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WIP Geralt of Rivia

Yes i have access to the "POTC Modding" sub-forum, so i will check out the thread, thanks @Grey Roger! :cheers

Here is the file.
Also i can't insert quotes for some reason. :shrug


  • Witcher.c
    1.6 KB · Views: 237
Are you perhaps getting two "FreePlay" storylines showing up? If so, this may be why:
   switch (LanguageGetLanguage())
       // default:
           sl.(sn).title = "Free Play";
           sl.(sn).description = "Choose from several pre-defined characters or freely customize your own. Various background professions are available, some featuring different starting scenarios. An open-ended and dynamic game world awaits in six unique time periods! You can even choose the United States by setting the starting date after 1770.";
That's still in "Witcher.c". See what happens if you change them.

You can also change the 'sl.(sn).start' lines to suit Geralt, e.g.:
   sl.(sn).start.model = "Geralt";
   sl.(sn).start.model.lock = true;
   sl.(sn).start.name = "Geralt";
   sl.(sn).start.lastname = "of Rivia";
   sl.(sn).start.name.lock = true;
   sl.(sn).start.nation = PERSONAL_NATION;
   sl.(sn).start.nation.lock = true;
   sl.(sn).start.playertype = PLAYER_TYPE_ADVENTURER;
   sl.(sn).start.playertype.lock = true;
   sl.(sn).start.difficulty = DIFFICULTY_SEADOG;
   sl.(sn).start.Flags.Pirate = 5;
   sl.(sn).start.Flags.Personal = 30;
   sl.(sn).start.ship = "Lugger1";
   sl.(sn).start.ship.lock = true;
   sl.(sn).start.shipname = "Roach";
   sl.(sn).start.shipname.lock = true;
   sl.(sn).start.date.hour = 13;
   sl.(sn).start.date.min = 20;
   sl.(sn).start.date.sec = 33;
   sl.(sn).start.date.day = 16;
   sl.(sn).start.date.month = 6;
   sl.(sn).start.date.year = 1754;
   sl.(sn).start.date.lock = true;
   sl.(sn).start.freedom_level = 2;

The various "lock" lines prevent the player from changing these features. FreePlay doesn't have them because the whole point of FreePlay is to allow the player to choose anything. "Tales of a Sea Hawk" allows you to choose pretty much everything except the date. Other storylines lock everything - "Hornblower" just wouldn't be the same if you chose to play as Nathaniel Hawk using Jack Sparrow's character model in 1650. xD

When you try to start a new game and look for your storyline, have a look in "compile.log", "system.log", and "error.log" if it exists. Or, after running the game, looking through the storylines, and failing to find "Witcher", post those files here. If something is going wrong, they may show a clue as to what it is.
Yes, the game now loads, i added start location/port and the quest files of tales of a sea hawk, so its a not working copy of that quest line that will guide me, on how to make my storyline files!
Yes, you'll need "quests_reaction.c" and "both_reaction.c". However, "both_reaction.c" does not need to contain much, it just needs to exist. Have a look at the one for the "Hornblower" storyline, it's a minimal file which does nothing.

One thing to note: you'll also want to create the folder "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\ENGLISH\Storyline\Witcher". You can see the sort of things which go into the similar folders for other storylines, including the storyline's "characters_names.txt" file. As of next update, these "characters_names.txt" files are going to contain all names from their respective storylines (and "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\ENGLISH\characters_names.txt" will contain all names from the general game). Names aren't normally translated, but we have someone working on a Russian translation and Russian uses a completely different alphabet. So please create the file for your storyline and include the names of the entire storyline cast.

Don't copy "Tales of a Sea Hawk"! Have a look at "Hornblower" instead, it's much easier to follow because it's a very linear story - pretty much everything happens in sequence and "quests_reaction.c" follows that sequence. "Tales of a Sea Hawk" is a horrible mess - if anything, it's a good example of how not to write a storyline. xD

Or have a look at that thread about my "Ardent" storyline and maybe download the earliest version, which was also fairly linear as it only got as far as the escape from prison. Once you've got the story started, you can build it up gradually - play it through, check that it works, figure out why it doesn't work, fix it, then add the next bit and repeat.
Last edited:
I have made the loading screen for the Traveling worlds storyline! :cheers


I will also change the portrait of Geralt, to one from the witcher 1 now that i found a good picture to use.
Didn't I included that in the ZIP I linked to? Hmm, my old self is disappointing me...
No, just the Photoshop files for two sample screens.
It's your loading screen for your storyline. You can make it as consistent or not as you want. ;)

Well... That's my opinion, at least.
Mine, too - it's your storyline so you're free to do with it as you please. :onya

Incidentally, you could also look through the "Assassin" and "Bartolomeu" storylines. These are also relatively linear and easy to follow.
Here is a small update that includes a new portrait for Geralt and the final version of the storyline loading screen. :monkeydance

Loading screen:


  • update.rar
    625.8 KB · Views: 327
@The Nameless Pirate: could you perhaps shorten Geralt's 'model.storytext' line in "initModels.c"? The full story just about fits onto the screen after you've selected him and are back to the main selection screen, but it does not fit onto the character selection screen:

If you're writing a storyline, the full background story could perhaps go into a ship's log entry or a questbook. (In fact, even for FreePlay, the full story could be put into the ship's log. Have a look through "PROGRAM\Characters\characters_init.c" and see how Hilda Sparre gets her customised introductory log.)
Yes, i will shorten it and make it so it is written in first person since it's going in the ships log.
Here are the new initModels.c and characters_init.c

I have also fixed the misspellings of travelling inside the menus and i will also upload a corrected version of the loading screen later today. :facepalm