• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Mod Release Gentlemen Of Fortune 2.0

Yes you can do bud, it would be good to compare them to mine and find these missing texture etc faster. I have already fixed another texture that just showed up and then the Unicorn showed a error stating that the ship is ment to have 2 chase guns but she doesn't have any ingame. I have tested this out and the ship works fine now with no gun error or texture errors. So feel free to upload the reports bud and i will look into them.:onya
It say's how to do this in the first page bud.

1. Install a fresh copy of COAS
2. Download and extract GOF 2.0 (requires 7zip)
3. Copy all selected folders and files aftert GOF 2.0 has finished exracting and past them over the ones where you installed COAS. When asked if you wish to over write say yes, if you are not asked this then you have done it wrong.
4. Download the latest patch (currenly thats is 2.0.3) and extract that, then do as you did with GOF 2.0 and copy the files and folders and paste them into the same directory you pasted the files and folders for GOF 2.0.
5. Start your game and have fun.

I think we have already explained this to you many times and yet you are still asking. All mods are either extracted (if in rare form) or (if in exe form) you direct the installer to the games main directory or where ever you installed the game. But i do suggest that you read the first posts for all released mods as that is most likely where you will find the install directions. I don't mean to sound harsh but its frustrating asnwering the same question over and over, when its clearly in the first post and in order to download any mod you have to normally go to the first post.
ok will do. gonna wait for another patch b4 starting over... again (i know the starting area like the back o me hand right now :D)

since the spyglass is ok now all that i got left were the mysterious blue textures of the docked ship used in the boarding quest, the weird speak icon and the errors in the mod descriptions menu

also i tested the trading interface and noticed that if u click on the text of the 3 "show options" u don't get the check in the box, u have to click again to get that check mark; but if u click the box then it marks ok.. this also seems to happen in the options screen i believe and its possibly smthin from vanilla. have to check it out more. so now the show option always defaults to show my goods?
No problem bud, and yep the vender will alway's show your goods and iteams as a pose to what they have by default, then all you have to do is switch to show both/all if you wish to see goods or iteams you do not have on your or on board your ship.:onya

The check box isn't showing as been checked. I will have to look into that because i'm sure it shows as been checked in my game. But then i haven't payed any attention and could simply have been imagining it (many late nights and not much sleep does that to you).o_O
Ok now to a more serious thing, i hope someone can explain this error and how to fix it (sound isn't something i have ever worked on, so i am clueless to how to fix this).

FMOD_SOUND:setPaused error! (36) An invalid object handle was used.
FMOD_SOUND:setPaused error! (36) An invalid object handle was used.
FMOD_SOUND:setPaused error! (36) An invalid object handle was used.
FMOD_SOUND:setPaused error! (36) An invalid object handle was used.
FMOD_SOUND:setPaused error! (36) An invalid object handle was used.
FMOD_SOUND:setPaused error! (36) An invalid object handle was used.
FMOD_SOUND:setPaused error! (36) An invalid object handle was used.
FMOD_SOUND:setPaused error! (36) An invalid object handle was used.
FMOD_SOUND:setPaused error! (36) An invalid object handle was used.
FMOD_SOUND:setPaused error! (36) An invalid object handle was used.
FMOD_SOUND:setPaused error! (36) An invalid object handle was used.
FMOD_SOUND:setPaused error! (36) An invalid object handle was used.
FMOD_SOUND:setPaused error! (36) An invalid object handle was used.
FMOD_SOUND:setPaused error! (36) An invalid object handle was used.
FMOD_SOUND:setPaused error! (36) An invalid object handle was used.
FMOD_SOUND:setPaused error! (36) An invalid object handle was used.
FMOD_SOUND:setPaused error! (36) An invalid object handle was used.
FMOD_SOUND:setPaused error! (36) An invalid object handle was used.
FMOD_SOUND:setPaused error! (11) The specified channel has been reused to play another sound.
FMOD_SOUND:setPaused error! (36) An invalid object handle was used.
FMOD_SOUND:setPaused error! (36) An invalid object handle was used.
FMOD_SOUND:setPaused error! (36) An invalid object handle was used.
FMOD_SOUND:setPaused error! (36) An invalid object handle was used.
FMOD_SOUND:setPaused error! (36) An invalid object handle was used.
FMOD_SOUND:setPaused error! (36) An invalid object handle was used.
FMOD_SOUND:setPaused error! (36) An invalid object handle was used.
FMOD_SOUND:setPaused error! (36) An invalid object handle was used.
FMOD_SOUND:setPaused error! (36) An invalid object handle was used.
FMOD_SOUND:setPaused error! (36) An invalid object handle was used.
FMOD_SOUND:setPaused error! (36) An invalid object handle was used.
FMOD_SOUND:setPaused error! (36) An invalid object handle was used.
FMOD_SOUND:setPaused error! (36) An invalid object handle was used.
FMOD_SOUND:setPaused error! (36) An invalid object handle was used.
FMOD_SOUND:setPaused error! (36) An invalid object handle was used.
FMOD_SOUND:setPaused error! (36) An invalid object handle was used.
FMOD_SOUND:setPaused error! (36) An invalid object handle was used.
FMOD_SOUND:setPaused error! (36) An invalid object handle was used.
FMOD_SOUND:setPaused error! (11) The specified channel has been reused to play another sound.

