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Mod Release GOF Historical Eras Module #2

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I can't play this. The wind speeds are between 0.2 and 1.6, rarely you bump into 6 knots. The encounters are rare /even set to the third degree in the menu/, and 1 vs 1 ships, not many vs many as in PotC. To hire full crew is an impossible task. Even so, exhausted and frustrated you go into battle where all ships have max crew and fire non stop at you, literally, ball after ball, while you reload for some 5 minutes. Untill one of the ships is weakened and its crew bar goes down, so you prepare to capture it, it sinks...You sink too because you go against all these with 29% hull, no officers and no own skills. I don't see how you enjoy it with these settings. I am going to wait for a fix, because it still looks promising. But as it is takes an era to build a character, which for a game, is idiotic.

You know its very obvious to me that you have not played around with your options or followed the guidance I set forth in the "readme" or in the first post for recommended settings.

For YOU I would recommend playing on a very EASY setting when you first select your character select SAILOR. Set encounters to "Frequent Encounters".

Find a character like Laurens de Graaff that already has a Galleon (which is above his level) and sell it or get another ship that will not penalize you. You have 30,000 gold to begin with.

There are treasures all over the place if you go into the jungles and fight robbers or go into the caves and find skeletons. Go into the cave more than once. You'll get rich fast.

Immediately after you start your new game, Go to ESC and then push OPTIONS. Find the button in the lower right corner "Mod Options"

Select the areas you are unhappy with like - cannon damage, weather, encounters, etc.... and set them all to COAS default. "Realistic" is set by default in most areas - as in most GOF mods. I said in the readme that "Inbetween" is the best for cannon damage. Be careful now with COAS default, because some ships will now be able to sink you with a single broadside.

After you've adjusted the settings press "ACCEPT".

Then enjoy the game with your new NEWB settings applied.

I probably will overhaul wind for Patch1. Those are still Luke's wind numbers and I agree with you guys that they are a little slow.

On recruiting you have to realize that when you are a new character or have low authority and leadership numbers that you will not be able to hire that many crew. If you set authority higher when you have the chance to when the game starts and you just wake up to talk to the bosun, you'll hire more.

Also once you have a few items that boost leadership and you have levelled up you will quickly be able to hire more. You will find many ports with tons of men. Keep in mind that often some Spanish ports and Pirate ports usually have many more men for hire. You need to get around.

Speaking about crew... The minimum and maximum crew numbers are way too high if I remember right. Probably isn't your highest priority, but I could give good approximate numbers on minimum crew based on my experience on square-riggers and schooners. (The original Brig Pilgrim, 85 feet, 180 tons, for example, sailed with a crew of 12, including the captain and officers. She would have set and furled sail slowly, but everything else could be done quickly enough.) By default, most merchantmen should have far smaller crews then men-of-war, and I remember that being off in the stock game. I have no idea how it might be fixed... who knows?
I changed them already PC. They are very correct in Eras. Many of the smaller craft only need 3 to 5 people to handle them.
That's good to hear. I'll have to try it out when I get back to my other computer in CA. I can assist with that for some of the vessels in the Napoleonic Era, if assistance is needed. I'm pretty used to handling the technology and proportions found in Napoleonic rigs.
That's good to hear. I'll have to try it out when I get back to my other computer in CA. I can assist with that for some of the vessels in the Napoleonic Era, if assistance is needed. I'm pretty used to handling the technology and proportions found in Napoleonic rigs.

I refuse to do Eras mod 3 alone. If people want it they will have to help. I accept your offer. I am less interested in that timeframe so will be less attuned to attention to detail as I was for Eras mod2.

The mod is over half done. I have even done some characters. (Brand new Aubrey model). I will be starting a discussion topic after the holidays for Mod3. Among the first topics will be game start date (currently 1785) and ideas for good historical characters for that time. I don't think we will even be close to the 67 characters I have in Mod2 unless we have bunches of different French, English, and American naval captains.

The pirates are gone and now the American privateer faction. I am trying to learn how to make them friendly to the French in the code. Not working on it much. I will pick it back up next year. Truthfully I'm kinda burnt out.

