i just realized safe mode is for video rendering of lighting effects and such

piece o crap that config.exe
remember when u first uploaded the mod with missing files and it was crashing the engine sometimes on startup for me..
i guess that prolly coz every time u start a random ship is generated for the main menu screen
u could use this to check for ship errors in the system log
this is how it looks for me on start/exit when i get a ship with no errors:
Scanning modules\
Loading modules...
Loaded 45
Initializing CORE...
Creating atoms space: 128
initializing complete
Initializing DirectX 9
ERROR: Techniques: Find duplicate technique name: rain
Techniques: 22 shaders compiled.
Techniques: 230 techniques compiled.
Techniques: compiled by 63277759 ticks.
Using FMOD 00040805
Sound inited ok !!!
FMOD: Speaker mode 5:1
Intel CPU: Yes, SSE: On, HyperThreading: Off
Release d3d8
Undefined error
Release d3d
Undefined error
System exit and cleanup:
Mem state: User memory: 0 MSSystem: 0 Blocks: 0
notice the "ERROR: Techniques: Find duplicate technique name: rain"
now when its also raining at the main menu my log gets spammed with "ERROR: SetCurrentBlock: unknown technique <> first character is <(null)>"