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Mod Release GOF Historical Eras Module #2

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So I just wanted to mention that just because you see a late era ship in the menu scene when you start a game or after you die and restart a game doesn't mean you will ever see that ship in the game. I kept most of the ships of GOF intact for further mod development on later period mods, so they are sometimes generated in the menu scene.

In PotC there is a bug - ships excluded from an era can still rarely appear in it /for a few periods only/ ... unknown what causes it... Since COAS is a continuation of this game one may expect this to show up there too at times.
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Also I have received enough requests that I will make the mod smaller over the holidays and will put out a torrent version. The only reason I'm going to this trouble is because of the shear numbers of people downloading. I never expected the mod to have this kind of popularity. Quite frankly I made this mod for me and am just sharing.
Pleasantly surprised, are you? :cheeky

In PotC there is a bug - ships excluded from an era can still rarely appear in it /for a few periods only/ ... unknown what causes it... Since COAS is a continuation of this game one may expect this to show up there too at times.
Wha? Wherever did you get that from? :shock

I have NEVER seen wrong-period ships appear. The way the PotC code is set up, it will positively refuse to do so.
But you're working with your own ships_init.c version with different values, right? That probably explains it.
Especially if the "default ship" that is generated if no period-correct ship can be found is not to your liking.
If you still believe something buggy is going on, please give me the exact details on that encounter and I can check if it is correct or not.

Also, this is 100% unrelated to CoAS as the PotC Periods code is a mod-added feature that is NOT in the CoAS code at all.
@Hylie, I am afraid so. There's no way to go back to the player selection interface after you've made your character selection. Just try starting a new game with a new character and with a new game name to see if that was the issue.

@jokash. Flush decks are not the best way to determine period. There were experiments with flush deck ships as early as Elizabethan times. In the 1590s/to around 1610 the English experimented with a kind of small cut down "galley" that had galleon lines. It was flushdeck except all the way to the stern which had just a very slight rising rake. It had oars(sweeps) but was galleon rigged and was known to be extremely fast. Very graceful. They called it a......"fregatte" LOL

You should look at sail plan and rig as much as shape when making these determinations. The French had lots of cut down experiments in ship design that had shapes which look much later during the 1690s. Even though the Raa is actually Danish she is from that timeframe and built in imitation of French practices at the time. Yet notice the very 17th century transom and the lateen rigged mizzen. You may not like the way some of the ships look but I was very selective.

I love carracks....that's all I have to say. There is very good evidence that Naos and carrack style vessels were still being built in Basque country and some Biscay ports as late as 1610-20. Those ship known to have very long lifespans (look up Jesus of Lubeck) I think its safe to have still seen them in Spanish colonial ports late into the 17th century. I have a painting of the harbor of Seville from about 1660 which shows the late style Spanish galleon with a huge Flemish influence and moored at the docks close by are a couple old carracks.

I am really looking forward to finishing GOF Eras Module1. By then hopefully I will have learned how to properly make towns all Spanish with only one colony for other nations to begin with. This will require me rewriting the questlines which I am not good at yet.

@ Flannery. Congratulations mate! You sound like a man after my own heart. Thanks for the kind words on the tutorial. I will make that its own topic and add my video.

@Harmsway: Yes the brackets are supposed to do that specifically so you can tailor the atmosphere. Its a great feature if you want to take screenshots. Also if you don't like crew wandering around on the little ships simply find the SAILORPOINTS folder. If you open RESOURCE\MODELS\ships\SAILORSPOINTS folder - find the file belonging to the ship which you don't want sailors walking about, and delete that file - No more sailors on that ship.

@tttt5561, I am traveling. I will check the quest when I get to my destination. Let me ask has your ship been sunk yet? You can't even find whiteboy until you've been sunk at least once.

Thanks to everyone for the words of encouragement.


Thanks for answering my question.

My ship is bluebird - the quest ship - and I have been sunk once. I did the same things about this quest in COAS so far.
I don't know but If there is a code ( or console command ) that using for skip the white boy scene and continue to quest will be helpful.
I don't want to play the game now because of this problem :(
Hiya=) i was wondering a very nice man..had put in a cat for my ship(for rats) i was wondering if it is still in the mod.its has been a while..thx for your time..and very nice work stayed up all night playing=)
I have NEVER seen wrong-period ships appear. The way the PotC code is set up, it will positively refuse to do so.
But you're working with your own ships_init.c version with different values, right? That probably explains it.
Especially if the "default ship" that is generated if no period-correct ship can be found is not to your liking.
If you still believe something buggy is going on, please give me the exact details on that encounter and I can check if it is correct or not.