And that isn't all of it, this one is much bigger so i will only post a few lines, but it repeats over and over the same error.

FMOD_SOUND:set3DAttributes error! (47) Tried to call a command on a 2d sound when the command was meant for 3d sound.
FMOD_SOUND:set3DAttributes error! (47) Tried to call a command on a 2d sound when the command was meant for 3d sound.
FMOD_SOUND:set3DAttributes error! (47) Tried to call a command on a 2d sound when the command was meant for 3d sound.
FMOD_SOUND:set3DAttributes error! (47) Tried to call a command on a 2d sound when the command was meant for 3d sound.
FMOD_SOUND:set3DAttributes error! (47) Tried to call a command on a 2d sound when the command was meant for 3d sound.
FMOD_SOUND:set3DAttributes error! (47) Tried to call a command on a 2d sound when the command was meant for 3d sound.
FMOD_SOUND:set3DAttributes error! (47) Tried to call a command on a 2d sound when the command was meant for 3d sound.
FMOD_SOUND:set3DAttributes error! (47) Tried to call a command on a 2d sound when the command was meant for 3d sound.
FMOD_SOUND:set3DAttributes error! (47) Tried to call a command on a 2d sound when the command was meant for 3d sound.
FMOD_SOUND:set3DAttributes error! (47) Tried to call a command on a 2d sound when the command was meant for 3d sound.
FMOD_SOUND:set3DAttributes error! (47) Tried to call a command on a 2d sound when the command was meant for 3d sound.
FMOD_SOUND:set3DAttributes error! (47) Tried to call a command on a 2d sound when the command was meant for 3d sound.

However this is only reported once from what i can see.
FMOD_SOUND:set3DAttributes error! (47) Tried to call a command on a 2d sound when the command was meant for 3d sound.
Island Set

These errors are annoying because its not a few lines its a whole document full of the same lines repeated over and over again. I will post the log for those who wish to see it, then you can get the idea of why and how its so annoying.