*************************First post updated with new UpdateV2 link and LAi_boarding file which fixes some spelling, dialogue, cabins, some textures, and most importantly CORRECT SURRENDERING and BOARDING.

Everyone needs the new files for their game to work correctly!

We're going to need some Baltimore clippers for the Americans. I'll try to do a simple one if I get the time while I work on my Chapman sloop. (I'm not sure at this point, but it's still a possibility.) I'll see if anyone else is willing to do a quick one as well, but all our real ship modelers are also short on time. I might as well ask if anyone is planning on finishing their smaller Napoleonic craft at the same time. There were a few really good ones in the works, plus some that were finished but imported only into PotC, if I remember right.

When I get CoAS on this computer I'll start looking at crew sizes and jotting them down somewhere.
Alright. Sent a few appeals out. If memory serves, we have an 18-gun brig, a 38-gun frigate, a 32 gun frigate, and a small early Baltimore clipper paused but nearly finished. Edit: Forgot to mention I have a few ideas for characters both off the top of my head and from a book called Privateers and Privateering. I'd have to look through the book a bit, so I'll save everything for the proper discussion.

The pirates are gone and now the American privateer faction. I am trying to learn how to make them friendly to the French in the code.

Not really a huge deal if you can't, although that would be a good feature; The Demi War is in the time Period, of course, even though it's a little after the proposed starting date.
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This is good timing. I just attempted my first boarding of this new game and got stuck on the first deck. Hopefully this V2 stuff will fix it as it did not happen in my 1st game. :dance
There is a Wind Fix. Whoever sets the wind to realistical values has to have in mind that the ships in COAS go with 1/10 to 1/5 of the speed of the wind. Therefore, if wind is 2 knots ...not worth to have such a simulation.


  • PROGRAM.rar
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I decided to try out this mod, since it looks promising. Good job guys! I really like it.After a few hours of playing, I have abour 500k in the bank and 200k with me and a Corvette. I started to do some quest, after I became rich of robbing and here's where I need some help. There are the dutch governor-general quests.(Yes, I'm always with the dutch). So, quest 2, when I have to do the shipping. It says that Logbook update, when i get the quest or make a round with a part of the cargo, but the quest was nowhere to be found in the logbook. No probs, remembered what i had to get from Fort Orange.
After that, there is this quest, when you'll have to go to Morgan, then find out something about Picard, and when I got back to Morgan, he told me, that there's a guy in the prison, who can tell me what the english are planning, all i have to do, is get him out. So i fought my way into the prison and the guy wasn't there(Antigua Fort prison) So I thought I missunderstood something, so i tried the same in Port Royal. Nothing. So can someone please tell me, where that prisoner is?
Captain Armstrong is willing to finish his three models and possibly do one more, but he's pretty busy for the next two weeks. After that, most of the common frigate types will be represented in the game.
MK, I'd just like to remind you of what I said in the news thread:
I'd like to add some "Quick links" for this mod to the forum's sliding banner, just like I did for HoO and PotC.
Does anyone have the GOF logo for this? And some key links, other than the download, to be included?
I presume it would be useful to have a link to this thread for key updates? All I need is the logo and I can set up the links ASAP to give your mod a little more exposure. ;)
In spite of that there is a certain danger in the verb "expose" getting as many meanings as "get" for example :D Everything would be "exposed" on every pace :rofl
Besides, I am too english to an extent.
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MK i need to revert camera to normal, this disorting thing is driving me crazy...as Hylie already showed you in his screenshot. How do i do that ...does anybody have original camera file, will that do it or do i need to do something else ?
In spite of that there is a certain danger in the verb "expose" getting as many meanings as "get" for example :D Everything would be "exposed" on every pace :rofl
Just sayin'.... :rolleyes:
See attached for my first version of the Installer EXE. Place it in the same folder as your "GOF ERAs2.7z" and it should work.
Of course I can't test it myself, because I don't have AoP 2 here myself and the download keeps failing due to my Internet connection.

