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WIP Geralt of Rivia

Also, is there any code needed, in order to use the new interface textures for the sword?
You have to define items25 in RESOURCE/INI/INTERFACES/pictures. Search for ITEMS_24 for.ex.

Is there any way to have the sword, but not being able to use it until you reach a certain level?
Not that I know. Have you tried setting the blades minlevel to 20 or something and try to use with a much lower level?
If it's not that easy maybe I could come up with something.
You have to define items25 in RESOURCE/INI/INTERFACES/pictures. Search for ITEMS_24 for.ex.

Thanks @Jack Rackham, i found it before you posted when i added the portrait, but still thanks for this and the level cap suggestion. :cheers


I added character portraits and story description for free play. :monkeydance

Model description:

Story description :type1:

Character menu:

Now all that's left is to try the level cap, tidy up the files and upload them.
If you want me to try getting that big blade on your back please upload all files concerning it.
Have you tried setting the blades minlevel to 20 or something and try to use with a much lower level?
If it's not that easy maybe I could come up with something.
It'll require a specific change to the inventory interface file.
The functionality isn't in the game at the moment, though it shouldn't be too hard to add.
Here are the files, i tried it on a different computer and it worked correctly, so all the files must be included.

If any file is missing then tell me and i will see about it, probably not but just in case. :shrug

Not that I know. Have you tried setting the blades minlevel to 20 or something and try to use with a much lower level?
If it's not that easy maybe I could come up with something.
Also, lowering the level didn't work, i believe that this is for non unique swords that are not given to the player in the beginning.

Have fun! :cheers


  • geralt.rar
    1.5 MB · Views: 214
Is there any way to have the sword, but not being able to use it until you reach a certain level?
First thought: why? If you can hold a sword then you're already using it - perhaps not very well if your "Melee" skill is low, but you are wielding it. Also, looking at the storyline description, Geralt has already been doing heroic deeds, probably with that same sword. Perhaps for similar reasons, Ciri starts the game with her own sword fully operational.

MinLevel won't help. It controls the level you need to be before a weapon will show up for sale from stores and street traders. Your sword will presumably never be for sale, so MinLevel will not affect it.

Perhaps require the player to do something in order to find the sword? Or you have to talk to someone, who does not appear until you're high enough level. That can certainly be done, and indeed has been done - you won't get Francis Drake's sword until you've done Angelique Moulin's quest, and she doesn't appear until you're at least level 15. Another method would be to have some quest code triggered by level which places the sword somewhere, then you have to go and find it. (Incidentally, if you want to see another fantasy sword, look at "blade308", alias "Sword of the Earth". You can find this in a dungeon on Cayman.)

If you really need to have the sword but be unable to equip it, you could define a new quest item - look for the 'InitQuestItem' lines in "initItems.c". Use the same interface picture and description as for the actual sword. It won't appear on your character, only equipped weapons show up, but it will appear in your inventory. Then have some quest code which triggers when you're at the appropriate level, removes the quest item and gives you the actual sword.
If using a fake blade (non-equippable) maybe make it an ammo item type to make it show up in the weapons department rather than in the quest items.
I have done this with my special ammobag that can be equipped only if the belt already is.

Another option would be to make an exception for the blade when trying to press the equip button. (if not certain conditions are right)

I'm not sure it gives the player such a good feeling starting with a super blade and not being able to use it. So I vote for either use it from start or find/get it later on.
Hmm..., for now we can leave it as it is, when i find time i may write a quest in which after reaching a certain level you find Ciri in an island, she gives you back your sword that you lost when you were teleported into the POTC world teleported and becomes your officer.
In that case, you might want to look at how @Bartolomeu o Portugues triggers his "Family Story" quest, which is only available if you're playing as José Joaquím Almeida. You don't want just anyone to meet Ciri and receive the sword. (You really don't want someone playing as Ciri to meet Ciri and receive the sword. xD) Look in "PROGRAM\Storyline\FreePlay\quests\both_reaction.c" and "quests_reaction.c".
If you really need to have the sword but be unable to equip it, you could define a new quest item - look for the 'InitQuestItem' lines in "initItems.c". Use the same interface picture and description as for the actual sword. It won't appear on your character, only equipped weapons show up, but it will appear in your inventory. Then have some quest code which triggers when you're at the appropriate level, removes the quest item and gives you the actual sword.
That is quite a clever solution!
I would've just hacked the equip button "enable" code in the inventory interface code.
But that would clutter general code with quest stuff, which is not ideal.
Your approach sounds much cleaner. :onya
I did something similar in the "Ardent" storyline, though in the opposite direction. You're to marry Lucia and have chosen a ring, so that ring (or one of them, if you have more than one of the type) is removed from your inventory and a quest item with the same interface picture added. That prevents you from selling the wedding ring before the wedding. :p

