• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Beyond New Horizons Alpha Release

Ahoy, first of all I would like to thank you for this awesome project! :)

Now to my problem: is there a way to make changes to .inits effective without having to start an entirely new game?
For example: I have been tweaking the weight of goods like gold and ebony (heavier and lighter, respectively) in order to make it more balanced and gold not being the only viable option for profit in the long run. However, all changes only ever take effect on a new playthrough, not on old savegames. By extension this would also mean, that every time your release a patch, the changes of the attached inits won't change anything within an already ongoing game, or am I mistaken/doing something wrong?

To the issue mentioned before, that the game doesn't start you off with the appropriate 2 skill points, this is fixed by editing the characters_init. :
Go for the line " ch.skill.freeskill = 0; " and set it from 0 to 2 (or whatever you like)

I encountered a bug, that would crash the game on hoisting another flag from the f2-relations menu, while sailing in 3rd person.

The turbo mode on the world mode often goes from x1 to x20 and skips the 3, 5, and 10 stages, which is incredibly annoying for navigation.

Also, crew morale on a ship helmed by another captain seems to decrease way to quickly: I can manually enhance it to excellent and immediately when I enter the world map I get a warning, that they are about to start a mutiny, even though I have about three million gold pieces in my treasury/ crew coffers, so they are definitely getting paid enough.
On my own ship this is never a problem.
I switched off food and rum demand for my crew, but they still seem to demand it, maybe storing a token amount of rum and food is a workaround to fix my problem, will try it out. Furthermore, it would be nice to access the F2 menu on the world map instead of having to enter sea level first.

EDIT: the Rum/ Food rations workaround does nothing.
Can someone explain to me how to go back from crew articles? It states that I first have to divide the plunder for that, but what does that mean and how do I do that?
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Now to my problem: is there a way to make changes to .inits effective without having to start an entirely new game?
For example: I have been tweaking the weight of goods like gold and ebony (heavier and lighter, respectively) in order to make it more balanced and gold not being the only viable option for profit in the long run. However, all changes only ever take effect on a new playthrough, not on old savegames. By extension this would also mean, that every time your release a patch, the changes of the attached inits won't change anything within an already ongoing game, or am I mistaken/doing something wrong?

Did you try F11 (Reinit)? That should reload most initialization functions.

To the issue mentioned before, that the game doesn't start you off with the appropriate 2 skill points, this is fixed by editing the characters_init. :
Go for the line " ch.skill.freeskill = 0; " and set it from 0 to 2 (or whatever you like)

Thanks I'll test it.

The turbo mode on the world mode often goes from x1 to x20 and skips the 3, 5, and 10 stages, which is incredibly annoying for navigation.

I encountered a bug, that would crash the game on hoisting another flag from the f2-relations menu, while sailing in 3rd person.

Those were definitely working before, will check it out.

Also, crew morale on a ship helmed by another captain seems to decrease way to quickly: I can manually enhance it to excellent and immediately when I enter the world map I get a warning, that they are about to start a mutiny, even though I have about three million gold pieces in my treasury/ crew coffers, so they are definitely getting paid enough.
On my own ship this is never a problem.

This could be caused by a different in reputation as well (Hero vs Horror of the Seas) between you and your other captain.
Did you try F11 (Reinit)? That should reload most initialization functions.
Yes that did it, thank you
Thanks I'll test it.
Happy to help :)
Those were definitely working before, will check it out.

