont know yet which ships to remove ...i wish for a game that feels like 1650-1680s since that was your intention, and you built the uniforms and items around that time and mayority of ships are from that period and seeing those ships ( and too often ) ruins the experience for me now...
Jokash, This shouldn't be a surprise to you man.

If I knew how to make the game more selectable by period specific decades - (like POTC New Horizons) I would - but I don't, so I had to encapsulate the entire era. I can't believe that there's folks out there that are even more purist than me!
It is not that easy to just eliminate ships because they are tied-in thru many different files and it's time consuming to completely pull them out by the roots. The best thing is some minor edits to ensure the ones you don't like don't appear - or at least rarely appear.
So maybe what I will do as part of future options is to come up with several different ships_init files that are tailored by decade (ex. 1648-1660, 1660-1680, 1680-1700, 1700-1725) for the player that only wants that specific timeframe. I can easily do this for patch1. You simply drop the one in the game that you want. Default would be how it is right now with the ships of the entire Golden Age period.
If you want to edit the ships_init file yourself, the best way is to find the ships you want to leave out then simply find the "refship" line that says "merchant" and "war" and set them both to false. If there is a line that says "refship canencounter" set it to false. If it is not there, then add it in by finding where its entered on another ship (just do a search). Last on the bottom of the entry there is a nationality option block of code that Pieter helped me add. You will see that every nation that can have that particular ship will be set to "1". Just make certain that all entries are set to zero for each country.
Between all these things combined that ship will not show up in your game except possibly in bounty hunter encounters or as the ship of encountered NPC captains.
I'm sorry you don't like the mod. I guess you can't make everyone happy and I for one think that the ships of the first decades of the 18th century live quite nicely alongside the earlier ships. In fact I think you would have seen the earlier ships still quite common in the year 1715 or so. Ships usually had long lives according to all the research and reading I've done.
Good luck,
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