• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Mod Release Build 14 Beta 3 Progress

When someone makes a new ship it replaces an old ship. But first someone has to make that new ship.

This is in no way a rule, one in, one out.

If you want a Galeoth with a cabin, why don't you make it? Then we could retire the old one.

Why should I make a galleoth when the spirit of erasure is free on loose ?! gaffboomgaleoth.jpg

Something happened while I was at Havana. While at the shipyard suddenly there were all kinds of ships. Fluyts, pinnace, fast galleon, and a heavy east indiaman. I had to have the heavy, then thought about the time period. Oops.
Then checked relations and ....why is everybody so happy?
drink up.jpg

So, where are the old frigates?


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I replayed that voyage to Havana again and this time it worked normally. No idea what glitched.
This is in no way a rule, one in, one out.
Simply put: If we CAN remove bad content, we WILL. But we can't until we've got something to take its place.
Since we got so many ship models over the past few years, we were able to replace a lot. Which is a good thing to be sure.
Don't keep the bad stuff if you don't have to.

Why should I make a galleoth when the spirit of erasure is free on loose ?!
Well, if you DO make a galeoth, I imagine you'd try to make a good one, no?
And we don't remove good content.
Boys, there was a galeoth with a cabin which went in hell. Now there are 2 ones all without. I don't want to make one nor I can. Point was removing ships is not done the best way, since one of these two who are in game could have been removed while the cabin one to be left, they are same hull and rigging. Not that anyone can stop you removing whatever, but the process undergoes criticism.
I doubt it looked so good in reality too xD One would think it was closer to a raft with a tent than to a ship ...:D. But when you look at it you think "aah this is something else, not that galleoth again", and it brings some pleasure.
Hi Pieter, I'm standing by gnashing my teeth. It all looks fantastic. But there's a but. I have installed the Beta3 full and get to the stories menu then it all goes like a Chinese Gybe. The story selection waits a minute or so before reacting when I select Start game. At first I thought it wouldn't load at all but waiting long enough it does react. All the versions up to now have been virtually instant. Within the game the selection, for example, of save or weapons moves at snails pace to scoot along the icons and takes many clicks to get the icon you want. SORRY it published before I had finished. I haven't changed the PC and there is plenty of memory and Graphic grunt so I downloaded and installed the 2 files several times, plonked them in the same folder on the desktop and installed from there (not in Program). Every other game romps along so I can't think why this is any different? Ideas anyone? Sorry if it is in FAQ. but I couldn't find it. Regards, Brian.
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Hi Pieter, I'm standing by gnashing my teeth. It all looks fantastic. But there's a but. I have installed the Beta3 full and get to the stories menu then it all goes like a Chinese Gybe. The story selection waits a minute or so before reacting when I select Start game. At first I thought it wouldn't load at all but waiting long enough it does react. All the versions up to now have been virtually instant. Within the game the selection, for example, of save or weapons moves at snails pace to scoot along the icons and takes many clicks to get the icon you want. SORRY it published before I had finished. I haven't changed the PC and there is plenty of memory and Graphic grunt so I downloaded and installed the 2 files several times, plonked them in the same folder on the desktop and installed from there (not in Program). Every other game romps along so I can't think why this is any different? Ideas anyone? Sorry if it is in FAQ. but I couldn't find it. Regards, Brian.
Grrr. I changed the font to black but ir reverted to red....
I hesitate about the Fast Merchantmen and the Indiamen sailing together in Packs. The Fast Merchantman is set to appear in 1740 with frequence 0.8 /one of the highest/. This is set to be the last period of appearance of the Indiaman with frequence 0.4. The result is you can see a fleet of 3 ships - one Indiaman and two merchantmen in pack. Is that correct ?
nich666: That lag in the menus is not normal. In fact I can not recall hearing about it before.

By Indiaman are you referring to the Heavy East Indiaman? If so, I suggest you upgrade your POTC install as the fastmerchantman and the HEI do not share a time period. In fact something glitched in my install and allowed them to be together and I freaked out above on this page.
nich666: That lag in the menus is not normal. In fact I can not recall hearing about it before.
Same here. Not normal.

I do occasionally get the game running REALLY slow, but never did figure out why.
Usually closing some background programs would set it back to normal. Otherwise, try rebooting the computer.
Well, this Beta 3 Final install has recently become very badly bugged. In fact I can no longer start a saved game. Too many errors and it ctd's. :walkplank So I'm going to do a new install. Sigh, it only took me to level 42 and 11 game years. My record is 27 game years.

Cleaning house now and will install using the latest installer in post # 1587 on the last page.

EDIT: The new install went according to plan with no problems. Time is moving now so that last install must have been messed up for a while. Let's see how long this one lasts.
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I do occasionally get the game running REALLY slow, but never did figure out why.
Usually closing some background programs would set it back to normal. Otherwise, try rebooting the computer.
The only time I get significant slowdowns is when the antivirus is doing a scan... though that's my fault because although I know what time of week I set it to scan the machine, I still forget about it until I notice my PC being sluggish. :rolleyes:
New install and new game. So far all is well except that sometimes there is too much traffic out there. At times I was just zig zagging back and forth picking up items. Once there were 2 items floating around at the same time.
It seems a bit too busy to suit my tastes.
Question : when starting a new game ,i thought i could choose any of the ships in game, but theres only a few (class8 and class 7), was it meant to be that way?
Question : when starting a new game ,i thought i could choose any of the ships in game, but theres only a few (class8 and class 7), was it meant to be that way?
You can select any tier 8-6 ship. Anything above that would be quite a bit of a cheat.
If you ENABLE_CHEATMODE at the bottom of PROGRAM\InternalSettings.h, all ships become available.
on moddb, there are b14_beta3_installer.exe (14 347ko) and b14_beta3_installer4.exe (4429ko).

which is the one?