But a quest which ends with you finding your adopted daughter and receiving the special sword is much more epic than just gaining a level and suddenly being able to equip it. :onya
I did something similar in the "Ardent" storyline, though in the opposite direction. You're to marry Lucia and have chosen a ring, so that ring (or one of them, if you have more than one of the type) is removed from your inventory and a quest item with the same interface picture added. That prevents you from selling the wedding ring before the wedding. :p
You REALLY did put a lot of careful thought into that storyline, didn't you? I'm impressed!
Not really surprised, though. You seem to put a lot of thought into everything you do. :onya
But a quest which ends with you finding your adopted daughter and receiving the special sword is much more epic than just gaining a level and suddenly being able to equip it. :onya

And i was going to anyway, write a quest that reunites Ciri and Geralt in the Caribbean, so this way we kill two birds with one jar of dirt. :rumgone
I have the files, and have installed them on my PC.

By default FreePlay sets you up as player type "Rebel", specifically an Irish mutineer on a British warship in 1682. This is due to Build Mod history. Years ago, sidequests were only available in "Tales of a Sea Hawk". @Jason Maffetone didn't like having to do errands for Governor Silehard so he cloned the storyline, deleted the quest and gave it a custom start. This was the "Brave Black Flag" mini-story. It has evolved over the years to become the much more flexible FreePlay, but in honour of the original, the default settings are still for "Brave Black Flag". So anything which is not specifically set for a character in "initModels.c" uses those settings, and that's why Geralt also starts off as an Irish rebel with the harp Personal flag, smoking skull pirate flag, in 1682.

You can change any or all of this in "initModels.c". For example, if Geralt is a dragon hunter then he's probably Sword Master or Adventurer, so the attached version of "initModels.c" adds this:
model.playertype = PLAYER_TYPE_ADVENTURER;
And this is the result:
Add 'model.Flags.Pirate' or 'model.Flags.Personal' lines to set different flags. Add 'model.date.year', 'model.date.month' or 'model.date.day' lines to have your choice of date - the year is particularly significant because that will also set the period.

That's the result of this addition to Geralt's part of "StartStoryline.c":
       ch.name = TranslateString("","Yennefer");
       ch.lastname = TranslateString("","of Vengerberg");
       SetModelfromArray(ch, GetModelIndex("50LCroft"));
I had a look at Geralt's entry on the "Witcher" page to find someone associated with him. This simply changes Malcolm Hatcher's name and appearance, the character still uses the normal introductory dialog. You can change those lines to someone more suitable as a tutor to Geralt. (The character will retire from the ship and appear in a nearby tavern in case the player wants any more help with the game, so don't change this character to Ciri if you plan to involve a proper Ciri character in a quest!)

@Jack Rackham: there's a slight problem with the sword on the back:
geralt_walk1.jpg geralt_walk2.jpg
It's difficult to see with static pictures, but the sword bounces up and down as Geralt walks. Is it possible to make the sword more stable?


  • initModels.c
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  • StartStoryline.c
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It's difficult to see with static pictures, but the sword bounces up and down as Geralt walks. Is it possible to make the sword more stable?
That may be a game engine limitation. Hope not, but chances are high... :unsure
Good idea @Grey Roger, adding Yennefer :onya, but i may include her in the quest. ;)

Also, i was going to anyway make Geralt start as an adventurer but forgot to add it. :cheers

About the sword, yes it bounces up and down and i was going to bring it up since it bugged me but you got to it first, if there is no way to make it more stable then i believe it shouldn't be in the build mod.

But the file should say online, in case a player want to use it despite the problem. ;)