  • system.log
    692.3 KB · Views: 456
yea i run in safe mode and UseMM = 0 but i never got that error regardless
FMOD i think is the codec used for this game's sound system
I think i may have fixed this now, some enteries was missing. I will find out as i play but it seems to be fixed.
OK Luke, here's a list of the fixes and upgrades I've made to various ships, many of which also had rigging updates from Hylie.
The names are correct for Build 14 Beta 2.2, and I've matched some of them with the GOF ships list you provided, but there are still some uncertainties:
  • WarGalleon models (improved details, high camera fixed) - same as GOF La_Licorne.
  • SuperiorWarship models (high camera fixed, hull UVs improved) - same as GOF FR_SuperiorWarship.
  • NL_Pinnace (26-gun merchant; improved details, high camera fixed) - same as GOF Dutchpinnace?
  • Corvette models (32 guns, PotC stock; vast improvement to hull details) - unsure of GOF model.
  • SotL models (94-gun Ship of the Line; vast improvement to hull details) - not in GOF?
  • FR_Dilligente (large high-detail tartane; bow wave fixed) - not in GOF?
  • FR_SoleilRoyal (112-gun Ship of the Line; high camera fixed) - not in GOF?
These two seem to have been left out of the Build Mod by accident, but should also be useful:
  • FastGalleon models (some hull details improved, unsuccessful bow wave fix) - same as GOF FastGalleon1.
  • Corvette47 (30 guns; reverse lighting fixed, lifeboat improved) - unsure of GOF model.
I might consider retrying the bow wave fix for the FastGalleon at some point, but it won't be for a while yet.
I'm currently working on the following ships, prioritised in this order:
  1. Trinity 2nd Rate (ported from PotBS)
  2. 36-gun frigate Rossyia (upgrade project for the PotC stock frigate)
  3. HMS Surprise (various fixes and improvements to film-accurate version)
  4. HMS Providence from On Stranger Tides (to be adapted from finished Surprise model)
The new Constitution and BattleFrigates (a collaboration of Captain Armstrong, Hylie and myself) are almost ready, only missing a new walk file, and would be great to include as well.
Thanks bud, i have extracted the build mod v2.2 and will take a look through for small ships that we didn't put into GOF, i don't want big ships because its the one thing that annoyed me about having all those ships that caused me to make such drastic cut backs on ships in the first place. I did find "HMS_Indefatigable" which i won't to take a closer look at though.

I will start to update the models and then when i'm ready i will upload the updated ships and textures for them, thanks for your help Armada.:onya
The NL_Pinnace is not in GOF2 yet.

The corvette_47 is in GOF2 as corvette1.

The corvette2 is in GOF2 as corvfrig2_501.

The FR, RN, & SP corvettes could be added as they are very similar to corvette2. The PO_fastnavy is a corvette with lateen sails.
Thanks bud, the Corvette1 is the default Corvette for COAS.

Most likely will see a few large trade ships been added like a Pinnace, Fleut and a Galleon for the later classes, but not many. I want to try and get mostly ships with 0 to 29 guns to fill the classes 5 to 7. A few ships with 30 to 39 guns won't hurt because they will go in class 4 anyway. But i don't want to add to many similar ships because i want the ships to be unique in some way's like the Corvette is unique because she is the only Corvette.. Another Corvette won't hurt to much though, a few Sloops is a must because we only have 1 and the caribbean had a lot of activaty from Sloop's, a few Cutter's aswell. I have these ships already in a folder called "Future Projects", but i am also trying to keep the ships down to 100 ships max. I will only go over that if the ship(s) are very special, like if we had already reached 100 ships and had no Black Pearl and one was released, then i wouldn't mind because she is unique.

But it doesn't mean that the ships that don't make it into GOF2, can't be added to the ship addon pack that will be released at a later date.
i just realized safe mode is for video rendering of lighting effects and such :facepalm piece o crap that config.exe

remember when u first uploaded the mod with missing files and it was crashing the engine sometimes on startup for me..
i guess that prolly coz every time u start a random ship is generated for the main menu screen
u could use this to check for ship errors in the system log
this is how it looks for me on start/exit when i get a ship with no errors:

Scanning modules\
Loading modules...
Loaded 45
Initializing CORE...
Creating atoms space: 128
initializing complete
Initializing DirectX 9
ERROR: Techniques: Find duplicate technique name: rain
Techniques: 22 shaders compiled.
Techniques: 230 techniques compiled.
Techniques: compiled by 63277759 ticks.
Using FMOD 00040805
Sound inited ok !!!
FMOD: Speaker mode 5:1
Intel CPU: Yes, SSE: On, HyperThreading: Off
Release d3d8
Undefined error
Release d3d
Undefined error
System exit and cleanup:
Mem state: User memory: 0  MSSystem: 0  Blocks: 0

notice the "ERROR: Techniques: Find duplicate technique name: rain"
now when its also raining at the main menu my log gets spammed with "ERROR: SetCurrentBlock: unknown technique <> first character is <(null)>"
i just realized safe mode is for video rendering of lighting effects and such :facepalm piece o crap that config.exe

remember when u first uploaded the mod with missing files and it was crashing the engine sometimes on startup for me..
i guess that prolly coz every time u start a random ship is generated for the main menu screen
u could use this to check for ship errors in the system log
this is how it looks for me on start/exit when i get a ship with no errors:

Scanning modules\
Loading modules...
Loaded 45
Initializing CORE...
Creating atoms space: 128
initializing complete
Initializing DirectX 9
ERROR: Techniques: Find duplicate technique name: rain
Techniques: 22 shaders compiled.
Techniques: 230 techniques compiled.
Techniques: compiled by 63277759 ticks.
Using FMOD 00040805
Sound inited ok !!!
FMOD: Speaker mode 5:1
Intel CPU: Yes, SSE: On, HyperThreading: Off
Release d3d8
Undefined error
Release d3d
Undefined error
System exit and cleanup:
Mem state: User memory: 0  MSSystem: 0  Blocks: 0

notice the "ERROR: Techniques: Find duplicate technique name: rain"
now when its also raining at the main menu my log gets spammed with "ERROR: SetCurrentBlock: unknown technique <> first character is <(null)>"

I have been trying to figure out what was causing the error for num unknown technique, never thourght it was the rain though.:facepalm This can be disabled on till a coder comes along and looks into it, it most likely is something simple like a line of code thats been disabled and its trying to read that line because i don't believe any code was added to make it rain.:onya

If you will be looking for small ships, then you might be interested in the Dilligente tartane, and the Lyon Hoy. They are Lugger sized and distinctive. The Hoy has a nice cabin too.

https://www.dropbox.com/sh/gpalg0tpyyfcivy/dad2PajcVm/POTC screenies/Dilligente-2.jpg
https://www.dropbox.com/sh/gpalg0tpyyfcivy/VfWR8b5OA6/POTC screenies/Lyon and luggers.jpg
https://www.dropbox.com/sh/gpalg0tpyyfcivy/ib5ddbagU0/POTC screenies/Port Royale.jpg

Yep i would be very interested in those, thanks bud.:bow
Just tested it and if you disable the rain its ok but the storms still cause those errors so its pointless disabling the chance of random rain during each game day, when the storm will cause the same error anyway.
Just tested it and if you disable the rain its ok but the storms still cause those errors so its pointless disabling the chance of random rain during each game day, when the storm will cause the same error anyway.

well its not a problem if it doesn't cause crashes
Thats true, just need to wait for a coder to drop ina nd take a look. But as you said its only throwing errors that are not game breaking, and although no error is a good error, we can live with this one on till it gets fixed (hopefully it gets fixed).

Here's the changes in the current patch been put together.
////////////Change Log:
* Crew sizes lowered for added realism and difficulty (not set in stone, but didn't like the way some ships had massive amounts of crew which took the realism away from the game for me)
* Crew experience at taverns lowered, makes you take better care of your crew as the more experienced they are the more valuable they are.
* Ship "Unicorn" missing chase guns, now fixed and tested.
* Texture missing "Fenster.tga" is now fixed.
* DelletToCave.ogg file name changed because it was spelt DilletToCave.ogg so was throwing a error.
* Texture missing "bousolle.tga.tx" is now fixed.
* Texture missing "bortoutcorvette1.tga.tx" is now fixed.
* Fast Galleon aka Golden Hind gun count fixed, was 6 guns on the stern should have been 4.
* Corvette gun count on either side was 14 should have been 12, now fixed.

The crew sizes might not be exact but are better than they was, and have been based on those that are true to life, like the Bounty, Victory etc.