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Guide CoAS Walkthrough guide

I created a thread about captured wife separately but nobody answered. so I am posting here. please reply.

I just accepted a quest to find a folk's kidnapped wife. eventually I found the kidnapper on a colony(Marigot) and talked with him. he told me he wouldn't leave the wife and logbook says i have to board his ship.Now what should i do? I don't find his ship in the dock.

p.s: sorry for my bad english
It's seems that it's a true bug... I have experienced the same situation and, if i remember correctly, you have two things that happens :
  1. First event, the bad guy stay in the town where you meet him, and nothing happened... If you leave town, navigate in harbor or around the island nothing happens.
    Nobody can give you hint where his ship is, and if you attack him town turn against you.
  2. Second (but i'am not sure), you can see the red sail oh his ship sailing here and there, but even if you board it, you can never deliver the hostage. The only thing that happens, you got a message saying that unfortunatly in the fight, the woman is died and your mission it's a failed.
Maybe, there a solution; talking with people, bartender, shipwigther, etc... will works but i never found anything. :(
It's seems that it's a true bug... I have experienced the same situation and, if i remember correctly, you have two things that happens :
  1. First event, the bad guy stay in the town where you meet him, and nothing happened... If you leave town, navigate in harbor or around the island nothing happens.
    Nobody can give you hint where his ship is, and if you attack him town turn against you.
  2. Second (but i'am not sure), you can see the red sail oh his ship sailing here and there, but even if you board it, you can never deliver the hostage. The only thing that happens, you got a message saying that unfortunatly in the fight, the woman is died and your mission it's a failed.
Maybe, there a solution; talking with people, bartender, shipwigther, etc... will works but i never found anything. :(
thanks! i'll try
I'm currently in the City of Abandoned Ships and got the task to kill the narwhals on the Velasco.

Problem is, that I killed them already, because I was running around aimlessly in hope to continue the questline somehow.

Now everytime I enter the Velasco, I can't get out. The soldiers only tell me how happy the Admiral will be, but I'm still trapped in there. I even tried a fight with them, but they don't react aggressively. Each door shows a "locked"-sign.

Is there a way to leave the ship, either with a console command (if it's possible) or did I literally destroy the quest? I don't even have another savefile before I murdered the narwhals, and I hope that everyone understands my frustration, if I have to restart the game all over again just because Playlogic forgot to implement a "What if narwhals are already dead"-scenario. And I'm not that enthusiastic to restart, only to run into some other gamebreaking bugs...

Just wondering because the Cappers (Or Caspers?) are invincible.

I would be really happy if someone knows a workaround for this. :)
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I´m sorry to tell you that there will be no way out of that. The game has a special order in playing it and if you don´t follow that it gets spoiled easily. So if you don´t have an earlier save before you were entering the CoAS your only chance will be to start all over again and secure your saves from time to time by copying them from the install folder to another one of your choice. I always play this game like that because it also crashes from time to time on my system.
You could also cheat with debugger. Search the forum how to enable it, then in the game press F11 and click that ok button at the top of screen. You should be teleported ourside "Velasco" galleon.
Special order fine, it's still programmed badly.

Sure, there were warnings to discourage entering the Velasco, but I understood them as "You will die, unless you're armed well"-challenges.

I even found Dan's letter in the wreck before that carpenter tasked me to swim to it. But then my character said, that he got it already. Now killing the Clan in beforehand ruins the game?

I'll try the debugger, hopefully I won't end in an unescapable void.

THX 11-38! :D

EDIT: Nope, I fucked up the game. If I teleport back to the CoAS, all doors are still locked and if I meet the Admiral outside, he responds as I have nothing to do with him.
There has to be a Debug-command, which continues a quest to the next step...

Well, lucky for me, I have a save, maybe 8-10 hours ago. Better than to restart from a scratch, but nevertheless infuriating.
First off, I'll throw the game into the corner for a while, or else I'm going to rage. Mist...
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I'm currently in the City of Abandoned Ships and got the task to kill the narwhals on the Velasco.

Problem is, that I killed them already, because I was running around aimlessly in hope to continue the questline somehow.

Now everytime I enter the Velasco, I can't get out. The soldiers only tell me how happy the Admiral will be, but I'm still trapped in there. I even tried a fight with them, but they don't react aggressively. Each door shows a "locked"-sign.

Is there a way to leave the ship, either with a console command (if it's possible) or did I literally destroy the quest? I don't even have another savefile before I murdered the narwhals, and I hope that everyone understands my frustration, if I have to restart the game all over again just because Playlogic forgot to implement a "What if narwhals are already dead"-scenario. And I'm not that enthusiastic to restart, only to run into some other gamebreaking bugs...

Just wondering because the Cappers (Or Caspers?) are invincible.

I would be really happy if someone knows a workaround for this. :)
If you follow the quest properly then Caspers will not be invincible. Also, find a narrow space to stand at when you are fighting the clans. For me, I fought the Narwals by going down the stairs but for the Caspers, I found a narrow space that is across the whole room, at a place which has a wall and railing to support you from getting stuck between all the sweaty clan members.
There's so much unique stuff in the city and beneath it, that it'd probably take 2000 weight capacity or more to carry it all.

