Ahoy, first of all I would like to thank you for this awesome project! 
Now to my problem: is there a way to make changes to .inits effective without having to start an entirely new game?
For example: I have been tweaking the weight of goods like gold and ebony (heavier and lighter, respectively) in order to make it more balanced and gold not being the only viable option for profit in the long run. However, all changes only ever take effect on a new playthrough, not on old savegames. By extension this would also mean, that every time your release a patch, the changes of the attached inits won't change anything within an already ongoing game, or am I mistaken/doing something wrong?
To the issue mentioned before, that the game doesn't start you off with the appropriate 2 skill points, this is fixed by editing the characters_init. :
Go for the line " ch.skill.freeskill = 0; " and set it from 0 to 2 (or whatever you like)
I encountered a bug, that would crash the game on hoisting another flag from the f2-relations menu, while sailing in 3rd person.
The turbo mode on the world mode often goes from x1 to x20 and skips the 3, 5, and 10 stages, which is incredibly annoying for navigation.
Also, crew morale on a ship helmed by another captain seems to decrease way to quickly: I can manually enhance it to excellent and immediately when I enter the world map I get a warning, that they are about to start a mutiny, even though I have about three million gold pieces in my treasury/ crew coffers, so they are definitely getting paid enough.
On my own ship this is never a problem.
I switched off food and rum demand for my crew, but they still seem to demand it, maybe storing a token amount of rum and food is a workaround to fix my problem, will try it out. Furthermore, it would be nice to access the F2 menu on the world map instead of having to enter sea level first.
EDIT: the Rum/ Food rations workaround does nothing.
Can someone explain to me how to go back from crew articles? It states that I first have to divide the plunder for that, but what does that mean and how do I do that?

Now to my problem: is there a way to make changes to .inits effective without having to start an entirely new game?
For example: I have been tweaking the weight of goods like gold and ebony (heavier and lighter, respectively) in order to make it more balanced and gold not being the only viable option for profit in the long run. However, all changes only ever take effect on a new playthrough, not on old savegames. By extension this would also mean, that every time your release a patch, the changes of the attached inits won't change anything within an already ongoing game, or am I mistaken/doing something wrong?
To the issue mentioned before, that the game doesn't start you off with the appropriate 2 skill points, this is fixed by editing the characters_init. :
Go for the line " ch.skill.freeskill = 0; " and set it from 0 to 2 (or whatever you like)
I encountered a bug, that would crash the game on hoisting another flag from the f2-relations menu, while sailing in 3rd person.
The turbo mode on the world mode often goes from x1 to x20 and skips the 3, 5, and 10 stages, which is incredibly annoying for navigation.
Also, crew morale on a ship helmed by another captain seems to decrease way to quickly: I can manually enhance it to excellent and immediately when I enter the world map I get a warning, that they are about to start a mutiny, even though I have about three million gold pieces in my treasury/ crew coffers, so they are definitely getting paid enough.
On my own ship this is never a problem.
I switched off food and rum demand for my crew, but they still seem to demand it, maybe storing a token amount of rum and food is a workaround to fix my problem, will try it out. Furthermore, it would be nice to access the F2 menu on the world map instead of having to enter sea level first.
EDIT: the Rum/ Food rations workaround does nothing.
Can someone explain to me how to go back from crew articles? It states that I first have to divide the plunder for that, but what does that mean and how do I do that?
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