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Mod Release Build 14 Beta 3 Progress

Aha! So a music from the game "Tortuga: Pirates of the New World/Pirate Hunter" is being used in the game. :D
..I really like that music..:cool:
ok I went to the MODB site and ran the installer and pointed to the folder where I had installed the original game and the 2. 5. and the last update. Tomorrow if I have time I will delete everything and install the original game and then Beta 3. Sound right?
Crossing fingers and clicking heels.
^ THAT sounds about right!

ok I went to the MODB site and ran the installer and pointed to the folder where I had installed the original game and the 2. 5. and the last update. Tomorrow if I have time I will delete everything and install the original game and then Beta 3.
So you actually installed it on top of Beta 2.5? That should be possible; I tested it!
How could that make the stock game files all disappear? I'm pretty sure the installer is NOT coded to do that. :shock
The installer doesn't work: 'Build Info.txt is missing'.
So I tried to unzip the beta3 full but it couldn't be 'opened as an archive'??
The installer doesn't work: 'Build Info.txt is missing'.
So I tried to unzip the beta3 full but it couldn't be 'opened as an archive'??
If it says that, you tried to use the Update archive on an unmodded version of the game.
You need the Full archive from the ModDB.
I think maybe my computer has decided that I have played this game enough. Deleted every thing, installed original game, ran installer and now when I try to start I get POTC has stopped working.


  • compile.log
    23 bytes · Views: 115
  • system.log
    276 bytes · Views: 146
Holy crap, there is NOTHING in those log files. Well, virtually nothing anyway.
Is there no error.log? Unfortunately those two don't give us more information than just "something is wrong".

(And for crying out loud, will those stupid computer games END already. Can't stuff just, you know.... WORK!?! :modding )
What is the size of your game folder? What files and folders do you see in there? Is there still a PROGRAM folder?
Are there still files in it? How about MODULES?
We are on the same continent. I am tempted to put one of my working installs on dvds and just mailing them off.

EDIT: I have to split the textures files to make this work. Not good.
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How about compressing it and putting in something like Dropbox.

There is a program file. I will check the rest later tonight.

The other thing I might do is try to run the latest version and install it over the version on my lap top.
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i am afraid i don,t trust the download i have spent a lot of time trying to download the latest build it downloads okay then i get the message the download did not download compleatly or some message, and that it will close the installer,its not the broad band for that,s on all the time, i have no problem updating when you do latest progress if we could get it by disc i am shure we would all gladly pay the cost, as it is i await next progress on the build 3
If it says that, you tried to use the Update archive on an unmodded version of the game.
No, I placed the b14_beta3_full.7z + the installer in a folder. Tried to run the installer on
an unmodded version of the game:
"Build Info.txt not found. Make sure you install the Build 14 beta 3 Main Files first."
(It was checked)
and then:
"Installation Aborted. Setup was not completely successfully.

You need the Full archive from the ModDB.
That's the one I used.
EDIT: I have to split the textures files to make this work. Not good.
Just zipping it up should allow it to fit on a DVD, I think. Or you can make a multi-part archive.

How about compressing it and putting in something like Dropbox.
Wished I could. Even when compressed, it'll be huge. Would take me a week to upload or something stupid.

No, I placed the b14_beta3_full.7z + the installer in a folder. Tried to run the installer on
an unmodded version of the game:
"Build Info.txt not found. Make sure you install the Build 14 beta 3 Main Files first."
(It was checked)
and then:
"Installation Aborted. Setup was not completely successfully.
The "Build Info.txt" check happens only after the main archive has been installed.
Since it is included in the main archive, that shouldn't be happening, unless you deselect the main archive in the installer, which you theoretically can do.
When you install, how long does it take before you get that error message? It should take quite a while. If it is really quick, then it sounds like it is skipping the main archive.
But if it IS going to skip the main archive, it also gives you a message saying that the installer can't find it and will skip the section. o_O
It takes some time but not so long. I get a fast look and can see the process about a fourth is done.
When I after that look into the game some folders have been removed so it has started.

I have downloaded the beta3 full again if someting happened with the previous download.

In the dutch installation instruction there was someting about "the installer + the 2 zip folders".
The "full" + the update?
jack have you a fix for flickering on navidia cards if u have please send a personal message as my self and partner are getting like mr magoo with all the flickering
Sorry basher1, I don't know what you're talking about. o_O

I still have windows XP, could this be the problem? I hear it's ok on windows8.