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WIP Spanish translation

A small correction in the pronouns in common.ini and the Ardent questbook and related files reviewed and fixed.

Next step should be the dialogs, a quick test showed that many of them were not only badly autrotranslated but outright broken, which menat that I wasn't able to properly test every questbook entry. But to avoid translating the same dialgos twice, like with the storyline-specific "blaze" or tavernkeeper dialogs that share many lines, the best course of action would be starting with the main dialogs and use them as a template.
The storyline-specific "blaze" should not be there. If it's still there, it is because part 2 of the installer still has the local version, the 2018 installer doesn't remove it, and I can't remove files with the update archive, only add or overwrite them. If the local version is still appearing then the best thing to do is copy "PROGRAM\DIALOGS\blaze.dialog.c" and the corresponding "blaze_dialog.h" files into "PROGRAM\Storyline\Ardent\DIALOGS" so that the local version is the same as the general version. And I'll need to make a copy in the "Ardent" folder in the update archive.

The same goes for tavernkeeper dialogs. The main dialog version is the correct version. If local versions still exist, they're obsolete because all the storyline dialog is now in the main version.
In WoodesRogers and GoldBug the storyline blaze dialogs differs from the common. Is this a problem?
No need to take care of it, I uploaded it already translated. As I said, I have all the questbooks translated in my old files, so I only need to update them.
Some of them certainly need to be updated. For example, smuggling for a governor has changed drastically and so has questbook "governor_smuggling.txt".

@Grey Roger @Bartolomeu o Portugues. I'm looking at the characters_names file for the Bartolomeu storyline, and it also needs the new Street Merchant treatment, like the Gold-Bug and others, so it can translate the name properly. FreePlay also could use the same update for the character named Spanish commander, because the word "Spanish" by itself, like "merchant" is checked in common.ini first.
And also "Prison Guard".

The attached file includes:
  • Updated character definitions for "FreePlay" with revised names for "SpainCommander" and the prison guards, plus "characters_names.txt" with added lines to match;
  • "interface_strings.txt" contains some new lines for the "Ardent" storyline;
  • "ItemsDescribe.txt" for "Assassin" has a couple of corrections - "capitán" is correctly spelled and "Time bomb" is not just "bomba", which would merely be "bomb", Google translates it as "Bomba de tiempo". (Possibly wrongly, so if you have something better, that can be used);
  • "characters_names.txt" for "Bartolomeu" has the "Street merchant" line.


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  • "ItemsDescribe.txt" for "Assassin" has a couple of corrections - "capitán" is correctly spelled and "Time bomb" is not just "bomba", which would merely be "bomb", Google translates it as "Bomba de tiempo". (Possibly wrongly, so if you have something better, that can be used);
Bomba de tiempo is very literal and sounds rather awkward in Spanish. All the translations for time bomb that I can think of make reference to more modern methods of timing, like "bomba de relojería" (literally "clockwork bomb"), or "bomba con temporizador" ("timer bomb"), so they don't fit at all. That's why I left it as "bomba", I don't think there are other items named "bomb" that it could be confused with, and the "time" part can be easily understood from the descriptión. If anything it could be "Bomba de mecha larga" (long fuse bomb), as described in the description.


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Other questbooks needing to be updated:
  • Patric.txt: extra line at the end for female player characters
  • Thomas_delivery.txt: now tells you what you are supposed to deliver to Arnaud Matton because some players traded cargo on the way to Martinique and then did not know why Arnaud did not say anything about the quest.
  • Thomas_OReily_contraband.txt: uses preprocessed variables for the cargo types. In particular, you no longer smuggle ebony from Jamaica (where it is contraband) to Martinique (where it is not).
  • trade.txt: new line added to remind you to replace cargo which you lost or sold on the way to the destination.
No problems for my storylines then as there are no sidequests avaialble.
In "StartStoryline.c" for "Woodes Rogers", you've removed Marc Blacque from Port Royale, but have you done anything about the rest of the family in St. Pierre? If Milon is still there, it will be possible to start the quest but not complete it.

You might also want to remove "Willem Voigt". He sits in Philipsburg tavern and talking to him starts the "Kapitein of Kralendijk" sidequest. Likewise, if you want to disable the "Strange Things Going On in the Archipelago" sidequest, you can remove "Rian Dekkers", "Janneke Blinkerhof" and "Lisebet Schefold", the women who stand outside Kralendijk town hall. (The "Jack Sparrow" storyline removes them because it has its own version of this quest.)
Bomba de tiempo is very literal and sounds rather awkward in Spanish. All the translations for time bomb that I can think of make reference to more modern methods of timing, like "bomba de relojería" (literally "clockwork bomb"), or "bomba con temporizador" ("timer bomb"), so they don't fit at all. That's why I left it as "bomba", I don't think there are other items named "bomb" that it could be confused with, and the "time" part can be easily understood from the descriptión. If anything it could be "Bomba de mecha larga" (long fuse bomb), as described in the description.
Apparently "bomba de tiempo" is used in Latin American Spanish. I had never heard it before and it sounds weird to my ear but I guess it's correct, so I'll swallow my words. I'm sure plenty of things I write sound weird to Latin Americans.
Apparently "bomba de tiempo" is used in Latin American Spanish. I had never heard it before and it sounds weird to my ear but I guess it's correct, so I'll swallow my words. I'm sure plenty of things I write sound weird to Latin Americans.
So Spanish has the same problem as English, with different versions in different parts of the world. xD ("Football" in America is not the same game as "football" in Britain, or for that matter the rest of the world!)

I'd already corrected "ItemsDescribe.txt" to say "Bomba de mecha larga". It's easy enough to change the file back to "Bomba de tiempo". Which one do you want?
Either is fine. At least I, being from Spain, write in Castilian Spanish (although I try to minimize the use of some words or expressions that I know can be problematic or confusing, like the verb "coger" which is a perfectly innocent word for "take", "grab" or "pick up" in Spain but it means "to f*ck" in many Latin American countries), so I guess the more coherent would be "Bomba de mecha larga", which is equally understandable in both cvariants.
Apparently "bomba de tiempo" is used in Latin American Spanish. I had never heard it before and it sounds weird to my ear but I guess it's correct, so I'll swallow my words. I'm sure plenty of things I write sound weird to Latin Americans.


Another definition that could be used for "Bomba de tiempo" would "Bomba con retardo" , "Bomba de retardo o "Bomba de explosión retardada".

I also have the same problems to understand according to which type of Spanish, I would dare to say that it is one of the languages with more variants due to its geographical extension.

Even in Spain there are some dialects that are a language in themselves ...

P.S: I take note of the meaning of "coger" in South America ...
This should be it. A couple of tiny changes in interface_strings ("pueblo taíno" for "aldea taína", they're similar words, aldea being a smaller less developed settlement, but I changed it because that's the one I've used in the questbook and most other instances of "village"), the updated main questbook, including the new Colombian silver quest, and the storyline folder for Bartolomeu


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More two-word character names that could use re-definition, this time in Jack Sparrow's storyline:
French Soldier
Random Drunk
Spanish Solider
Prison Commendant

And in Standard, possibly:
French Sapper
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