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Mod Release Gentlemen Of Fortune 2.0

Oh i forgot to ask, what are the ship models you have worked on and are fixed? then i can look to replace the same models in this version.

And why haven't you got COAS, thats a crime in its self.:wp
I usually ignore most COAS-related threads, but this has caught my attention lately. It sounds like you've got a lot on your hands Luke, but I admire your push for stability as a priority.

Ouch.. You know what I admire about Luke? That he's doing this alone without the help of even 1 other modder on this whole forum. But hey.. we all have our priorities.

aaanyway here's what i got Luke:



was rly close there with Pitt :D
Well that suck's lol, i thourght i got that one nailed down. The code for this is bellow.

    //int _fl, int _f, int _fh, int _p, int _fr
    SetSelfSkill(sld, 40, 35, 20, 40, 25);
    //int _ld, int _cr, int _ac, int _cn, int _sl, int _re, int _gr, int _de, int _sn
    SetShipSkill(sld, 40, 30, 65, 25, 50, 25, 25, 25, 30);

So i figured the first line was, leadership, light weapon, medium weapon, heavy weapon and pistols. Then the next line was luck, stealth, navigation, accuracy, cannons, grappling, defense, repair and trade. It made sense for them to be in that order, so the last 2 values 25 and 30 on the second line are the luck and stealth, weird that they be there but anyway what ever lol. At least it works all be it the wrong skill lol. I will get it fixed now though, and thank you for your kind words bud. :onya

Updated file bellow, i will include this file in the patch and re-upload it aswell. Put file in "Program\Quests" and over write the other when asked. Patch updated in first post aswell now.


  • reaction_functions.c
    283.2 KB · Views: 613
This is a intresting mod, though I have a question- why are you reducing the number of ships? :shock Was'nt one of the main priorities of GOF was to add more ships and make it more realistic rather than to take away Ships? I mean I dont see how taking away those lovely ships you modders create would make the game more realistic. Other than that this mod is nice compliment to the GOF 1.2 mod. ;)
The reason for it (and we had spoken about doing this a long time ago) was because in truth there was never huge ships sailing around the caribbean all the time. You had the odd ones from time to time but most of the time you saw small ships like Sloop's etc. I will be making a ship pack that adds many more ships to this mod when the time comes but for now i want to work on what is there. This was done to POTC a while back, with the best models been kept. I know not as extream as what i have done but it does make the ships that are included more unique because you won't have loads of ships been the same. There was many ships that used the exact same model as another ship and was renamed so it could be added into the mod. This gets rid of them ships, take the Heavy Lugger, there was 2 models of her now just the one. The Cutter same model as the Sloop, and so on.

But i will be making a ship add on pack which will add many more ships for those who like there ships, but that is a long way down the line because those ships will also need testing and right now i'm busy testing the ships included in 2.0.
Well that suck's lol, i thourght i got that one nailed down. The code for this is bellow.

    //int _fl, int _f, int _fh, int _p, int _fr
    SetSelfSkill(sld, 40, 35, 20, 40, 25);
    //int _ld, int _cr, int _ac, int _cn, int _sl, int _re, int _gr, int _de, int _sn
    SetShipSkill(sld, 40, 30, 65, 25, 50, 25, 25, 25, 30);

So i figured the first line was, leadership, light weapon, medium weapon, heavy weapon and pistols. Then the next line was luck, stealth, navigation, accuracy, cannons, grappling, defense, repair and trade. It made sense for them to be in that order, so the last 2 values 25 and 30 on the second line are the luck and stealth, weird that they be there but anyway what ever lol. At least it works all be it the wrong skill lol. I will get it fixed now though, and thank you for your kind words bud. :onya

Updated file bellow, i will include this file in the patch and re-upload it aswell. Put file in "Program\Quests" and over write the other when asked. Patch updated in first post aswell now.


i guess _sl stands for sail, _sn for sneak and _fr, _cr should be luck, trade but i can't think of any words.. who knows what those russian programers were thinkin xD
Oh i forgot to ask, what are the ship models you have worked on and are fixed? then i can look to replace the same models in this version.