It is based on this installer script file:
; Script generated by the HM NIS Edit Script Wizard.

Name "Historical Eras Module #2"
OutFile "gof_eras2_installer.exe"
InstallDir "$PROGRAMFILES\Playlogic\Age of Pirates 2\"

ShowInstDetails nevershow
SetCompressor lzma
ComponentText "READ THE DESCRIPTIONS! Only install additional options if you REALLY need or want them."

; Request application privileges for Windows Vista
RequestExecutionLevel highest

; HM NIS Edit Wizard helper defines
!define PRODUCT_NAME "Age of Pirates II: Historical Eras"
!define PRODUCT_VERSION "Module #2"
!define PRODUCT_PUBLISHER "PiratesAhoy! Community"
!define PRODUCT_WEB_SITE "http://www.piratesahoy.net"

; MUI 1.67 compatible ------
!include "MUI.nsh"

; MUI Settings
!define MUI_ICON "C:\Users\PDM Boelen\Desktop\NEW\Installer\UsedFiles\A Compass That Doesn't Point North.ico"

; Welcome page
!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_WELCOME
; License page
!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_LICENSE "C:\Users\PDM Boelen\Desktop\CoAS\Installer\UsedFiles\Installation Instructions.txt"
; Components page
; Directory page
; Instfiles page
; Finish page
!define MUI_FINISHPAGE_SHOWREADME_TEXT "Read modpack details"
!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_FINISH

; Language files
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "English"

; ================================================
;  Copy Folder with Overwrite
; ================================================
!include 'LogicLib.nsh'
!include 'FileFunc.nsh'
!insertmacro Locate

Var /GLOBAL switch_overwrite
!include 'UsedFiles\MoveFileFolder.nsh'

; ================================================
;  License Page with Courier New Font
; ================================================

Function licpageshow
FindWindow $0 "#32770" "" $HWNDPARENT
CreateFont $1 "Courier New" "$(^FontSize)"
GetDlgItem $0 $0 1000
SendMessage $0 ${WM_SETFONT} $1 1

; ================================================
;  Start Main Files Section
; ================================================

Section "!Main Files" SEC01
  ${If} ${FileExists} "$INSTDIR\GAME.exe"
  MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION "GAME.exe not found. Make sure you install the 2009 Age of Pirates II: City of Abandoned Ships game by Akella first!" IDOK abort1

  ; Only do this if the file is there
  ${If} ${FileExists} "$EXEDIR\GOF ERAs2.7z"
  MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION "Main Files archive file not present. Place 'GOF ERAs2.7z' in this folder to continue." IDOK continue
  ${If} ${FileExists} "$EXEDIR\GOF ERAs2.7z"
  MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION "Main Files archive not found. Skipping section." IDOK abort2

; ================================================
;  Prepare and Clean Up Stock Game Folder
; ================================================

  StrCpy $switch_overwrite 1

  ; Delete unnecessary main game files
  Delete $INSTDIR\options

; ================================================
;  Install Main Modpack Files
; ================================================

  ; Extract 7-Zip File
  SetOutPath "$EXEDIR"
  Nsis7z::ExtractWithDetails "GOF ERAs2.7z" "Extracting Main Modpack Files: %s..."

  ; Copy from EXE Folder to Installation Directory
  !insertmacro MoveFolder "$EXEDIR\GOF ERAs2\" "$INSTDIR\" "*.*"


; ================================================
;  Start UPDATE Files Section
; ================================================

Section "UPDATE Files" SEC02
  SectionIn RO

  ${If} ${FileExists} "$INSTDIR\GAME.exe"
  MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION "GAME.exe not found. Make sure you install the 2009 Age of Pirates II: City of Abandoned Ships game by Akella first!" IDOK abort1

  ${If} ${FileExists} "$INSTDIR\GOF Eras2 Readme.txt"
  MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION "GOF Eras2 Readme.txt not found. Make sure you install the Historical Eras Module #2 Main Files first!" IDOK abort2