This could be caused by a different in reputation as well (Hero vs Horror of the Seas) between you and your other cTrie

I tried it, since I am currently on "Hero" and the other one was "floozy", changed it to someone "dashing", didn't work though.
Might be a bug, the update on the World map where it says:
"Each crewman's share is now "number"x average for this time" show a negative number for me, further decreasing over time (from -1.15 to -1.35 within a day)
How do I go back from signed articles with the crew? I have no idea how to "divide the plunder"

Thank you for the quick reply :)
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I tried it, since I am currently on "Hero" and the other one was "floozy", changed it to someone "dashing", didn't work though.
Might be a bug, the update on the World map where it says:
"Each crewman's share is now "number"x average for this time" show a negative number for me, further decreasing over time (from -1.15 to -1.35 within a day)
Look at the provisions and rum on your officer's ship, if they are not there, then a mutiny is arranged.
How do I go back from signed articles with the crew? I have no idea how to "divide the plunder"
It should tell you that you need to split the loot before you can exchange it for a salary. This can be done in the moneylender's house, there should be this function.
It should tell you that you need to split the loot before you can exchange it for a salary. This can be done in the moneylender's house, there should be this function.
Alternatively, if your ship is docked in a port, find your quartermaster. He should be on the main deck somewhere. If not, assign him as a party officer and then go to your cabin. The quartermaster is then able to split the loot. Talk to him, click "About...", then "About the ship and crew...", then "It's time to spread a little cheer among the men and divide the plunder". This is particularly useful if you're in a port which has no loanshark.
There were some files missing from the archive. I've now added them.

Just redownload the patch and extract it over your installation and it should work again.

I've also attached a quick hotfix with just the PROGRAM folder so you don't have to download the entire updated patch.

Works like a charm. I'm in your debt, captain!

Alternatively, if your ship is docked in a port, find your quartermaster. He should be on the main deck somewhere. If not, assign him as a party officer and then go to your cabin. The quartermaster is then able to split the loot. Talk to him, click "About...", then "About the ship and crew...", then "It's time to spread a little cheer among the men and divide the plunder". This is particularly useful if you're in a port which has no loanshark.

Thank you, that worked it out :)

Another problem:
Whenever the coast guard catches me on shore with smugglers, I cannot fight (drawing weapon works fine, but neither attacking, blocking nor shooting a gun/bow works).
My officers also don't fight back when attacked by the soldiers.
Furthermore I can't interact with the corpses, and the command prompt for F3 shows my own portrait plus name, as to talk to myself, however pressing F3 doesn't do anything either.
The problem goes away after going to a new region, which is an ok workaround, but in order to get the advanced smuggling I would very much like to find the mentioned item on a costguard's body ;)
1) In "Deliver a letter to a pirate chief" it would be nice to know from the logbook where Jurksen resides, since there are a lot of pirate settlements. (he is on Nevis)

2) After finding Henry Peat, when I am supposed to go drinking in the tavern with Gordon Carpenter, after the loading screen I am stuck (pictures attached) and unable to perform anything else but access a duplicate of my own inventory

3) I have noticed some ridiculous variety in the stats of ships, pictures attached:
A Heavy Brig with a max caliber of 0 and a min/max crew of 2/6
A level 8 ship (Hoy) outclassing my Heavy Pinnace, a Pinnace for sale and said Heavy Brig in both HP and Capacity


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The logs indicate there is a problems with the scripts, a fairly generic error.

It is always possible something is wrong with the latest patch, and I'm not if many people have tried it yet. Possibly try installing the previous version instead (Release 15.0.0-alpha.10 · PiratesAhoy/new-horizons), that version is known to be good.

If that works, it is a problem with the patch. If that does not work it must be a problem on your end.
That did work for me. I’ve been switching off between the new standalone build and build 14. For some reason though, everyone only has one fighting animation move and that’s the lung horizontal slash and a lot of the Npcs stun lock eachother until one dies or gets overwhelmed lol
@Ygramul Those ship stats do indeed seem bugged

@Avocuddle Improving the combat system is still on the todo list. The vanilla PotC engine had a much more complex combat system that I'm still trying to figure out how it really worked.
1) In "Deliver a letter to a pirate chief" it would be nice to know from the logbook where Jurksen resides, since there are a lot of pirate settlements. (he is on Nevis)

2) After finding Henry Peat, when I am supposed to go drinking in the tavern with Gordon Carpenter, after the loading screen I am stuck (pictures attached) and unable to perform anything else but access a duplicate of my own inventory