Also, if you need to save some items before crashing into CoAS - do NOT store them in the boxes onboard the ships you intend to leave at port control. Those chests reset like any others. leave everything with an officer since their inventories seem to be saved in a different manner.
There's so much unique stuff in the city and beneath it, that it'd probably take 2000 weight capacity or more to carry it all.

Also, if you need to save some items before crashing into CoAS - do NOT store them in the boxes onboard the ships you intend to leave at port control. Those chests reset like any others. leave everything with an officer since their inventories seem to be saved in a different manner.
Or put it at the Diffindur chest in the big crack in the Fernando Diffindur (You need the Diffindur Key)
Well, sure, it's the only chest that doesn't clear after a while, but still - unless messing with the files, there's no way to carry every snazzy item that the city has to offer. several heavy blades, chestplates, heavy indian artifacts and such.
Well, sure, it's the only chest that doesn't clear after a while, but still - unless messing with the files, there's no way to carry every snazzy item that the city has to offer. several heavy blades, chestplates, heavy indian artifacts and such.
I carried the Expensive Cuirass, Morgan's Rapier, Haudegun, Tanat, 3 colored skulls, Poleaxe and Four-Barrelled Pistol out of the Lost Ships City. I also carried some random items and indian items which gives me positive skills and, of course, some negative skills which are bad. It was a good experience though as I trained my swordfencing skills in the CoAS and I discovered a secret fighting technic.
Nie pisz na tym forum po polsku, bo językiem obowiązującym tutaj jest angielski!!! Tu praktycznie nie ma Polaków!!!

I wrote to him not to speak in Polish because there's just a few Poles and that he should write in English if he wants to ask about something.

Honestly, I know his language and I'm not sure what he wanted to ask about because he wrote ( in his translation ) - How reach make City of Abandoned ships...

He asks how to get to city of abandoned ships, so you're right Pieter.
I wrote to him not to speak in Polish because there's just a few Poles and that he should write in English if he wants to ask about something.
I don't know Polish either, so I used Google Translate.
Since I don't know the answer to his question, I at least posted the translation hoping someone else might. :cheeky
"Go to Willemstad and ask the tavern owner and then Stuyvesant about Dan. Go to a pirate town and meet the diplomat." - from Skoadrap's site.

So if you were in Willemstad [ Curacao ] and you talked to them. You should go to the nearest pirate town ( the nearest is Le Francois on the island of Martinque ), then you should go to tavern and talked to diplomat.
It's a guy who sits on the right from tavernkeeper.

Nie wiem o co konkretnie chodzi. Generalnie tam w tym poradniku jest napisane, że masz się udać do Willemstad, to jest holenderskie miasto na wyspie Curacao. Jak tam z nimi pogadasz, to powinieneś się udać to tawerny w jakimś miasteczku pirackim. Najbliższe to Le Francois na wyspie Martinque ( Martynika ) i tam pogadać z dyplomatą. Dyplomata to gość, który siedzi zawsze na prawo od gościa, który jest za ladą, czyli jak wchodzisz do tawerny i masz przed sobą właściciela to po prawej koło schodów jest stół i tam zawsze siedzi dyplomata. On daje tzw. 'trading license', czyli jak np pracujesz dla Anglii, a chcesz się dostać do Holandii, która jest w stanie wojny z Anglią to musisz iść do niego, wykupić sobie licencję np. na 30 dni, mieć przy okazji banderę holenderską albo francuską czy hiszpańską do zawieszenia ( to zależy od relacji Holandii z innymi krajami ). On też daje możliwość wykupienia tzw. 'letter of marque', czyli jakby świstka, który pozwoli Ci od razu pracować u generalnego gubernatora. Np. ja zrobiłem wszystkie misje dla Anglii, ale wcześniej robiłem misje dla brytyjskich gubernatorów i dostałem ten kwitek, ale także możesz go kupić na lewo za dużą kwotę i powinno być ok. Gubernator brytyjski jest w Port Royal na Jamajce.
Ponadto, jak masz złe relacje z przemytnikami albo z jakimś krajem, albo chodzą za tobą łowcy głów ' bounty hunters ' to też tam możesz mu dać w łapę i po jakimś czasie będziesz mieć spokój.
Nie wiem konkretnie o co chodzi. Nie umiesz go znaleźć czy co?

Nigdy nie robiłem tego questa więc Ci raczej nie pomogę. Z takich ciekawostek to Ci mogę powiedzieć, że na zachodnim brzegu przy Portobelo, Belize jest jedna piramida i jest druga piramida. Do tej drugiej da się dostać przez wylądowanie w zatoce. Podleci do Ciebie koleś mówiący, że cała załoga została pochłonięta przez piekło. Jak pójdziesz dalej to przyjdzie do Ciebie wódz plemienny i się zacznie inny quest.

Ponad to z ciekawostek, koło Maracaibo na dole w zatoce jak wyjdziesz to Cię zaczepi dwóch kolesi ( jeden ma Poleaxe - prawie najmocniejszą ciężką broń ). Jak ich załatwisz to masz ukrytą wioskę, gdzie jak wejdziesz o północy to ludzie są szkieletami.

Poza tym gdzieś tam na zachodnim brzegu też jest ukryta wioska poławiaczy pereł. Jak wejdziesz w dżunglę i zacznie uciekać przed Tobą koleś to oznacza, że jest zwiadowcą.

Pod kościołem w Santiago jest ukryta piwnica z lochami określona jako 'inkwizycja'.