; ================================================
;  Install UPDATE Files
; ================================================

; ================================================
;  Clean Up Update Files
; ================================================


; ================================================
;  Additional Optional Sections
; ================================================

Section /o "ENB Improved Graphics" SEC03
  Delete "$INSTDIR\Uninstall ENB.bat"
  SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"
  File "C:\Users\PDM Boelen\Desktop\NEW\Installer\ENB\d3d8.dll"
  SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\Documentation"
  File "C:\Users\PDM Boelen\Desktop\NEW\Installer\ENB\Documentation\ENB Key Codes.txt"
  File "C:\Users\PDM Boelen\Desktop\NEW\Installer\ENB\Documentation\ENB License.txt"
  File "C:\Users\PDM Boelen\Desktop\NEW\Installer\ENB\Documentation\ENB ReadMe.txt"
  SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"
  File "C:\Users\PDM Boelen\Desktop\NEW\Installer\ENB\enbconvertor.ini"
  File "C:\Users\PDM Boelen\Desktop\NEW\Installer\ENB\enbpalette.bmp"
  File "C:\Users\PDM Boelen\Desktop\NEW\Installer\ENB\enbseries.ini"
  File "C:\Users\PDM Boelen\Desktop\NEW\Installer\ENB\Uninstall ENB.exe"

Section -Post
  CreateDirectory $INSTDIR\SAVE

; ================================================
;  Section Descriptions and Size
; ================================================

Function .onInit
# Section Size must be manually set to the size of the required disk space as NSIS will not do this for external files.
# set required size of section number of kilobytes
SectionSetSize ${SEC01} 6710886

; Installer must NOT be in the game directory
${If} ${FileExists} "$EXEDIR\ENGINE.exe"
  MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION "Please place the installation files OUTSIDE your game folder." IDOK abort


  !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SEC01} "Code files and resources required for Historical Eras Module #2. Deselect if installing an Update only."
  !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SEC02} "Additional UPDATE files for Historical Eras Module #2. Will ALWAYS be installed."
  !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SEC03} "Post-processing improved graphics. WARNING: Requires very high system specifications to run smoothly. Only install if you have a really good computer!"
And this is the text for the installation instructions I added:
_  _  ______ _____  ___ ______  _____ _  _  _  _
| | | |  | ___ \  ___|/ _ \|  _  \  |  _  | \ | |  | | | |
| | | |  | |_/ / |__ / /_\ \ | | |  | | | |  \| |  | | | |
| | | |  |  /|  __||  _  | | | |  | | | | . ` |  | | | |
|_| |_|  | |\ \| |___| | | | |/ /  \ \_/ / |\  |  |_| |_|
(_) (_)  \_| \_\____/\_| |_/___/  \___/\_| \_/  (_) (_)

  >>>USEFUL<<<  installation information below!
  -- We're pirates! Would we LIE to you? --


1. You MUST install this on top of the unmodified stock game
  Age of Pirates II: City of Abandoned Ships.
  The mod is NOT a standalone game!

- DON'T install the game to Program Files,
  otherwise Windows prevents it from installing correctly
  Install to, for example, C:\Games\Age of Pirates 2

- Recommended settings:
  . Corsair difficulty
  . Few ships encountered
  . Toggle OFF "Show Information" about other ships
  . Set "In Between" for cannon damage
  NOTE: You can change this to Realistic later
  . Check "Surrenders Occasionally"

- !!!SAVE OFTEN!!!


- Windows Security Issues:
  If necessary, use "Compatability Administrator (32-bit)"

- Using ffdshow:
  Add the game to your "exception list"


- Full support available at the PiratesAhoy! Community:
If anything doesn't work right, or you want any changes to it, please let me know.

I finally got everything copied and all set up, so I ran your installer. It does not work. :facepalm

The installer is looking for "game.exe" while it is actually called "start.exe". :wp
See! That's what you get when making installers for games you don't actually have access to!

Let's try that again, shall we? See attached.


  • gof_eras2_installer.zip
    360.4 KB · Views: 117
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