I have removed the steam ships from the 4th period 1770-1789. Left them only to appear after 1790- 1830 in the last period. After that they disappeared. Untill I again saw a steam ship one day. I didn't play and test it since then, as I was travelling. I don't know what's going on. Is a steam ship among the default ones ? Didn't check the error log when I saw it. Maybe that's my mistake.
Hiya=) i was wondering a very nice man..had put in a cat for my ship(for rats) i was wondering if it is still in the mod.its has been a while..thx for your time..and very nice work stayed up all night playing=)

I still have rats in my game.
I have removed the steam ships from the 4th period 1770-1789. Left them only to appear after 1790- 1830 in the last period. After that they disappeared. Untill I again saw a steam ship one day. I didn't play and test it since then, as I was travelling. I don't know what's going on. Is a steam ship among the default ones ? Didn't check the error log when I saw it. Maybe that's my mistake.
Nope, steamships are not default ships. :no

Are you sure you disabled ALL the steamships for the 4th period? Note that there are three.
And you must Reinitialize (F11) before the changes take effect.
Nope, steamships are not default ships. :no

Are you sure you disabled ALL the steamships for the 4th period? Note that there are three.
And you must Reinitialize (F11) before the changes take effect.

Of course I am sure. F 11 is obligatory. All steamships were one after another and were all disabled. Besides it happened also with a flute and a pirate galleon, don't remember already the details. The flute given only to one country was loaded also to another country. But I haven't tested the Encounters Mod since then. Other than these small exceptions it functions as preset. But such anomalies can occur. And I checked for all of them are they disabled and everything looked perfect.
So I am temporarily halted in the middle of the great USA but still have my computer with me. I have had several hours to play today and there is an additional bug. This bug is due to modifications to the LAi_boarding file.

Ships will strike colors but then their crews will fight after you've boarded. This is the only place the surrender code has been altered after beta testing so I know it has to be here.

@Pieter I noticed you changed some things (cleaned things up) to get the images working. Were there other things that you did that you think could have possibly altered Jonathan's surrender code when you fixed the file for me?

Here's the original file. I've verified the surrender bugs do not happen with it, but you do not get all the cool boarding loading screens either. The game will select one for each size of ship and that's what you get each time. I'll leave it up to players if they want that or not for now.

I am experimenting and comparing now.



  • LAi_boarding.c
    46.6 KB · Views: 176
I am just not set up to do testing and comparing and merging at the moment. The mod has had over 250 downloads. I have asked for help from others and believe this current surrender problem is influencing other things.

I will wait for responses for 24 hours and also see if Pieter might be able to fix the file putting Jonathan's bits back in. I noticed the cowering crews have completely stopped and cabin fights have stopped as well - the captain just gives up and doesn't cower in his cabin for you to loot his items. If this is bothering anyone you should DL the file provided in the last post because the further you get into game play the more bothersome this will become. Another option is to set Never Surrender in mod options but that is such a disappointing way to circumvent this.

If we can't get it to work in 24 hours, the link will be pulled down until I can get somewhere where I can test and fix this bug. My apologies.

EDIT: My Mom had oral surgery on an abscess today so we can't get back on the road tomorrow

- so I am a TOTAL glutton for punishment. I can't believe how much I want this right. Even with no test computer and no WinMerge I have managed to put together a new file using two Wordpads for comparing. This file works with the images and puts back 95% of Jonathan's work and numbers.

I am going to play the game for a couple hours tonight and test out how it works. If its good I will upload the new file to the first post next to the links, and upload a new update patch as well including this file with the rest of it.

@Pieter - You're really funny man.....it was just a "misplaced bracket" eh??? :modding That was major surgery man.

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I am already aware of that.(late era ship) btw.... i think british soldiers have late era uniforms instead of the others.i couldnt enter enemy towns with jack audrey or norrigton i tried over and over thats i why i posted that in first place,every other character work fine!i have only play gof.
I am already aware of that.(late era ship) btw.... i think british soldiers have late era uniforms instead of the others.i couldnt enter enemy towns with jack audrey or norrigton i tried over and over thats i why i posted that in first place,every other character work fine!i have only play gof.

Ummmm Mate, You are not playing GOF Eras if you have Aubrey or Norrington......because Aubrey and Norrington are NOT IN GOF Eras. If you're seeing late era brits you're playing GOF 1.2 or 2.0
I think you should increase the crew available in taverns. I am trying to fill the 323 crew of the ship of Cassard and I get 11-16 people per island. In some of them "no men here they sailed off with Capt.X". So I guess I should cruise all islands to get this number filled. Because 323:11=29. Taken that in some of them there are no people, it would take more than 29 islands to fill the crew ! Plus the spanish are hostile, so they are off, guess than more than 50 islands ?! :bounce

Also I hired two officers for around 3000, but after that it says in the menu the monthly salary of the first is 20 000 and of the other 14 000 ?

