A few thoughts on the new stuff - I haven't got very far yet but anyway...
. As previously mentioned, the player is strongly encouraged to become a pirate. First I get possibly the best pirating ship in the game, let alone "Early Explorers" period, the fast galleon. Then I'm sent to San Salvador, I need to hoist a pirate flag before I get there, giving me all the reason I need to steal someone's cargo and sell my ill-gotten gains before going to the one place where I can make peace with pirates - San Salvador town hall. Then I'm sent to the pirate settlement on Nuestra Senora de las Nieves, the one place where I can join the Pirate Brotherhood. The code for false flag recognition now works, and the bug whereby no items are for sale if you land at a beach seems to be fixed. All of which means that if Spain doesn't like the player (which it probably won't if the player is me

) then the player is likely to want to moor at a beach rather than in port.
. So I loaded up an old save from when I was in Santiago with two sailors still to round up. After completing that, I went to the ship for the cabin scene, which now ends with me being sent to Santo Domingo. I landed at Boca de Yuman, walked into Santo Domingo and nothing happened. Partly because it's the usual way to get information when no other clues have been presented, and partly because I've seen the new dialog files, I figured I needed to talk to the tavern keeper, but he didn't have anything useful to say. At least, not until I'd remembered that you don't cater to beach landers, so I walked into Santo Domingo port, Bonnie said her piece, and then the tavern keeper was more helpful. Guille the Kid then failed to appear - this was an old save after all, and Guille the Kid doesn't exist in this game.
. Next I tried starting a new game and used the jump start to go straight to Santo Domingo. Guille the Kid did appear in the tavern but didn't appear outside. That's because your upload puts "SDTown_l.GM" into "RESOURCE\MODELS\Locations\Town_SantoDomingo". It should go into "RESOURCE\MODELS\Locations\Town_SantoDomingo\center". With the file in its proper place, Guille the Kid duly appeared outside the tavern.
. Please remember to put all new character names into "characters_names.txt". The Spanish and Russian translations are progressing nicely; if the new names are added to the English file, the translators can put them into their respective versions. Most of the names will be the same in the Spanish version, though the Russian version needs
everything translated because it uses the Cyrillic alphabet.
. Descriptive names such as "Cunning Frog" will be translated in Spanish - for comparison, take a look at "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\SPANISH\Storyline\Ardent\characters_names.txt", in which "Soaring Hawk" is translated as "Halcón En El Cielo". What that means is that this...
Cunning Frog said:
My names ending with the letter 'G' is a funny coincidence. Because no one who drinks wine has a name starting with the letter 'G'!
... will not work because the Spanish translation for "Cunning Frog" probably won't end with "G". It might work if everyone else whose name in English ends with "G" has a different name in Spanish which ends with the same letter as Spanish for "Cunning Frog", though that will probably spoil the joke of "Donkey Kong". And the Spanish version of "PZChief Cunning Frog_dialog.h" will need to replace 'G' with the Spanish common letter. Russian will need to do the same.
. In English, all nation names are capitalised. That includes descriptive names - "French", "European", "Spaniard" etc. I've corrected a couple of dialog files. There may be more needed.
. Back to Guille the Kid. He tries to threaten me because there are three of them with daggers. At least after the jump start, there are also three of us, with swords, and Blaze is not one to back down from a fight. Lorena Lopez starts from some distance away and if Beatrice hadn't been frozen in place by 'LAi_SetActorType', Guille the Kid and his mates would be down long before Lorena finally arrived. Perhaps start Lorena a bit closer? And have Lorena tell Guille that she's saving him from us, not the other way round.