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Beyond New Horizons Alpha Release

Can you upload the save from right before this happens? I want to see if I can recreate this
When saving the game, you can double click on the "New save" picture, which causes the game to ask you if you want to load it. If you press yes, the game crashes.
I have no idea on how I could upload the save
Click attach files, search for where the game directory is, then look for the Save Folder within the game directory go into the JackSparrow folder there, and the select the file that is the affected save
But first, you will need to compress the save file. Use something like 7-Zip. The forum won't accept a savegame file as it is, but will accept a .7z or .zip file.
In case the compressed save is still too big for the forum attachment system, you can use simple free file hosting like this one that i have often used to send some files :
You can choose for your uploaded file to stay available up to 30 days for free
Alpha 15 is now available on itch.io, which will now become the primary release channel.

  • #47 Replaced first loading screen with new art
  • #69 Fixed characters freezing when shot
  • #101 Fixed mismatched ship icons in sea view
  • #126 Fixed crash when dialog has no links
  • #127 Fixed missing worldmap labels
  • #129 #130 Fixed dialog not exiting in Devlin Opera
  • Removed old logo from loading screens
  • Disabled intro and credits videos
  • Attempted to add configure action to itch.io manifest
I don't see a link to patch Alpha 15. All I can see is a link to "beyond-new-horizons-windows.zip", which appears to be the whole thing. Is this a new Build 15 installer including Alpha 15?
I don't see a link to patch Alpha 15. All I can see is a link to "beyond-new-horizons-windows.zip", which appears to be the whole thing. Is this a new Build 15 installer including Alpha 15?
It includes the latest patch, and will update as patches are released.

If you use the launcher, and you already have an older version installed, it will only download and patch the actual changes.
@Grey Roger and @Hammie

Just been trying out the Beyond patch Alpha 15 - Ardent storyline - There is a typo in the "_dialog.h" file name for the evilgov "Emiliano de Guzman" - the one with the update Alpha 15 has the "a" as an "á" in Guzman thus not matching the name in the Character init description which means he has no dialog in game.

I was pleasantly surprised at the few errors / crashes I came across in playing this quest through. Kudos to al that have developed this version.

There are the obvious things still in development and may have been previously noted or reported:
1. sea effects with waves not yet fully implemented. The sword of Triton doesn't speed up you ship or allow you to sail against the breeze
2. going to worldmap dumps you randomly at times well away from the island you were at but works a bit better with the new engine (we had this in NH 14 too).
3.Got frustrated that 95%+ of the floating cargo or native rafts etc are located at transition points between islands so that you nearly get to them and then "no cigar" as you are ported to the next island or a sail Ho reloads you.
4. It is easy to steal from anybody if you have an officer with you - found this by accident when trying to give a new item to the officer using the keyboard enter/return button (not the F2) and selecting the transfer icon - this ribbon stays available and will act on anybody around you when you look towards them and then hit the enter button. Pirates did steal from everyone LOL.
5. Definitely need to be careful with fast travel in quests and doing things in order to some extent. Game broke when I had captured the Dolphin Royal and travelled to the Santiago Gov before having returned to see him after the trade mission to the Gov. The Santiago Gov residence had locked exits and fast travel off, so the game was broken.
6. The fast travel from the Pirate tavern to the port at night with Armand (help the lady side quest) puts you in limbo land and not able to walk anywhere and Armand is not there. Work around was to fast travel back to the Tavern and walk to the port and Armand is there waiting.

Swordplay is more difficult - but more realistic - you definitely need to not get cornered by multiple attackers.