And why haven't you got COAS, thats a crime in its self.:wp
Er, where do I start? xD
I'll try to get a list together tomorrow; probably need to check back through the Build change logs as a reminder.
Things might get confusing due to different model names between the Build Mod and GOF, but hopefully we can make sense of them. Is there a list of the ships currently in GOF 2.0, for reference?

I guess I never got round to tracking down a copy of CoAS because I've been so focussed on the Build Mod, and haven't had the time to work on another mod simultaneously.
And I suppose I've never been convinced that CoAS is enough of an improvement on PotC, especially with the Build's vast array of new features to make up for its graphical shortcomings. :wp
Oh i forgot to ask, what are the ship models you have worked on and are fixed? then i can look to replace the same models in this version.

And why haven't you got COAS, thats a crime in its self.:wp

I started working on POTC ship rigging in May of last year. My goal was to redo all of the 240 or so ships. I have done maybe 150...........
Armada and I collaborated on the light frigates. They are much better than before with new everything. Armada is working on the full frigates now.

In all honesty I am not familiar with the ships in GOF yet. Which ships are most in need of updates? Could you be interested in the Postillionen light frigate? https://www.dropbox.com/sh/gpalg0tpyyfcivy/-yZhotCPok/POTC screenies/Postillionen-6.jpg

i guess _sl stands for sail, _sn for sneak and _fr, _cr should be luck, trade but i can't think of any words.. who knows what those russian programers were thinkin xD

Who know, perhaps to much rum and late nights, but when i saw them i thourght forget about trying to make sense of them and took a guess by what i felt was the currect way. Proved to be wrong, i should have asked or looked for a screenshot of Pitt so i could see his skills and that would have helped a lot.:facepalm

Er, where do I start? xD
I'll try to get a list together tomorrow; probably need to check back through the Build change logs as a reminder.
Things might get confusing due to different model names between the Build Mod and GOF, but hopefully we can make sense of them. Is there a list of the ships currently in GOF 2.0, for reference?

I guess I never got round to tracking down a copy of CoAS because I've been so focussed on the Build Mod, and haven't had the time to work on another mod simultaneously.
And I suppose I've never been convinced that CoAS is enough of an improvement on PotC, especially with the Build's vast array of new features to make up for its graphical shortcomings. :wp

Ok cool thanks bud.:onya

Well currently this is the ships in GOF 2.0, the ships folders names are the same so it should be easy to track them down (or some what easier).

#define SHIP_TARTANE 0
#define SHIP_LUGGER 2
#define SHIP_HANNAH 4
#define SHIP_KETCH 5
#define SHIP_BOUNTY 6
#define SHIP_EMPRESS 7
#define SHIP_SLOOP 8
#define SHIP_BARQUE 9
#define SHIP_FLEUT 12
#define SHIP_BRIG 13
#define SHIP_PINNACE 14
#define SHIP_LUGGER_H 15
#define SHIP_GALEOTH_H 16
#define SHIP_YACHT 17
#define SHIP_SPEEDY 18
#define SHIP_SOPHIE 19
#define SHIP_CASTELF 20
#define SHIP_NEPTUNUS 23
#define SHIP_SCHOONER 24
#define SHIP_GALEON_L 25
#define SHIP_28GUNFRIGATE 29
#define SHIP_PDN 30
#define SHIP_CARAVEL 34
#define SHIP_CORVETTE 35
#define SHIP_GALEON_H 36
#define SHIP_FELIPE 37
#define SHIP_SURPRISE 38
#define SHIP_CORVFRIG2_50 39
#define SHIP_RaaFrigate 40
#define SHIP_UNICORN 43
#define SHIP_FRIGATE 44
#define SHIP_LINESHIP 45
#define SHIP_QueenAnnesRevenge 46
#define SHIP_Revenge 47
#define SHIP_BOUSSOLE 48
#define SHIP_TWODECKER1_47 51
#define SHIP_LA_LICORNE 53
#define SHIP_WARSHIP 57
#define SHIP_BELLONA 59
#define SHIP_POSEIDON 60
#define SHIP_COURONNE 61
#define SHIP_NEPTUNE 62
#define SHIP_SUPERBE 64
#define SHIP_LINK 65
#define SHIP_MANOWAR 66
#define SHIP_VICTORY 67
I started working on POTC ship rigging in May of last year. My goal was to redo all of the 240 or so ships. I have done maybe 150...........
Armada and I collaborated on the light frigates. They are much better than before with new everything. Armada is working on the full frigates now.

