some times a cave sometimes a Mine he is bad for a newbie have helth and ammo stay away from him and shot him full of holed his power swing kills with one blow. If he has partner its worse you have to Kill him first problem is in a hall or narrow tunnel partner attacks your rear that happens hope you saved before start and leave and restart hope partner or his position changes gets you a wicked italian rapier and 24K gold.I finished this quest but i deleted the save game so my memory can fail.
- I think there was a log entry after the 3rd encounter (not sure), when a man talks about Austin and the other killers (this man disappeared, there wasn't ambush this time), and some updates after next encounters.
- Like you, anyone surely will find this quest at very low level, and without cheating some ambushes are near impossible to survive. Perhaps if you find some of these killers and choose to avoid the ambush, then they won't reproduce again so you could potentially break the quest. That's my guess. Anyway it's a good practice to save before walking the streets if you want to activate or not a specific quest.
- If that's the cave with a lot of tunnels i think he was in a great room with some wood platform in it. The other caves were easier
- I think it was a unique sword