Many thanks to all that have made this version happen.
@Grey Roger and @Hammie

Just been trying out the Beyond patch Alpha 15 - Ardent storyline - There is a typo in the "_dialog.h" file name for the evilgov "Emiliano de Guzman" - the one with the update Alpha 15 has the "a" as an "á" in Guzman thus not matching the name in the Character init description which means he has no dialog in game.
That dialog certainly works in Build 14. The name is "Guzmán" throughout - dialog filename in the character definition, names of both "_dialog.c" and "_dialog.h" files. If Build 15 requires the filename to not have "á" then it will need to be changed to "a" for all three

3.Got frustrated that 95%+ of the floating cargo or native rafts etc are located at transition points between islands so that you nearly get to them and then "no cigar" as you are ported to the next island or a sail Ho reloads you.
Does the '0' key not work in Build 15? In Build 14, if you press '0' (the one on the top row of keys, not the one on the numeric keypad), it disables DirectSail, which will prevent both transfer to another island and further random events such as "Sail Ho". You also get repeated nagging messages telling you that DirectSail is disabled until you press '0' again to re-enable it, which you'll want to do after you have picked up the cargo, raft or other random item. This is also worth doing if you've been fighting a sea battle, you've sunk or captured almost all the enemy ships, and the only former enemy ship(s) have surrendered - you don't want to be closing on the last, best ship, the one you've been waiting all this time to capture, only to lose it as you transfer to the next island!
That dialog certainly works in Build 14. The name is "Guzmán" throughout - dialog filename in the character definition, names of both "_dialog.c" and "_dialog.h" files. If Build 15 requires the filename to not have "á" then it will need to be changed to "a" for all three

Does the '0' key not work in Build 15? In Build 14, if you press '0' (the one on the top row of keys, not the one on the numeric keypad), it disables DirectSail, which will prevent both transfer to another island and further random events such as "Sail Ho". You also get repeated nagging messages telling you that DirectSail is disabled until you press '0' again to re-enable it, which you'll want to do after you have picked up the cargo, raft or other random item. This is also worth doing if you've been fighting a sea battle, you've sunk or captured almost all the enemy ships, and the only former enemy ship(s) have surrendered - you don't want to be closing on the last, best ship, the one you've been waiting all this time to capture, only to lose it as you transfer to the next island!
Thanks for the reply @Grey Roger.

Yep, the dialogue did work in Build 14 - but "Guzmán" in Build 15 Alpha was spelt differently with the "a" and it does break it. I am not on Discord so have put it here.

Never knew about the "0" key function at all. Never too old to learn a "new" feature LOL. Only been on this game since 2005 and on PA since 2006.

Just tried the Ardent storyline again as "Helen". When kidnapping "Edmundo" there is no Tailor shop (He was supposed to walk to the Tailor Shop - reload9 in the code) to get to and he does not move from outside the Residence. cannot progress the plot from here in this line.
Just tried the Ardent storyline again as "Helen". When kidnapping "Edmundo" there is no Tailor shop (He was supposed to walk to the Tailor Shop - reload9 in the code) to get to and he does not move from outside the Residence. cannot progress the plot from here in this line.
A guard should stop you outside the door of the residence and insist on escorting you to the tailor. If this interaction isn't triggering, Edmundo will stay there waiting for it.
A guard should stop you outside the door of the residence and insist on escorting you to the tailor. If this interaction isn't triggering, Edmundo will stay there waiting for it.
The Guard does talk and will follow and comment if you go to the wrong gate or to the shop. If you turn on the locators - locator "reload9" is not there where it should be and must have been deleted somehow. I don't know how to fix this one.
Thanks for your comment though.
"reload7" and "reload8" are also missing, which will respectively break "A Family Story" (FreePlay quest specifically for José Joaquím Almeida) and "Devlin Opera".

Unzip this and put it into "RESOURCE\MODELS\Locations\Town_Santiago\center". As far as I can tell, locator files are the same in Build 15 as in Build 14, so this should add the missing locators.

The tailor's shop is included in the Build 15 version of "PROGRAM\Locations\init\cuba.c", and changes to land locator files take effect next time you walk into the area. So if you have a savegame from before you tried to kidnap Edmundo, you should be able to continue from there.


  • SC_center_l.zip
    4.1 KB · Views: 89