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WIP Spanish translation

I used the Beaufort scale of wind (I used the more generic but still accurate names shown between brackets in the table, instead of the more "technical" ones [although they do sound more colloquial than technical, they may be just more traditional denominations] because they're more descriptive, closer to the English counterparts and easier to understand for most players, who tend not to be sailors in real life).
Escala de Beaufort - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
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Fair enough - if you look at the English version of that Wikipedia entry, then look at the English descriptions in the original "WhrWeather.c", the author seems to have done the same.

I haven't had time to test this yet so it might not work properly, or not work at all. Back up your original files, then copy this lot into place and see what happens... (Or wait until I've had a chance to try it myself.)


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Google translates "una ventolina" as "a whirlpool"! Does it really also translate to "light airs"? That is the lowest wind rating above "The air is calm", for winds up to 2 knots.

Likewise, are you sure about "un viento fuerte"? That translates to "a strong wind", but the original is "a near gale". This is the highest level reported by "WhrWeather.c" and is for wind speed over 27 knots.

I already used "wind_at" for the same reason that you used "atk". ;)

For the translation of "a near gale", I would bet on: "similar a un vendaval" or "cercano a un vendaval"

There is a near gale{Sopla un viento similar a un vendaval}
There is a near gale{Sopla un viento cercano a un vendaval}
For the translation of "a near gale", I would bet on: "similar a un vendaval" or "cercano a un vendaval"

There is a near gale{Sopla un viento similar a un vendaval}
There is a near gale{Sopla un viento cercano a un vendaval}
That would be a literal-ish translation. "Near gale" is not simply a description of a wind close to a gale, it's the specific name of a wind condition (wind between 28 and 33 knots), and in Spanish that specific name is "viento fuerte" o "frescachón". Again "viento fuerte" here doesn't just mean "any wind that is strong" as a generic desription, but in the context of the scale of wind strength, it means the same particular condition that "near gale" means.

In fact just "vendaval" would be appropriate too for "near gale" as that is described as "Viento fuerte que no llega a ser temporal declarado", that is "a strong wind that is not quite a gale". I'm tempted to change ir because as a word, it sounds more elegant and beautiful than simply "viento fuerte" and also carries the idea that is not just any strong wind but a potentially dangerously strong one, but I'd rather stick with the official Beaufort scale, as the English version does.
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The Beaufort scale in English has several descriptions for force 7, which is 28-33 knots:
High wind, moderate gale, near gale
PoTC's weather report in English uses the most severe of those, "near gale". While wind speeds in reality can go a lot higher, this is the highest level in PoTC. I'm not sure whether a 33 knot wind would capsize something the size of a frigate, let alone a 1st rate ship of the line, but a PoTC storm can certainly capsize them if you don't point your bow into the waves.

The Beaufort scale in Spanish has no such flexibility, with "Viento fuerte" the only description listed on the Spanish Wikipedia page.

Perhaps "Vendeval" might therefore be more appropriate? It might not be accurate to the Beaufort scale, but the effect of the wind might not be accurate for force 7 either.
I'm not sure whether a 33 knot wind would capsize something the size of a frigate, let alone a 1st rate ship of the line, but a PoTC storm can certainly capsize them if you don't point your bow into the waves.
Steady wind won't cause a capsize.
But a wave/squall/sudden downdraft could.
Certainly broken loose cargo would create a loss of stability.

I actually read in a book this week about sailboats being lost at sea in seemingly favourable conditions.
Wind from behind, boat close to top speed; then capsize.
It makes sense when you consider the loss of stability caused by the wave the ship makes through her own speed.
Yep, in fact, when playing in Spanish now, if you have the Spanish version of the stock game that is, you get some of the stock game loading screens, which are in Spanish, and the mod-specific ones in English. I planned to update them but that's fairly low in the list of priorities.
I'm going to do the top level picture files. How would you translate:
"Loading Build 14"
"Load Savegame"
"Start New Game"
Thanks for that, @Homo eructus! :cheers

I've made the Spanish screens for those, as well as a few for my "Ardent" storyline - which means the texture folder is now too large to upload as an attachment, even zipped. So you can find it here:
http://piratesahoy.bowengames.com/potc/Grey Roger/international_start.zip

Also included in there is a revised "quest_reactions.c" for FreePlay so that, if you don't want to do the preliminary tutorial quests, they should close when you put to sea regardless of which island is your start point (depending on your nationality). And there's a change to "PROGRAM\reload.c". The function 'FindReloadPicture' searches for the folder in which a picture file is located, in this order:
  • "RESOURCE\Textures\Loading", top level
  • Language-based subfolder, e.g. "RESOURCE\Textures\Loading\Spanish"
  • "RESOURCE\Textures\Loading\English"
So it will take the top level versions of files such as "new_game.tga.tx" in preference to the language-specific versions. I simply changed the order so that it looks in the language-based sub-folder first.
Hello partners.

After an odyssey to get the 2003 game required for the POTC. I have the mod installed and working properly.

I would like to officially collaborate with this translation group.

My level of English is low and I write thanks to the google translator.

I have a lot of experience translating the dialog files of the "Sea Dogs TEHO", I have also retouched the interface files.
Hello partners.

After an odyssey to get the 2003 game required for the POTC. I have the mod installed and working properly.

I would like to officially collaborate with this translation group.
Welcome aboard! :cheers

Any assistance is welcome. Your level of English does not need to be perfect, as long as you can understand the game text. It is your level of Spanish which is important as that is what you will be writing, and it is certainly better than mine as the only way I write Spanish is through Google Translate!

Plenty of dialog files need to be either written or checked. Most of those in "PROGRAM\DIALOGS\SPANISH" were created by some sort of automatic system which did not do it very well. The "¿" and "¡" marks used in Spanish are missing from almost all of them. Some lines which have "\n" as a line break in English do not have it in Spanish. And sometimes the Spanish is just wrong. Several of the storylines have yet to be translated, both dialog files and questbook files.

As for interface files, if you have Photoshop, GIMP or anything else which can read Photoshop format files, you can use this as a starting point:

Nobody is being paid for any of this, so there is no pressure. Do what you want, when you want to do it. Then your work goes into the update archive and your name goes into the documentation files to credit you for your work.
Thank you all very much for adding me to the translation group. :ahoy

The folder you are commenting on does not appear in my game, in that location I only get \ PROGRAM \ DIALOGS \ ENGLISH

It may be because my original game is the Spanish version.

I pass the edited files to you, maybe the font is not correct ... :read



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[QUOTE = "JTem, publicación: 578999, miembro: 26268"] Hola socios.

Después de una odisea para obtener el juego de 2003 requerido para el POTC. Tengo el mod instalado y funcionando correctamente.

Me gustaría colaborar oficialmente con este grupo de traducción.

Mi nivel de inglés es bajo y escribo gracias al traductor de Google.

Tengo mucha experiencia traduciendo los archivos de diálogo de "Sea Dogs TEHO", también he retocado los archivos de interfaz. [/ QUOTE]

Welcome JTem, in case it helps ..., I use up to four automatic translators, but the one I use the most is Deepl, which in my opinion is the best by far, especially since it has the option of many synonyms for each word.

Traductor de DeepL
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