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Mod Release GOF Historical Eras Module #2

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Of course I have it set correctly. I have compared it side by side with the GOF engine.ini looking for something to tweek. The fish eye look only affects your ship while it is sailing, making screenies of your ship difficult. Other ships around me look fine. I am learning to work with it though.

All of the loading screens are great and really give a period air to ERAS. There is a lot of different people wandering around and I do like the bright cheerful world in general and will explore it more later.

Since the character I chose is equipped with a class 5 ship I am spending all of my time at sea building up my sailing skills, so have not done anything on land yet.
Got the 1st CTD after a nice battle. Then remembered a rule I broke.

"Always do a system cleanup and defrag after installing large files."

I didn't do that. :facepalm Now starting again.
Done. Now ERAS is running faster and better. The hard drive it is installed on defragged very quickly but the one with windoze and its utilities, like video drivers was a mess. Maybe it was that stuff that was messing up.
For me the decompressed mod file size is: 25.4gb (27,302,813,696 bytes) on the hard drive and the game is 25.5gb (27,423,244,288 bytes) on the hard drive with a bunch of saves.

Hmm, why are they so close to the same size?
Wow, that's a lot. I guess the rewrited files are almost all of the original 8 GB - actually 7.9 GB are replaced in the original...
Captured my first ship! :aar

It is something called a Pinaza. About the same size as my pinnasschip. They caught me in the open sea so it was one on one. Dunno if it was trying to board me or not, but when the hook icon popped up I went for it, which was probably a bad idea as I had to kill 6 or 7 of them myself and after the battle found there was no crew on either ship. It's a good thing these ships can sail with no crew! I happened to have an officer so now have 2 ships. :sail

PS: Made level 4 during the battle.
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Does anyone know what this ship is called? In game it is called Old Dutch Frigate methinks, but I can not find it in GMViewer.
start 2013-11-19 10-42-27-53.jpg
I think its called Old Dutch Warship. Its based on the COAS Flying Dutchman model. I love that ship.
I just looked at the last screens that MK put up in Todays Screenshots and its called Dutch manowar. U can see it cause its in the telescope view iin the picture.
6 Gig is too much for me for the direct download my maximum kb/s is 100 only, I need torrent for this one.

Anyway I have an issue before the longer I play the more lag I get. I hope this one fix it already my system is

AMD Phenom(tm) II X4 925 Processor 2.80Hz
Ram 6 Gig
Video Card : AMD Radeon 6850 Gigabyte Edition.
Lag? I don't get any and I have been direct sailing from island to island, so it is running for hours at a time. The only log file I get is the system.log which only mentions a leak, which I guess is a memory leak.

Your system should run this ok.


  • system.log
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Lag? I don't get any and I have been direct sailing from island to island, so it is running for hours at a time. The only log file I get is the system.log which only mentions a leak, which I guess is a memory leak.

Your system should run this ok.
I knew that I could run this but believe me after gaining a lots of crew then got a bigger ship and more ship my game started to crash/lag and I'm so frustrated by that time and rage uninstall the game.
Just popping in for a minute. I got a chance to play a little last night and found a couple problems. So I am not calling this patch 1 because the Actual Patch 1 will have a LOT of new content. Some of the other ships I'm still reskinning will be in there. Also there will be some new items and 2 new ships. If I get lower boarding decks working that will be in there too. Also ALL sounds will be converted from OGG to MP3 by then. I'm looking at Christmas timeframe for this.

I am simply calling this "Update" http://www.mediafire.com/download/vu0vqcyr8rrzdfc/update.rar

Just open the rar and drop the Program and RESOURCE files in your game folder and when it asks if you want to merge and replace say yes to all. I had left out a couple last minute files I was working on because I was in such a hurry. Also when I was playing last night I noticed a problem with the cabin transition screens loading. This fixes that. Also I found a glitch with one of the music tracks that prevents it from allowing the victory music to consistently play when you win. This fixes that. Please go to RESOURCE/Sounds/MUSIC and delete track 146 or pull it out of your game file. It also fixes a few other inconsistencies I found.

This Update will not break your current game, but it will not add to the game either. For it to take effect, a new game will have to be started....sorry.

I wouldn't have even bothered putting this up but am astounded at the number of downloads....over 150 and continuing to climb. WOW!!!! I never expected so many! I thought it would be a couple dozen. Now I am wondering how many just DL'd it to plunder content. LOL....and how many are actually playing it.

On the size...I will consider a torrent if enough people tell me they want one. Also the reason the mod is so close to the original game size is that probably 70 percent of the models and textures in the game (Characters and Ships) were redone by me. Add to this the number of new models, music and loading screen images and that I used higher resolution on most of my work and that accounts for the mods huge size. Sorry. Wasn't willing to sacrifice quality here.

Glad its stable Hylie. Along with the Christmas patch I am working an alternate music modpack since so many don't like the classical baroque tracks. When I say so many I will also comment that I have received just as many comments from people telling me how much they love the music. Anyway, the new music modpack will be a fusion of more modern game style music combined with classical Horngold swashbuckler style music.

Other than the e-mails I have received I would like to hear about people's experiences with the game now.

@Pieter: I haven't had a chance to try the installer because I want to load it onto a new game with mod added so am not set up to do that at the moment but will as soon as I can.

Last I updated the Readme because I forgot some people and credit. So this is V2 and updated in the first post as well.



  • GOF Eras2 ReadmeV2.txt
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Hey this is a lil off topic but i just realized MK is from my neck of the woods xD, depending on what he's calling Southern United States. Makes me feel better to have one of my own :cheers :p...
This file is currently set to private. :facepalm

Man I wish I would have taken the time to just dig out and find the password to the FTP. I paid for the Mediafire account but it seems to be giving me as many problems as Rapidshare did. It will take 10 minutes just for me to log in and then it won't show my files until I do all kinds of voodoo magic trying to refresh the page. What a popstand outfit. For a big cloud provider that is supposed to be "number 1" I can't believe they can't get their &*^t together.

I put a help desk ticket in about their crappy GUI yesterday and have yet to get an answer.

I gave a presentation the year before last as the keynote speaker at a big IT conference in Orlando. I have never been asked back because of my negative views on cloud computing and virtualization in games and simulation. This is exactly why I think its bad. You rely on someone else for YOUR stuff. In a situation where thousands are relying on it for some key life and death, time sensitive capability I have to laugh at government's over-reliance on the cloud - literally forcing a huge segment of their enterprise to use it. How dumb and how vulnerable is that in the current world?

Sorry to rant but this just pisses me off. I hate DRM and I hate over reliance on the cloud. There is a happy medium there but that's not where the industry is going and they will be sorry one of these days mark my words.

When I get it all sorted out I will put a good link up.

@Luke McReady: Well I am actually from the Northwest and raised there, but a large part of my family are from the south and I have spent the greater part of my life in the south because of a long military career. I have even been told by family that I have a southern accent and I tell them its not a southern accent....its the Army accent.

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