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Mod Release Build 14 Beta 3 Progress

Yeah, I have an nvidia card too and occasionally I will get flickering lights or the framerate will stutter, f11 usually fixes it.
I managed to get the installers on a single dvd. Mailing it on this continent should cost $8 USD, but mailing to Europe should cost $20 USD.

I do have a Dropbox and if I removed most of its current content the beta 3 installers would fit. I haven't been doing much lately so it is mostly an archive now. Would that be a better idea?
I do have a Dropbox and if I removed most of its current content the beta 3 installers would fit. I haven't been doing much lately so it is mostly an archive now. Would that be a better idea?
I think all your Dropbox content has already made it into the modpack, right? If so, I'd say you can remove it.
Old files lying around are just confusing. :shrug
jack have you a fix for flickering on navidia cards if u have please send a personal message as my self and partner are getting like mr magoo with all the flickering
Flickering might be flag-related. Pirate_KK is trying to tackle that one, but his fix isn't ready for use yet.

It takes some time but not so long. I get a fast look and can see the process about a fourth is done.
When I after that look into the game some folders have been removed so it has started.

I have downloaded the beta3 full again if someting happened with the previous download.

In the dutch installation instruction there was someting about "the installer + the 2 zip folders".
The "full" + the update?
So by the time you get that "Build Info.txt" error, content has been REMOVED from your game folder, but NOT re-added!?!

This is how the installer works:
1. Check if "readme.txt" is present. This is a stock game file, so if it is NOT present, you didn't point it to the original game folder. If so, cancel the installation.
2. Check if b14_beta3_full.7z is present
3. If so, consider it a clean install and clean up the game folder
4. Extract the 7-Zip archive
5. Copy the extracted contents to the main game folder
6. Install some fix-files I had failed to include in the archive (oops)
7. Copy and move files around as needed
8. Installation should be completed now!

There is support in the installer for the installation of future updates from b14_beta3_update.7z .
However, this is NOT yet in use for the public release of Beta 3. The way that works is:
1. Check if b14_beta3_update.7z is present; if it is, continue installing this in the same method as the main archive
2. If this archive is NOT present, check if b14_beta3_full.7z IS present. If it IS, this may be a clean install without update (as the public release currently is)
In this case, skip the update section without generating any error messages
3. Check if "Build Info.txt" is present. This is included in the full archive, of course, so this just checks if you did install the main files first before applying a future update.

Note how that "Build Info.txt" check is only at the VERY end and only for the update procedure, which is not currently in use for the public release.
To make sure you don't get it, remove any old b14_beta3_update.7z from the installer folder and make sure you DO have b14_beta3_full.7z in that folder.
What is the size of your game folder? What files and folders do you see in there? Is there still a PROGRAM folder?
Are there still files in it? How about MODULES?

Both program and module folders, both seem full of files.

Game folder 9.77G
The small ships sink of only one salvo from a Brandenburg frigate, 55 guns, tho my gunner is 10/10. I can't imagine if I get a second or first rate, it would need 1/3 of the cannons to sink a regular ship. The stats of the small ships have to be increased - their defence ability or endurance.
LOL! I have sailed the HMS Victory and it was boring. Other ships really can't hurt it so battles were a matter of me sailing to the point where I wanted to commence firing while ignoring their fire. When I got there I opened fire and the battle was soon over. For good game play there is no reason to have more than 30-40 guns.
It was the beta3_full download that was corrupt. A new download and everything works fine.
Sorry for the trouble. :onya

I have uploaded "JRH bugfixes1 after beta3" on the ftp. Some texture files that have been missing for a while.
That could be the infamous Graphic Anomalies. No known cure yet.

I did manage to clean out enough clutter from my Dropbox to make room for the Build 14 Beta 3 Final Installer. So now there is another source for those having download problems.

It can be found at the top of the forum in the Downloads--->Hylie Pistof's Mods.

Or here is a direct link.
https://www.dropbox.com/sh/gpalg0tpyyfcivy/O5QeA03yxL/Beta 3 final installer.7z
Both program and module folders, both seem full of files.
Game folder 9.77G
That sounds about right. Can you make a screenshot of your main game folder contents?
I'm really at a loss on what is wrong. Sounds to me like it should be working. Or at least doing a bit more.

screen goes split with bands across some from ships masts
That does sound like Flag-related problems.

It was the beta3_full download that was corrupt. A new download and everything works fine.
Sorry for the trouble. :onya
Glad you got it sorted. :doff

I have uploaded "JRH bugfixes1 after beta3" on the ftp. Some texture files that have been missing for a while.
Thanks a lot! :D
thank you all for your help,its very welcome, as i suffer from photosensative epilepsy i have to leave when i get the flashing which is a pain
That's no good. I do hope Pirate_KK managed to sort out the existing issues with his rewritten code; then we can see if that improves things.
That sounds about right. Can you make a screenshot of your main game folder contents?
I'm really at a loss on what is wrong. Sounds to me like it should be working. Or at least doing a bit more.

Game folder Contents


  • Game Folder.png
    Game Folder.png
    308 KB · Views: 137
Everything is there, except the "options" file. But then the game should be generating that itself when started.
I sincerely doubt that has anything to do with it, but just in case, extract this to your main game folder.
That's my own version of the file.

Also, I note you've got it installed to C:\Games instead of C:\Games\Pirates of the Caribbean .
Not sure if that would cause any weirdness, but it looks a bit odd to me.... :confused:


  • options.zip
    1.7 KB · Views: 94
Ok see if someone can fix this bad save that really pissed me off using custom default game. This with the update before the one that needed you to start a new game.It's a pity to not be able to continue was quite liking it. Got a ctd whilst saving and bad save comes up,don't want to go back to a previous save which is like a month away from this one. I se can't post it here don't know why?
Got some nice music by the chieftains(irish trad group)that is very appropiate for the game. It's quite good and nice ambient for sea faring and towns. If i can find a way to put in the game and then send them to you guys?
Ok see if someone can fix this bad save that really pissed me off using custom default game. This with the update before the one that needed you to start a new game.It's a pity to not be able to continue was quite liking it. Got a ctd whilst saving and bad save comes up,don't want to go back to a previous save which is like a month away from this one. I se can't post it here don't know why?
Bad saves are VERY random. No clue why they happen.
Remove the file called "options" from your main game folder and remove all other savegames from your SAVE folder.
See if that improves matters.

Got some nice music by the chieftains(irish trad group)that is very appropiate for the game. It's quite good and nice ambient for sea faring and towns. If i can find a way to put in the game and then send them to you guys?
Convert to OGG, put in RESOURCE\Sounds\MUSIC and add it in PROGRAM\sound\ALIAS\music_standard.c .
And is it just me or the graphical glitch still appears at times ? The lines and squares, I should guess when many action&ships is thereon. Is it better with the newest video cards ?