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Mod Release Gentlemen Of Fortune 2.0

I just tried to install patch 2.0.4 and it crashed.


  • start.exe.jpg
    53.6 KB · Views: 265
Ok give me a second and i will get it fixed, i had to go out to get the kids who had spent a few hours at their nan and grandads.
k i finally manage to track the mysterious blue texture of the docked Arabella.. was lookin all over the place in various textures folders except in the actual Textures folder XD
so it seems that some textures are different in there from GOF 1.2 . this is intended?
anyway its fixed by copying ArabellaShip.tga.tx from GOF 1.2 and replacing the one there


edit: ya could get the texture from vanilla too coz that one's smaller
I just tried to install patch 2.0.4 and it crashed.

Found the problem i forgot to add a file, bellow is that file which goes into your coas/programs folder, it doesn't overwrite any files so don't expact it to ask if you wish to overwrite. So put it in the same folder as "_mods_on_off". I will now rar the patch up and re-upload it.

k i finally manage to track the mysterious blue texture of the docked Arabella.. was lookin all over the place in various textures folders except in the actual Textures folder XD
so it seems that some textures are different in there from GOF 1.2 . this is intended?
anyway its fixed by copying ArabellaShip.tga.tx from GOF 1.2 and replacing the one there


Ok, thats good news, i will include the fix in the next pach.:onya

New link for GOF 2.0.4 patch. http://www.mediafire.com/?z05pb646fg8hytz also updated in first post.


  • InternalSettings.h
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EDIT: It got farther this time. It loaded, I selected load game, went to my saves and selected the last one, got a screenie then the screen flickered and went black. I did this twice. Here are my logs. The system log seems to be the one with pertinent info.


  • compile.log
    831 bytes · Views: 306
  • error.log
    878 bytes · Views: 346
  • system.log
    765 bytes · Views: 303
You can't use a savegame for this version bud. It has to be a fresh game. Try that and then see what happens.:onya
ya this is gonna be my 10th one :)

did u do smthin to the rain Luke coz i dont get spammed anymore by that error?

EDIT: ah nvm its back with the stormy weather
Lol, there was a weather fix included but if it fixed the error spam for the normal rain, i don't know. I hope it does.

I know how you feel, i have started over 6 times now lol. I have also found out how to change the starting goods, so i will be trying to increase the goods your start with a little (round shot, bombs, knipple and grape shots, weapons, medicine and food) but i am also adding rum, planks and sail cloth to the starting goods.

I have now managed to get it so you will start with sail cloth, planks and rum added on to your starting goods. This was done in a different way to how the added goods your start with was done in GOF1.2.
well it seems things are workin well so far
even the speak icon is fixed now i guess coz u restored the old talk to ships code

the Arabella still starts with those 32 calibers


sailor experience a the tavern doesnt seem so low



i can fix them mod descriptions myself but i need ur confirmation this: turning realistic reloading on makes cannons reload slower?
LOL, go ahead then bud, i keep forgetting to change the reload discription.

I will have to play with the hire crew value's a little more to try and get them more to what i want them to be. It doesn't make sense when you can pull into a town and take on crew that are very good already, just means your happy to let crew die when the idea is that crew are not expandable and keeping them alive will pay in the long run because of there skills been far better than what you can get from any crew at taverns.

Try this file in attachments, install to "Program\scripts" overwrite when asked.


  • crew.c
    10.7 KB · Views: 293
here u go. also changed for the spyglass

ya i agree with ur idea on the crew


  • option_screen.c
    44.1 KB · Views: 369
do i need to start over to see the effects of that file coz i got the same crew results at the tavern with my save?
You shouldn't have to, i think the crew at taverns are effected by your rank aswell some where, so as your rank increases as does the skills of the crew at taverns. You could try and see if it does require a new game but it shouldn't do because its not a .init file.
ya this is gonna be my 10th one :)

wouldn't it be better to pack the changes that force you to start a new game in one bigger patch and release it, let's say, once every three weeks and smaller changes release as it is now? because the way I understand it, the main stability problems in GoF 1.2 were in lategame in huge ship battles but if we're gonna start a new game every few days we're never gonna get to those battles and testo stability in them :) it's just my opinion, so if it is just a plain nonsense, please ignore it ;-)
Thats a good point, and 2.0.4 is a beta test to make sure that the features within it work. In GOF 1.2 boarding problems was seen as a cause from the surrender feature, i hope it wasn't because we have the exact same feature in the beta patch. But i won't be releasing any more patches now, also each patch included the previous patch changes, so if reinstalling or installing GOF 2, you only need to download GOF 2 and GOF 2.0.4.

From now on there won't be a need for a new game because as i said no m ore patches will be released for a long time. Any bugs reported i will try to fix and if fixed will be put into the patch, the patch will be uploaded only when big ship battles have been tested. Thanks for your imput bud, if stability proves to be as i and everyone else hope (excellent) then i will add the patch the base mod and upload it.

For those who wish to start ship testing, it requires any ships you fight to be demasted. For example if you are able to completely demast the Lugger then you would post the ships name Lugger working. In post 2 would be a list of ships that has been tested and are working/broken. How i want ship reported to be put is.

////ships Tested:
Lugger = tested and works fine without any crashes.
Sloop = tested and broken, game crashes when mast falls (if a 2 or 3 mast ship, then state how many masts was taken down before the crash happened.

I do suggest as soon as you start a encounter with a ship you are planning on testing, save the game so that if the game crashes you can reload the save game and test it again to make sure it was a mast issue.

Once all ships have been tested then i will compile a patch that will include all the ships that have been replaced with new models and textures to see if these updated ones are working. If not then they will be replaced and the replacements will be tested. Once we are happy that no ships will cause CTD's when been demasted then i will combine and upload GOF2 with the patch 2.0.4 and the fixed ships. We only have a limited time to get these tests done, thats why no ore patches will be released. I don't want to upload GOF2 to modDB and build peoples hopes up, only to find that its just as unstable in large naval battles as GOF 1.2 is.
Ok, let's see if I got this right. :unsure Playing GOF 2.0.4 without those last patches.

Tested: Heavy Galeoth = demasted and sunk by the fort with no ctd. It still had its bowsprit.

Does it matter whether I fire on it or not? I did not fire as it stayed out of range the whole time. :sail
No it doesn't matter how the ships get demasted (or at least in GOF 1.2 it didn't) because in a naval battle in GOF 1.2 AI demasting each other could cause a CTD. At least the Heavy Galeoth looks to be in perfectly working order.
il try to do some testing in the next few days..is there any way to spawn enemy ships rather than searching the high seas?