3) I have noticed some ridiculous variety in the stats of ships, pictures attached:
A Heavy Brig with a max caliber of 0 and a min/max crew of 2/6
A level 8 ship (Hoy) outclassing my Heavy Pinnace, a Pinnace for sale and said Heavy Brig in both HP and Capacity
Just to help you out with that bug, cause I had that same problem when I was porting New Horizons on Maelstrom Engine. What you need to do is, you need to sort all ships inside ships_init.c starting from class 7 to class 1. That way, it will work and you will get normal stats in shipyards. I don't know why it fixed the issue, but it fixed it for me on Maelstrom.
Just to help you out with that bug, cause I had that same problem when I was porting New Horizons on Maelstrom Engine. What you need to do is, you need to sort all ships inside ships_init.c starting from class 7 to class 1. That way, it will work and you will get normal stats in shipyards. I don't know why it fixed the issue, but it fixed it for me on Maelstrom.
Thanks for the tip!

Re-organizing ships_init sounded like to much work, so I had a look into the actual cause of the problem. It seems `CopyAttributes` didn't used to copy the parent values, it now does (probably since CoAS).
So removing the additional code for swapping the attribute values in the code that sorts the ships fixes the issue.
My changes: Fix sorting of ships · PiratesAhoy/new-horizons@86c6fb6
New patch is available:
  • #34 Fixed characters not starting with 2 free skill points when using manual skill selection
  • #102 Fixed not being able to issue commands to allied ships. You can now select toggle between ships using the up and down arrow keys
  • #115 Fixed not being able to save unless cheat mode was enabled
  • #116 Fixed incorrect and unbalanced ship statistics when purchasing from shipyards
  • #50 Now removing all worldmap encounters when exiting to sailing mode, to fix bugs caused by dangling encounters
  • Will now show food and rum rations in the worldmap UI
Download patch alpha.12
New game is highly recommended due to the addition of 2 new keybindings, which tends to mess up the controls.

Alternatively, deleting the options file - and resetting all your ingame settings - could allow you to continue a previous game, but I cannot guarantee it.
Hi @Hammie. First of all, congratulations for your great work!!

I have a question regarding the version and the pros and cons. I have played all Akella games. I like a lot the PoTC CoAS as i consider the most "finished". And i played a lot the GoF ERAS II. But, as programmer and modder, i really love to be able to see the code, to be able to mod or tweak a few things, and overall, to see a live project!

So, my question is which are the main differences on Beyond New Horizons vs PoTC CoAS mods? And vs Maelstrom and GoF ERAS II? Can be a bit confusing or difficult to select to be honest hehe.

Thanks a lot!! Really appreciated your effort!
Hi @Hammie. First of all, congratulations for your great work!!

I have a question regarding the version and the pros and cons. I have played all Akella games. I like a lot the PoTC CoAS as i consider the most "finished". And i played a lot the GoF ERAS II. But, as programmer and modder, i really love to be able to see the code, to be able to mod or tweak a few things, and overall, to see a live project!

So, my question is which are the main differences on Beyond New Horizons vs PoTC CoAS mods? And vs Maelstrom and GoF ERAS II? Can be a bit confusing or difficult to select to be honest hehe.

Thanks a lot!! Really appreciated your effort!

I don't know much about the CoAS modding scene myself, so not sure how it compares. This is largely just a continuation of New Horizons.

I think the biggest difference currently, is probably the combat system. We still use the much simpler attack/block system from PotC and New Horizons, even though it uses the newer engine.

I don't know much about the CoAS modding scene myself, so not sure how it compares. This is largely just a continuation of New Horizons.

I think the biggest difference currently, is probably the combat system. We still use the much simpler attack/block system from PotC and New Horizons, even though it uses the newer engine.

Thanks for your answer. I have installed your Beyond New Horizons and i´ll say that the camera controls (and freedom) and the overall graphics quality is a big difference. But in another way the New Horizons has more movement freedom on land (bigger maps).

Thanks again!