Another thing is - as a character starting with a sailing boat, after you sell the cacao, in some starting ports you cannot sail the leather. But the boat being too small appears overloaded as 360 while only 60 is allowed. Overloaded you cannot go on the map to another island. So the leather must be thrown overboard when you are desperately in need of money. And the bloody crew of that boat is 9 ...

Than after this will come the dieing I guess.

Not that one can't play it, but come on, everything costs time, and - too much staying in front of the monitor, which is bad for the eyes. One must get a more efficient start therefore.

One other note about ships that strike colors....

I had one ship strike colors with more crew than I had, still fought back once boarded which lead to my loss, so I reverted back to my save and gave them a manual broadside to weaken them up a bit more only to find that it reduced my reputation to shark as if I had broken a payoff truce.

I figure that the crew actually was suppose to surrender, and that firing on a surrendered vessel lowering reputation was as designed, but not positive.
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@Pieter I noticed you changed some things (cleaned things up) to get the images working. Were there other things that you did that you think could have possibly altered Jonathan's surrender code when you fixed the file for me?

Here's the original file. I've verified the surrender bugs do not happen with it, but you do not get all the cool boarding loading screens either. The game will select one for each size of ship and that's what you get each time. I'll leave it up to players if they want that or not for now.
WTF? That file is nearly completely different from the one I had posted. Perhaps I had worked from the stock CoAS file instead of your copy?
In any case, all those differences are NOT intentional on my part. So I took that file you just posted and re-added my intended modifications to it. See attached.
Let me know if that makes any more sense. :facepalm


  • LAi_boarding.zip
    13.2 KB · Views: 131
The different storylines all have their problems. I was doing fine and hired my first officer, a fighter. So we naturally headed out into the jungle! We kept meeting robbers and killing them, but when we got back into town I found I had almost no money! Naturally a pay period came up right after that and I have missed a couple since then. Been playing catchup with the money ever since and think I might just be able to pay them this time. Still don't know why they never mutineed...........

EDIT 3hrs later: Hah! Did it! Paid off me crew and it only took $103,389 pieces of eight.

It doesn't take THAT long to sail direct sail to another island. I have a thick book I read while doing it.
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Wait... Should this be put on top of a fresh copy of COAS or on top of GOF 1.2?

Neeeever mind i see it now :facepalm
I can't play this. The wind speeds are between 0.2 and 1.6, rarely you bump into 6 knots. The encounters are rare /even set to the third degree in the menu/, and 1 vs 1 ships, not many vs many as in PotC. To hire full crew is an impossible task. Even so, exhausted and frustrated you go into battle where all ships have max crew and fire non stop at you, literally, ball after ball, while you reload for some 5 minutes. Untill one of the ships is weakened and its crew bar goes down, so you prepare to capture it, it sinks...You sink too because you go against all these with 29% hull, no officers and no own skills. I don't see how you enjoy it with these settings. I am going to wait for a fix, because it still looks promising. But as it is takes an era to build a character, which for a game, is idiotic.
I can't play this. The wind speeds are between 0.2 and 1.6, rarely you bump into 6 knots. The encounters are rare /even set to the third degree in the menu/, and 1 vs 1 ships, not many vs many as in PotC. To hire full crew is an impossible task. Even so, exhausted and frustrated you go into battle where all ships have max crew and fire non stop at you, literally, ball after ball, while you reload for some 5 minutes. Untill one of the ships is weakened and its crew bar goes down, so you prepare to capture it, it sinks...You sink too because you go against all these with 29% hull, no officers and no own skills. I don't see how you enjoy it with these settings. I am going to wait for a fix, because it still looks promising. But as it is takes an era to build a character, which for a game, is idiotic.

I agree. The wind speeds is frustrating me to no end. The normal wind speeds should be between 6 and 15 knots. Particularly in January like I happen to be playing now. Wind speeds of under 5 knots should happen at early morning or summer doldrums.
WTF? That file is nearly completely different from the one I had posted. Perhaps I had worked from the stock CoAS file instead of your copy?
In any case, all those differences are NOT intentional on my part. So I took that file you just posted and re-added my intended modifications to it. See attached.
Let me know if that makes any more sense. :facepalm

Thank you Pieter, This one is a little better than the one I redid so will use it. I have tested both and the anomalies are gone. I will put this file in a new update and kill the old one and replace it. I will also post this file to the first post so that people who have already dl'd the update only have to add this one file.

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