• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

    Visit our website www.piratehorizons.com to quickly find download links for the newest versions of our New Horizons mods Beyond New Horizons and Maelstrom New Horizons!

Mod Release Build 14 Beta 3 Progress

Both? really? thats it! im lost.

Are you trying to install the Beta 3? If so, then yes, you need to download both files.
Btw, I have Beta 3.1 and I got these errors when I started a new game.

EDIT: I'm also using these MODS:
(The Bright Water one)

and I created new weapons for myself..heheh..one blade and one gun. but its a long time ago but i'm still using them via console if i want.


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You need both.
He was referring to TWO versions of the "Part 1: Installation Wizards" from what I understood.
You do, of course, need both Part 1 and Part 2 from here: http://www.moddb.com/mods/new-horizons/downloads
But you only need one version of the installer EXE file itself. The latest version can be found through the mirrors links of it.

Btw, I have Beta 3.1 and I got these errors when I started a new game.
Looks quite normal. Are you having any actual problem?
Perhaps I was being hasty earlier about all the items and encounters. Since that post I have seen exactly nothing out there.

Vigila Mendez however still takes multiple attempts to complete. I'm glad I got him out of the way early on.
It took me a couple of real time hours to do it this morning, with repeated attempts before he showed in the store.
Is it still possible to have the open sea mod active in realistic mode, not only in iron man .
That's what this toggle in PROGRAM\InternalSettings.h is for:
// Included in Iron Man Mode:
#define OPEN_SEA_MOD           0     // BOOL - 1=ON - Worldmap enlarged for realistic DirectSail
This is how I play the Open Sea Mod. It works fine for me.

// ======================================
// ======================================
// Included in Realistic Game Mode:
#define REALISTIC_SHIP_INERTIA 0 // BOOL - 1=ON - Ships require counter-rudder and don't sail as if on rails
#define SHORE_DANGER_ALARM 0 // BOOL - 1=ON - Red flashing icon and danger music do not start until enemies draw their blade
#define DISCOVER_SAIL_TO 1 // BOOL - 0=OFF - Shores and ports must be discovered by sailing there manually before you can use Sail To
#define DISCOVER_FAST_TRAVEL 1 // BOOL - 0=OFF - Town locations must be discovered by finding them manually before you can use Fast Travel
#define NAVIGATION_EQUIPMENT 0 // BOOL - 1=ON - Items required for certain navigational information to become available
#define ENABLE_LIMITED_SHIPCLASS 0 // BOOL - 1=ON - When player takes command of ship of too high tier, Leadership and Sailing skills drops
#define CANNOT_RELOAD_WHILE_FIGHTING 0 // BOOL - 1=ON - Your gun won't reload while your sword is drawn
#define SAIL_OPERATE_DELAY 3 // INT - sailors will operate sails this amount of seconds after receiving command (set to 0 to restore stock PotC)
// Included in Iron Man Mode:
#define OPEN_SEA_MOD 1 // BOOL - 1=ON - Worldmap enlarged for realistic DirectSail
#define WORLDMAP_DISABLED 0 // BOOL - 1=ON - DirectSail enforced
#define SAILTO_DISABLED 0 // BOOL - 1=ON - Cannot Sail-To any ships at sea
#define ONSEA_DATA_DISABLED 0 // BOOL - 1=ON - Spyglass and compass additional information disabled, cannot move camera to non-player ships
#define REALISTIC_ABILITIES 1 // BOOL - 1=ON - Rush, Immediate Reload and Instant Boarding disabled
#define ITEM_REALISM 1 // BOOL - 1=ON - Items like rubies, diamonds and inca statuettes give no skill bonuses (books and items like compass etc. still do)
Ty !
looks fantastic! for now.3hours of game, i had 2 ctd while saving/quicksaving and UI disapeared once (radar/menu etc),had to reload
i used to have 0 bug with b14 alpha 2.x

i use Encounter + dark water/skies also
Try to stay away from the quicksave if you can. It might be a bit buggy. I was just playing and accidentally hit F5, it said it quicksaved, then the game locked up solid. :facepalm It was during a neat 9 ship battle too.

EDIT: Another bug. I attempted to open a random chest and take its contents. Didn't happen. The buttons did not work. Even worse is that in the F2 menu none of the buttons work anymore. I deleted the options folder and then tried F12. No joy.
I remember this happening before a few months ago and suspect that the only cure is a new game.


  • -=Player=- Bonaire. Kralendijk port. November 8th, 1690 1.7z
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looks fantastic! for now.3hours of game, i had 2 ctd while saving/quicksaving and UI disapeared once (radar/menu etc),had to reload
If that happens, press F9. That button is meant to hide the interface, so might be able to bring it back too.