In all honesty I am not familiar with the ships in GOF yet. Which ships are most in need of updates? Could you be interested in the Postillionen light frigate? https://www.dropbox.com/sh/gpalg0tpyyfcivy/-yZhotCPok/POTC screenies/Postillionen-6.jpg

Sure bud, i think we already have her but if she has had any work done to her then at least thats one ship updated.:onya

I guess by rigging you mean bad rope error fixing?

Because i can list a lot of ships in GOF that have that error.
I just looked through the GOF2 ships in GMViewer and did not see the Postillionen.

Bad ropes are a nightmare in the older ships because so many people worked on them. It seems people forget what they did and start over again leaving some yards with 3 times as many locators as they need. Even many of the newer ships have lots of bad ropes.
The latest USS Constitution is one of the few ships to have no bad ropes at all.

But I generally do more than ropes. Here is the La Licorne I'm sailing in POTC. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/gpalg0tpyyfcivy/0P9VCOW41x/POTC screenies/La Licorne POTC.jpg
Ok cool, i haven't put the new Constitution in yet. But it would be nice to get some of the old models that you and Armada have updated into GOF2.

My bad i was thinking of the Poseidon, yes i would love to have the Postillionen aswell.:onya

The La Licorne is one of my favourite ships.:D
When you are ready to start adding ships go to the downloads section at the top of the page and click on Hylie Pistof mods--->repaired ships--->then look in any of the beta 2 folders. The hardest part about porting them to GOF looks to be getting the textures together and getting the lanterns to work.

Also, I like to take screenies but I keep getting this when I hit F10 to take a screenie.

https://www.dropbox.com/sh/gpalg0tpyyfcivy/Xqa-Gpol2r/POTC screenies/test F10 button.jpg

Where can I go to disable or change whatever is using F10?
Thanks bud, will start to download them and when i'm ready i will start to add them to the game for testing.:onya
i tested the latest patch and Pitt works ok now but still didn't get the radar back

noticed that if u dont kill too many english soldiers in the plantation u can remain neutral with em and thus return back to bridgetown since u also have a trade pass but here's what i encountered back there..


those pesky lugger still hadn't left. managed to capture one of em but with that little crew its hard to keep her. i actually had more crew but i got caught in the crossfire between the english and spanish ships. the other one eventually had to flee but the lugger i captured still remained in battle and i could not dock.. i had to give her up in the end. well that was fun :D

one more thing.. whats wrong with this chest here? why doesn't my inventory appear?


oh and how come the Arabella starts with those 32 calibers even tho i only saw her beein generated with 20-28 max caliber ? (i smell a nerf coming here :boom:)
Excellent it works.:dance

Did you turn realistic spyglass off and then go to your cabin or load to world map and back to sailing mode?

Thats good to know, so if you are carefull and avoid killing the gaurds then you have a good chance to been able to enter English ports, makes for a more interesting balance doing the Peter Blood quest. What the the size of the crew you can get to join you before capturing the Arabella ship?

Not sure why your chest does that, i don't normally store things in the chest so it was something i hadn't looked at. I will check it out and see if its a code problem or something missing from the coding, but first i need to find what the code is that i will be looking for.:facepalm
well i believe u always get the minimum crew when the ship is generated. this one had 23 and 2 died as i escaped from the luggers


ah forget the chest.. it probably looks like that coz u don't have any items at the start :cheeky

and yes i tried everything with the spyglass option. turning it on/off reloading, changing screens nothing works
Ok let me look again and see whats wrong, i must have missed something out.

I just thourght what it is, its the spyglass textures lol, i didn't upload the default ones.:facepalm

Lol, 24Ibs caanon max yet you have 32Ibs mounted. I will have to look into that.

Good to know that its not a bug with the chest because i have no idea where to look for the code for that.

I will get the textures for the spyglass uploaded and update the patch 2.0.3 again.:eek:

New patch update 2.0.3, now includes the missing default textures for the compass. Link also updated in first post.

cool thanks

if u like i could post some logs if it will help u with the error finding
for example last system log had "Can't load texture resource\textures\BOUSOLLE.TGA.tx"
probably would have helped :D